"I'm fine, it's just that it's too hot right now, that's why I'm like this, you don't have to be like this."

"Let's go over to eat quickly. If we're late, maybe everyone has finished picking out the dishes."

Sivaro, who was next to him, looked at the expressions of the two of them and understood why Cocolia became like this.

"Klara, please come with me. You stand with Cocolia and leave me alone. Can you bear it?"

Seeing that Swaro, who was usually not very attached to him, could say such a thing.

Clara had naturally forgotten such trivial matters as Cocolia, and hurried over and grabbed Swaro’s arm.

"Can I just go with you? Cocolia has Lin Qiye with her. I was just worried about her."

After the four of them went to have dinner together, Lin Qiye decided to teach everyone how to make popcorn that day.

"Clara, when I go on stage later, you are responsible for showing it to others below. As for Swaro, you should go to the field to take a look at the current situation of the field. Then we will decide what to plant in the field. ”

Shivaro was naturally very unconvinced when he heard this, and besides, he wanted to stay with Clara all the time.

"How about you send someone else to the field? I want to be in the audience with Clara to help guide you."

"You must not beat the couple, otherwise Clara and I will both hate you."

Seeing Shivaro's appearance, Lin Qiye smiled contemptuously.

"Rather than letting everyone in the entire base hate me, I hope that you two will hate me. After all, I sent you away. It will be much safer when making popcorn in the entire base. I'm afraid you are giving everyone guidance. That thing happened again when you were making popcorn in the kitchen.”

"Besides, I allocate tasks according to the areas you are good at. You can't help much by staying here, and you will make everyone think you are getting in the way. You might as well just go to the fields from the beginning. Doing the task well in the field can be regarded as solving one of the worries of the base, isn't it? "

After hearing this, Swaro lowered his head.

After all, it's a fact that I'm not very good at cooking. If I still can't face up to this problem, it will appear that I am a little petty.

"Then if I complete the task over there, can I come back to find Clara?"

"Of course, as long as you finish your work over there, you can come back. As for what you do after you come back, I won't interfere at all."

After getting the affirmative answer, Swaro quickly took the instrument and ran into the field and started to get busy.

After all, now, I don’t want to be separated from Clara at all.

Even if we were apart for a short while, I felt that time passed extremely long.

"Lin Qiye, is it bad for you to lie to Shivaro like this?"

Cocolia pulled Lin Qiye aside and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"I'm not going to lie to Schwaro, do you think he might go? Besides, I didn't say how long it would take him to complete the mission. He said it himself. After he completed it, he could come back to find Clara."

"What does this have to do with me? Don't slander good people here."

Seeing Master Lin Qi's shameless appearance, Cocolia sighed helplessly.

The innocent Swaro was still busy in the world, but he didn't know that by the time he finished his work, it was already dark.

"Anyway, as long as you feel that you are worthy of your conscience, I can't tell you anything else."

"If you wait until Clara and Shivaro react and take revenge on you, you must not come to me. There is nothing I can do."

"Okay, okay, my little ancestor, I understand. This kind of thing won't happen in the future. Isn't that okay?"

"Do you want to stand on the stage with me and teach everyone, or do you want to learn from below? In fact, my suggestion is that you just stand on the top and take a look."

"After all, I know how to do these things, and it won't be of much use to you if you learn them. I will do them at home in the future."

Cocolia's ears instantly turned red when she heard such love words.

"Why are you like this? There are so many people here. I will be embarrassed if you say this."

Lin Qiye smiled and touched Cocolia's head, pulled him directly beside him and brought him to the stage.

After everyone in the base arrived, Lin Qiye started his popcorn teaching.

When everyone's pots were filled with fragrance, everyone was amazed at Lin Qiye's power.

"This is the first time in my life that I have smelled something so fragrant."

"Yes, this smell is different from the food we ate before. I can't say what it feels like, but it smells much better than the food we ate before."

"And it's very simple to make. I feel like this food is very filling. Just making it once can feed our family for a day."


After hearing that everyone said good things, Lin Qiye breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, before teaching, I had been worried that everyone would not be able to accept the taste of popcorn. Now it seems that everyone seems to like this thing quite a lot.

"Lin Qiye, apart from this, do you have anything else to give us? I think this tastes great, but it would be a bit too monotonous to just eat this one."

"Yeah, we also think this one is too monotonous. We can't harvest so much corn and make it into popcorn all the time."


Everyone's positive feedback is an encouragement to Lin Qiye.

"I will teach you one type today, and I will teach you another type tomorrow. You have to learn this slowly, and you can't rush it."

"And in the past two days, I have to think carefully about what to plant in our base next. My energy is limited, so I can only hand it over to everyone in the past two days. I hope everyone can understand me."

Because the few people who made trouble before were always there to show off, others naturally had no objections after hearing what Lin Qiye said.

"Actually, we are not busy trying to make these things into food these two days. If you are busy these two days, you can put aside teaching us things for a while."

"You can wait until you have thought about what to plant next in the base and then teach us."

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