Star Rank Hunter

Chapter 73 Arrangement

Ten teams, from planet 300, both planets are on the edge of sector c, supervised by the military.

Each team is assigned a small starship, and more than one hundred engineering and technical robots assist other affairs inside the starship, but it is limited to the journey to the destination. After reaching the space station outside the target planet, the more than one hundred engineering robots Technical robots will be in a dormant state and cannot be brought into the planet to be used as force to attack other team members.

After arriving at the space station outside the destination planet, the team members will uniformly transfer to the aircraft that has been prepared at the space station to go to the stronghold on the planet. At that time, there were really only ten players participating in the battle. If there were any technical problems, the team members would solve them by themselves.

Team members are not allowed to bring their own weapons, and they will be distributed by the camp. If there are special requirements, an application can be made. The application items need to be reviewed by the person in charge of the camp, and only those that meet the requirements can be carried. Subspace containers cannot be carried, and food, energy boxes, etc. are also uniformly distributed by the camp, making the equipment of the ten teams basically uniform. Only a unified baseline can see the pros and cons of students in each school.

Gerald and other leading officers could not go with the team members, but had to take another aircraft to go there. Moreover, during the comprehensive battle, they can only stay at the space station on the c-n300 planet, and cannot intervene in the students' actions.

The task of the trainees is to collect all ten energy blocks, and whoever turns in the ten energy blocks first will complete the task first. There are a total of 100 energy blocks, and these 100 energy blocks are buried in advance. Only the person in charge of this project knows the location of each energy block, and no one else knows about these energy blocks.

Although on average, each team can be divided into ten, but in fact it is not the case. Aircraft that stay at the stronghold also consume energy, as well as the defense system installed on the aircraft after landing, life energy consumption, electronic energy consumption, etc. all consume energy. Generally speaking, to complete the task smoothly, the team members need to collect 12 to 13 energy blocks in total, ten of which are used for task handing in, and the rest are used for energy consumption.

The ten-member team of Qiyao was led by Knight, and Xilin was the vice-captain. Don't look at Knight's usual look of being too lazy to care about you, but if you really take responsibility on your shoulders, you will become much more stable.

Ten teams from ten colleges gathered at the port not far from the camp and set off for the c-n300 planet.

The c-n300 asteroid is used as the battlefield of comprehensive warfare every year. The mechanization on the planet is not very serious. There is a sea, but that is not a battlefield of comprehensive warfare. There are also garrisons and monitoring stations on the planet. These are not theaters of comprehensive warfare. scope.

Most of the comprehensive warfare theaters on the planet are jungles, and there are also some large lakes. In order to ensure the food supply of the students, some small mammals were specially released in the jungle, and there were also fish in the lake. Highly dangerous giant fish and large animals do not exist in the theater of comprehensive warfare, so in comprehensive warfare, the greatest danger comes from students from other universities.

Every student wears a special induction suit, and the guns distributed in the camp are not the usual lethal guns, but specially modified ones. The students who are shot will judge whether they are "dead" based on the induction suit. ", if it is judged to be "dead", the student will be out of the game, and at the same time, people from the military will come and send him to the monitoring station on the planet, and will no longer participate in the battle.

For Xilin, this is just a game, a typical teaching game without real life and death. But for many non-military cadets, this is their first significant battle.

Each team has a specific stronghold on this planet. When the early comprehensive battle players arrived, they had to grab the stronghold by themselves, but later it gradually developed into a direct assignment.

There will always be a lake around each stronghold to solve the students' water problems.

After successfully arriving at the space station on the c-n300 planet, the engineering robots in the starship all went into a dormant state and remained motionless. Xilin and others transferred to the aircraft that had already been prepared there, and drove the aircraft to land. From now on, all things must be done by the students themselves.

The first thing after landing is not to scan whether there are energy blocks around the stronghold or where the nearest energy block is, but to make preparations.

"Scan the surrounding terrain and open the light energy panel." Knight ordered succinctly. …

Although I have obtained maps before I came here, those maps are from last year. There may be special circumstances such as crustal movement to change the terrain, and the growth of woods and grasslands and the distribution of small mammals must also be considered. Scan the surroundings to obtain real-time maps. It is convenient for subsequent actions. The purpose of opening the light energy version is to save energy, absorb the light energy of the stars and store it, so as not to use the energy blocks that were collected with great difficulty when the energy is insufficient.

"The map is successful." Conman moved his finger on the control panel to call up the map.

"Analyze strategic points and start to arrange."

After analyzing the strategic points according to the terrain, it is necessary to start to deploy land "sentinel" defenses within a certain range, and to sound the alarm in time when other team members attack. In addition, you also need to arrange traps, etc., and make corresponding changes according to your needs.

At the same time, Ci Jincheng analyzed the weather conditions and predicted the weather for the next five days to facilitate the formulation of action plans.

On the night when he came to c-n300, Knight did not decide to start an operation, but asked everyone to rest first, because once the battle broke out later, it would be rare to have time to rest, and the nerves would always be tense. So before the parties start, everyone should take a good rest.

Long Ben went to the lake to catch fish, and he didn't feel nervous at all, just like traveling.

During dinner, Knight looked at Xilin and Long and said, "I heard that you two are being targeted."

The leading officers of each team told their team members that whoever sent Xilin or Long out of the game would be rewarded heavily after returning. The incident of that day really pissed off those officers.

"My young master is born to be the focus of everyone's attention." Long didn't have the slightest awareness of being targeted.

"When the time comes, you just don't make two mistakes."

Those who need to focus on defense in various colleges and universities have already said that Knight will no longer be verbose. Flo and Conman basically do not participate in external confrontation operations. Conman is a purely technical personnel, Flo is in charge of medical care, and both belong to the logistics.

After the meal, the rest of the team rested, leaving the team members on duty to watch the night. The first night's vigil was Xilin's, which was proposed by himself, and when he came, he had already slept soundly on the starship.

Vigil, something has to be done.


Thanks to book friend sfcsz for the votes and rewards, and thanks to Immortal Emperor Mo Yang and Shenzhen Bodyguard for their rewards! ^^


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