Rogge's tone became more intriguing.

She was even more interested now.

I want to know how Lidya Su plans to convince her.

"For me now, this money is not enough to pay the full amount, but for the middleman queen of Night City, it is just a drop in the bucket. You only need to give me more than a month, and I can fill this hole for you."

"This is not just a transaction, it is also the basis of trust. You can

Trust me, but I think for the sake of the hundreds of thousands I transferred to you before, you can try to trust me. "

Roger nodded.

"Well, your speech is very touching."

"And what's your answer?"

"Okay, I allow you to repay the remaining balance after two months."


"No, you don't need to thank me," Rogge laughed. Compared with before, her smile seemed much more sincere. "I almost forgot to tell you that although I don't believe you, I have known the priest for a long time. , and Regina..."

"I've known her since she was still working on corporate scandals. They think very highly of you, don't let them down. And more importantly, don't let me down."

"Work hard, little rookie. When the things you want arrive, I will send someone to deliver them to you."

A few days later, an ordinary van drove up to the downstairs of the apartment in the valley area.

The car body is painted with the logo of a decoration company in Night City.

Several renovation workers got out of the van.

Carrying large and small bags, he walked inside.

The leader is Emeric, who has been guarding the door of "the next life" all day long.

Because there were too many things, they divided into two groups and took the elevator upstairs.

Half an hour later, they came down in the elevator, but their hands were empty, without the large and small bags they had brought when they went up.

The group got into the van and left quickly.

After seeing off Emerick and others, Su Xiao called people she knew to inform them that she would be "retreating" in the apartment for a period of time.

Of course, if they have an emergency, they can contact themselves.

But if nothing happens, don't disturb yourself first.

Then the background of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the apartment was switched to metal entities.

And lock access to the elevator.

Only then did we enter the weapons modification room.

Seeing Emerick and the others bringing in the materials they needed, Su Xiao rubbed her cheeks vigorously.

"start work."

Half a month later.

The door to the weapons modification room opened for the first time.

Su Xiao walked out carrying two customized bulletproof combat uniforms in each hand.

Hang them individually on hangers.

He snapped his fingers, and the voice-activated lights turned on, dispelling the darkness in the room.

But he was not satisfied and switched the color of the lights several times until the smart home device changed the lights to warm colors in the style of a fairy tale world...

Only then did Su Xiao take a few steps back with satisfaction, put her hands on her hips and admired her masterpiece in the past half month.

The customized bulletproof combat uniforms hanging on the hangers, from left to right, are his own white windbreaker and overalls.

Jack's leather jacket and jeans.

Lucy's white off-shoulder coat, black high-cut tights, and white shorts.

Finally, V wore a long red dress.

These four custom-made bulletproof combat uniforms are the result of what he has been working on for the past half month except for sleeping.

It's finally completed now.

The finished product he produced is not a copy of Nantong Zhengshuang's bulletproof vest.

First of all, he did use the same principle as Nantong Zhengshuang's bulletproof vest.

Subcutaneous armor is also used, covering the outside of the clothes.

It’s just that Nantong Zhengshuang uses the third generation subcutaneous armor.

Su Xiao uses the fourth generation subcutaneous armor.

It has better defensive performance, is also lighter, and does not hinder flexibility.

Secondly, is the most important.

These four pieces made by Su Xiao are inside the customized bulletproof combat uniforms.

Also filled with experimental thickening liquid.

This material was not purchased from Rogge, but was inspired by him when he obtained the drawings of a customized bulletproof combat uniform.

There is no other branch in the City of Night.

The purpose of the experimental thickening liquid is to penetrate into clothing.

Under normal conditions, it exists in liquid form.

However, once the clothing is impacted or compressed...

The experimental thickening liquid turns into a hard solid, making clothing stronger and harder to penetrate.

Therefore, body armor made from experimental thickened liquid is usually soft and comfortable.

