Star Rank Hunter

Chapter 46: Consolation

It is said that when Mo Heng was away on a business trip and came back after a while, he found Xilin's leave note left in the studio. At that time, Mo Heng's face turned from sunny to cloudy. This made everyone in the research department go silent. Everyone knew that Mr. Mo was in a bad mood, quite bad.

Because he knew some matters about military operations, Mo Heng endured no contact until he heard that the matter had come to an end, and when Xilin analyzed and synthesized more than 100 kinds of antibodies by himself and overwhelmed more than 50 base researchers, Mo Heng was in a bad mood. It was only a little bit better, and according to Vice Principal An Ting's words, the old fox's tail was a little higher again.

But Mo Heng didn't expect that as soon as the communication was connected, he heard that Xilin had an accident, and Mr. Mo's originally cloudy mood directly turned into a storm. Listening to Huo Ding's explanation over there, Mo Heng's complexion became even more gloomy.

"You're saying that my apprentice made such a great contribution with injuries, but in the end he was murdered?!"

Huo Ding was silent. Based on what he knew about Mo Heng, it was better not to speak at this time.

"How is the situation now?" Mo Heng's voice became low and heavy, so heavy that it was a bit unbearable.

"After rescue, the therapist just said that it is now a little more stable..."

"I'm not worried, I'll bring some people over there now..."

Huo Ding communicated in a lounge next to the emergency room. While Huo Ding was sweating profusely dealing with Mo Heng, the medical staff knocked on the door and came in. Huo Ding had told him before that as soon as there was any progress in the emergency room, he would immediately to inform him. Seeing that Huo Ding was communicating, the medical soldier handed over the electronic notebook.

After seeing the content in the e-book, Huo Ding suddenly felt a little more confident.

"Old Mo, just got the news that Xilin is out of danger."

Seeing Mo Heng's obviously distrustful eyes, Huo Ding took the communicator into the emergency room and asked Mo Heng to look at the vital data on the instrument, and then looked at Xilin's face. After looking around for a long time, Mo Heng finally believed it. However, he still requested that Xilin be sent back to Qiyao as soon as possible, otherwise Mo Heng was worried.

"Let me tell you, even if all the people in the base were fed rats, I wouldn't bat my eyelids, the old man. The combined value of their group of people is far less than my apprentice! Why should I have a major accident caused by my incompetence?" Let others pay for their lives? Bah, bah, fuck the hell...Why should they let others wipe their butts?!"

As soon as Mr. Mo got angry, the ruffian came up. His son, General Mo Qing, was well-informed by the old man. Huo Ding and Gerald had experienced General Mo's ruffian back then. Once the ruffian came up, don't worry about it It's rare for anyone to stop him from doing what he's about to do, and what he says is definitely the antithesis of grace.

People like Mo Heng, on weekdays when he is in a good mood, he will put on the appearance of an amiable senior academic, but if he loses his temper, you can ask for more blessings.

A person with a good temper and a good temper is talking about this principle. The world they face is big, but the world in their hearts is not necessarily big, so when they protect their weaknesses, don't stop them. This Huo Ding is very clear, so he can only keep silent about Mo Heng's extreme remarks. He will forget the moment he hears it, otherwise it will affect Mr. Mo's kind image...

Fortunately, when I came in just now, I let the medical staff go out, otherwise, alas, let's not talk about it.

After instructing Huo Ding again, Mo Heng reluctantly disconnected the communication, but within an hour Huo Ding had to report the situation of Xilin to Mo Heng, otherwise Mo Heng would bring someone over himself. How could Huo Ding dare to be a master of Mr. Mo.

Mo Heng's face didn't look much better after he disconnected from the communication. Since he decided to accept Xilin as a direct disciple, he has also investigated the Daowance family and knows the tricky and nasty things about family competition. The influence of the Dawance family in the 10th trade area is considered great, but for Mo Heng, it is useless at all. Mo Heng looks at the individual's ability rather than the background or the benefits brought by this person's identity. He even hopes that For Xilin to be able to break away from the Daowance family, it is best to have no background at all, so as not to get caught in those nasty fights.

However, since this kind of thing happened now, Mo Heng would not just watch his apprentices suffer, some people would have to pay the price.

Although Mo Heng is engaged in academics, in fact, the old man also has a heart of iron and blood. You can tell by looking at General Mo Qing. If he can teach someone like General Mo, how can the old man be a soft-hearted character? …

Mo Heng adjusted the signal transmission code of the communicator and dialed a number...

Some people stretch their hands too far, and they are used to domineering in the ten trade districts, so they don't know how big the universe is!

Huo Ding, Knight and others set out to track down the perpetrator, and it didn't take long to hear that the woman committed suicide by injecting cyanide in the pharmaceutical warehouse, and did not avoid the warehouse monitor, injecting a large dose of cyanide in front of the monitor screen. The failure of the mission also exposed herself, she had no way out, and she didn't understand why Xilin was still alive when she was dying. It was obvious that the injection time had passed so long, but she was still alive.

How did this woman get into the medical ship? And who is covering for her? For the transfer of medical staff, the interrogation is also relatively strict. She definitely has an accomplice, and there must be more than one person. It may be a soldier, a researcher, or a medical staff...

Huo Ding also knew the complexity of this. Thinking of his promise to Mo Heng, Mo Heng immediately decided to let the ship send the wounded back to Qiyao first, and Xilin, Pride and others sent special personnel to guard them so that nothing could go wrong. Otherwise, the epaulettes on his shoulders would have to be removed.

When all parties were busy, although Xilin fell asleep, his mind was very clear. He knew what was happening around him, he also knew Mo Heng's concern for him, and he knew that Knight, Harder, and Sage had been guarding the door at that time. outside.

It would be a lie to say that he was not moved. When Xilin was very young, Yuanye told him that human beings live in groups. People who run in the galaxy, pass by or pass by There are hundreds of billions of people, but there are only a handful of people who really treat you well. This is a kind of wealth that cannot be obtained for a long time. Even a loner has a deep concern hidden in his heart.

The play was developing according to Xilin's prediction. He expected that those people would come back, and when he saw the woman with the medicine tray on the monitor, he knew the back was coming. So he turned on the communicator and left clues for Knight to track down. Even if he couldn't track down, he could force the killer to death. This kind of killer's mission failed and exposed himself, and he would definitely die.

However, this incident also made Xilin feel the long-lost warmth, the comfort he felt again after Yuan Ye and Hena left one after another. When he was lying on the hospital bed, at least someone was guarding the other end of the door.

For his peers, he has experienced too much.


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