Star Rank Hunter

Chapter 70 Arriving at Planet C-N976

In the training department, the sky is still only twilight, but the place has already become active, an hour earlier than usual.

The students in the military class got up surprisingly early and ran to the special port of the training department, stretching their necks and watching around. Gerald didn't care about them, this happened every year, it might not be a bad thing for these students, at least it could stimulate them to work harder.

Not long after, a passenger flying car landed at the parking spot at the port.

The first person to get out of the car was one of Qiyao's teaching directors, followed by Flo, Pride, Knight, Xilin...

All ten of them wore specially-made costumes, mainly sky blue. Every year, the Qiyao comprehensive battle school uniform is different. The seven colors change in turn. Last year it was green, so this year's main color is blue after green. On the chest of the clothes is the Qiyao school badge in seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. On the back of the jacket are the Qiyao logo and the names of the students. Everyone's clothes are unique.

This suit symbolizes a kind of honor, representing Qiyao's honor of participating in the regional comprehensive battle.

As soon as they saw them, the students around them started talking.

"Which is which? Which is shadow x?"

"It's the one with the light gray hair next to Flo, he's Shadow x!"

"I can't see it!"


The ten people ignored what the students said about them, and followed the dean.

The four of Xilin are still in a sleepless state. The excited and insomniac Long took the three of them to play cards all night last night. It was time for sleep, so in the morning, all four of them came here with four dark circles under their eyes.

"Hey, did the four of you catch thieves last night?" Gerald looked at the group of people who came over, his eyes were on Xilin and the others, and he could see their serious sleep-deprived expressions at a glance.

"We played cards all night..."

Xilin covered Long's mouth, who was about to continue talking, only this idiot who lacked a string would speak the truth confidently in this situation, didn't you see the veins on the head of the teaching director throbbing.

Knight and Ci Jincheng turned their heads away from Long at the same time. Dude, can you be more lively?

The task of the teaching director is to hand over these ten people to Gerald, who will lead the team to star c-n976. After the two had finished talking, Gerald led ten people onto the starship.

There is the Qiyao logo on the starship, and there are other medical staff and staff inside. These people are selected through training, and most of them are people from the training department and the security department.

The ten people on the starship had arranged a separate lounge. The four of Xilin went directly to the lounge to catch up on sleep after boarding the starship. The others also found it boring and went back to the lounge to watch the video recordings of the comprehensive battle from previous years.

In the next few days on the starship, Gerald told them some precautions and some past experiences, and then answered the questions raised by several people. To achieve good results, the most important thing is to cooperate, so Gerrard left more time for a few people to run in, so as not to cause trouble when it happens.

When Xilin and his party arrived at planet c-n976, people from the four military academies were already there. In addition, there were also teams from two high schools in the b star area that arrived earlier than them.

Like Qiyao's students, they are most concerned about the real body of Shadow x, but when they see Xilin, it is really hard to believe that he is Shadow x. From the outside, Xilin is really not like the shadow x in everyone's mind, more like The eldest son of a rich family.

There is a twelve-story building in the camp specially built for the students who come to participate in the competition. The second floor is the restaurant, and above the second floor is the dormitory. Each team occupies a floor, and before that, the colleges and universities have drawn lots to determine the floor, so there is already a conclusion about which floor I and others live on, and there is nothing to object to even if there is an opinion.

Next to the student dormitory, there is also a large gymnasium. There are indoor and outdoor ones. Needless to say, Xilin and others are familiar with the indoor ones. And the outdoors are much richer.

Flying slides, flying cars, armor, fighters, etc. are all available, and they are still for military use, and their performance is much better than ordinary ones. When many students come here, if they feel bored, they can go out for a walk in the fighter jet. It's a pity that the scenery here is not good. Mechanized buildings can be seen everywhere, or it is a large field field. Don't even think about the green mountains and green waters. The flowers are blooming and colorful, which can only be seen in dreams. arrive. …

"Xilin, do you want to try?"

Knight hooked Xilin's shoulder and pointed to the fighter planes parked on the field. Fighter planes may be relatively new to other students. After all, they can only be touched on virtual platforms on weekdays, and not many people have piloted real fighter planes. But Knight got in touch early, when he could not walk, his father took him for a walk in the plane. Of course, Knight was staying in the protective cabin at that time, otherwise Knight's infant physique at the time would have been too much.

"Yes." Xilin simply replied.

"I want to participate too, how about...the four of us compete?" Long said, pointing to Ci Jincheng who was standing behind and reading a book.

"Good idea! Ci Jincheng, come?" Knight looked at Ci Jincheng.

Ci Jincheng closed the book, "Of course. The four of us in the dormitory go for a walk!"

Pride raised his chin and snorted, what's there to walk around, these planes don't even have tracking missiles, they're just here to fool the students, only those who have never seen a fighter plane or played a fighter plane will be curious .

Knight squinted at Pride's contemptuous "hum" and said, "The loser of the challenge machine is not qualified to 'hum'!"

Pride choked on Knight's words and blushed, wishing he could rush up and fight with Knight. He did lose two out of three battles against Knight on the regional platform.

If you want to use fighter planes in the training ground, you need to register first. Originally, Saatchi and others wanted to fly, but since Knight said that the four of them wanted to compare first, Saatchi decided to wait and see the flight of the four of them. Besides. Although he has been in contact with fighter jets before, this is after all in the c star area, and Sachs feels even more excited.

The four of Xilin all chose the same model, and after registration, the four of them boarded the fighter plane separately.

Not far away, people from the four military academies, whether they were in the training room or the dormitory, smiled expectantly when they saw the four fighter planes taking off from the field.

Komos leaned on the railing, looked at the four fighter planes that took off and said, "Should they also encounter that kind of situation?"

Feng Haichao turned on the display in his hand, and the images of four fighters were displayed on the pop-up light screen. "Of course, the few above like to tease the students. Knight probably would not have thought that such a thing would happen in this kind of place, but when he found out, he couldn't inform other people."

"I'm really looking forward to it!" Yue Lou yawned and leaned in front of the light screen.


There was a power outage last night, and the chapters for the evening could not be published. This is a supplement. Under normal circumstances, there are two changes in preparation.

Thank you book friend Shenzhen Bodyguard for your reward! ^^


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