Star Rank Hunter

Chapter 64: Who is the Trapped Beast?

The effect of the medicine will not be effective so quickly. After all, this forest is very large. Maybe many flying ants will never encounter those people, but as long as one of them does, it will trigger a chain reaction.

Without other backup, if Xilin wants to win this hunting, the preliminary work must be done in place. Along the way, as long as they encountered flying ants' nests, Xilin would spray the medicine, allowing these flying ants to carry the medicine crystals to the depths of the forest to increase the success rate.

Xilin was not in a hurry, the "Black Thorn" person didn't say why he was here within an hour, so he was patiently making preparations now.

From receiving the message to sneaking into the woods, it took Xilin a total of only fifty minutes, twice as fast as Qiyao's direct speeding car. The place marked by the other party on the map is deep in the woods, and he will definitely not be able to get there in ten minutes, and the other party's purpose is obviously not there. The reason why he talked to Xilin for an hour is just to let Xilin have no time to find helpers. As long as Xilin can be seen within an hour, those people will not care about Teresa. After all, Xilin is their biggest target.

There is no contact information, even though they knew that Xilin had arrived in the woods, they did not show up to explain, there was no negotiation, and there was no follow-up communication. Their purpose was only one, to kill Xilin. Other places in Qiyao are closely followed by security teams, and this is the best place to solve it.

Time passed slowly, but Eagle Thorn found no trace of Xilin at all, as if he had disappeared. After noticing any abnormalities around, Eagle Thorn was about to contact other companions, but when he raised his hand, he found a few flying ants on his arm. He shook them off with a light shake, but this was just the beginning, one after another Flying ants flew over, arms, pants, back, mask, flying ants began to fall everywhere.

Because this action was too hasty and he didn't know much about this forest, Eagle Thorn thought that he might have accidentally bumped into a flying ant nest, so he retreated tens of meters. But the situation didn't improve. More and more flying ants landed on the mask, which seriously interfered with Eagle Thorn's sight. The eagle thorn that was about to be wiped suddenly gave off a warning sign. This is an intuition cultivated through years of experience.

Eagle Thorn quickly jumped away from the spot, and dodged a few times, but the angle of the flying needles was too tricky, and none of them were in a straight line. The speed was very fast. Eagle Thorn avoided the first few needles, but was still caught The needles tore some skin on the arm, and the camouflage suit was punctured, leaving two holes.

It was a kind of thorn needle with three sides sunken and protruding three sharp corners, but these thorn needles shattered when they penetrated into the tree trunk or hit a stone, and then slowly melted and disappeared.

While the eagle thorn was moving rapidly, he took out the medicine and sprayed it on the wound. The medicine quickly formed a layer of film on the wound to seal the wound, preventing the blood from floating out, and keeping the wound within a local area, even if the needle was poisonous. won't spread too quickly

Eagle Thorn's reaction speed is not unreasonable, and it moves very skillfully. It hardly makes a sound. After a few dodges, it hides behind a big tree, and is alert to the people around it.

Still haven't found each other!

Eagle Thorn dare not be careless, people nowadays like to use guns more, even their "Black Thorn" prefers to use guns to solve the target, but Eagle Thorn also knows that people who can use this ancient hidden weapon are obviously not good stubble. Eagle Thorn even felt that Xilin was more like a killer, silent and calm, lurking in a darker place and watching them.

It's just that Eagle Thorn was only on guard against Xilin, ignoring the flying ants that landed on him one after another. The wound was sealed with medicine, but the two holes on the camouflage suit provided convenience for the flying ants.

The eagle thorn gradually felt something was wrong. The gnawing of the flying ants brought itching and stinging pain, and it began to spread like a whole body. The flying ants landed on the eagle thorn, looking for entry points, shoes, trouser legs, and punctured holes. And other places began to drill in one after another.

In order to prevent another sneak attack, Eagle Thorn endured the mixed pain, itching and discomfort, trying to calm himself down and ignore those feelings, but it became more and more difficult to control his emotions. Eagle Thorn hoped that Xilin could make a move quickly so that he could move and get rid of those flying ants, but Xilin remained silent after that, as if a hunter was quietly watching the struggle of a trapped animal.

The poison of flying ants is not fatal, but it can stimulate people's nerves and make them feel restless. Now Eagle Thorn is obviously starting to develop in the direction of anxiety.

Eagle Thorn knew that the other party was waiting for the gap he couldn't bear to deal a fatal blow, but the taste of being bitten by thousands of flying ants was really unbearable. Suicide is also unwilling to endure such torture. …

The mask was full of sweat, Eagle Thorn didn't know how long he could bear it, the toxin had already started to stimulate his nerves. Eagle stabbed his teeth, took a deep breath, and rushed to the distance with a bang. Running without a specific trajectory can better avoid being locked by the opponent.

Dodge and deal with the flying ants in the clothes first, or else you will definitely lose if you drag it on.

A flying ant bit through the breathing hole on the mask and crawled in, and got into Eagle Thorn's nostrils. Eagle Thorn's running steps stopped for a moment, and at this moment, a needle pierced his throat.

The blood makes these flying ants even more excited, because there is their favorite smell in the flowing blood. More and more flying ants landed on the thorns, densely covering the surface of the thorns.

Eagle Thorn quickly stopped breathing.

After judging that the eagle thorn had lost its vitality, Xilin rushed out and walked to the side of the eagle thorn.

Eagle Sashimi wears special camouflage clothing, which is infrared-resistant and changes color according to the environment. Eagle Thorn had a silencer gun in his hand, but Xilin didn't touch it. This gun had been modified and contained a miniature self-explosion device. Xilin didn't seem to keep a bomb by his side.

Xilin found another infrasonic gun from Eagle Assassin. After looking at it, he put it away. You can take this one.

In the depths of the woods, Tiger Thorn's face was very gloomy, because the light point on the pocket watch-sized life display in his hand that indicated Eagle Thorn had gone out, which meant that Eagle Thorn was dead.

"The eagle thorn is planted!"

"How is that possible!" Brown Thorn ran over and looked at the life indicator in Tiger Thorn's hand. Seeing the extinguished light spot, Brown Thorn paused, "I'll go and deal with that guy." Since Eagle Thorn can fall, then Others may not be able to please, so they can only do it themselves.

"No need, Brown Thorn, I'll go with Snake Thorn, there's no need for you to go out." A person next to Tiger Thorn stopped Brown Thorn and said.

Tiger Thorn nodded, agreeing.

After the two left, Tiger Thorn looked at another light spot that went out on the life display, and turned to Teresa who was lying on the ground.


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