Once it is chopped or stabbed by a sharp weapon such as a knife, or impacted by high-speed bullets or shrapnel, it will become extremely tough at the moment of impact.

And it can quickly disperse the impact force along the clothes, greatly reducing the pressure per unit area.

When the impact force disappears, the experimental thickening liquid returns to its liquid state, and the clothes become soft again.

Su Xiao never had it, so she and Jack could apply for membership in the trauma team.

The reason is that instead of each person paying tens of thousands of euros to the trauma team every month, it is better to improve their own strength (equipment is also part of the strength).

Even though the trauma team’s slogan is “Seven minutes to save a life, or your money back.”

The actual situation is that even if you are a platinum member, there are still situations where the trauma team fails to rescue, leading to the death of the client.

Therefore, many people think that as long as they have a platinum membership package with the trauma team, they will be safe, but they are actually wrong.

But these four customized bulletproof combat uniforms are different.

This thing can definitely be used in their subsequent mercenary careers.

Comes in handy.

Thinking of this, Su Xiao couldn't wait to see Jack and the others' expressions when they knew that he had prepared such a good gift for them.

Without further ado, Lidya Su immediately called Jack.

Almost instantly, Jack answered the phone.

His trademark rough voice came through the holographic phone.

"Su? Are you out?"

"Well, where are you now? I have something for you."

"V, me, and Lucy, we are at the Wild Wolf Bar, you should come over quickly."

"I'll be there soon."

Ten minutes later, Su Xiao walked into the Wild Wolf Bar.

He followed Kakyoin Chika, who was wiping the table with a piece of cloth in the bar, and said hello.

"Miss Qianhua."

In the current Qianhua, the temperament of the soldier/killer he once was can still be seen.

If he hadn't known about her past, even Lidya Su would have mistakenly thought that she was just an ordinary waiter.

"Mr. Su, you don't need to be so polite. Just call me Qianhua. Do you want a drink? I'll treat you."

Seeing that it was Su Xiao who came in, Qianhua hurriedly stopped what she was doing.

For Lidya Su, her heart was full of gratitude.

If it weren't for Lidya Su, she would have died long ago.

Even her daughter may have been robbed by scavengers and died miserably.

The fate of their mother and daughter can be changed, all thanks to Su Xiao.

"Then you can just call me Su," Su Xiao waved her hand, "No need to bother, you are busy with your business, there is no need to greet me. By the way, where are Jack and the others?"

Su Xiao looked around and didn't find Jack or the others in the bar.

"Everyone is waiting for you in the alley behind the bar. Jack also said that if you arrive, just go and find them."

Su Xiao nodded, said goodbye to Qianhua, and went out through the back door of the Wild Wolf Bar.

Looking left and right, he quickly found the three Jacks in the alley.

Jack saw him and waved at him excitedly.

"Come here, Sue."

"What are you doing here?"

Su Xiao walked over and her eyes fell on an object covered with a dust-proof cloth behind the three people: "What is this?"

Jack said mysteriously: "It's a gift for you."

"Mine? Why did you suddenly think of giving me something?"

"We will answer this question later. Before that, Su, why don't you guess what's down here?"

Su Xiao pretended to think, but in fact, as long as he scanned it with the tactical eyepiece, he would know what was covered under the dustproof cloth.

"This is...a motorcycle?"

Jack was dumbfounded: "How did you guess right?"

Lucy and V seemed to understand the answer instantly.

Look at each other and smile.

Lucy pushed the white hair from her forehead behind her ears.

"Jack, if you want Su to guess something next time, you have to take off his "tactical goggles" first. "

Jack then woke up as if from a dream and pretended to be angry.

"Good guy, you cheated! Your conscience is so broken!"

Men were quarreling on the edge.

The girls were beaming with laughter.

"Okay, no more playing, Jack."

"I should be the one to say this." Jack's tone was a little depressed and full of unwillingness.

He had been trying to catch Lidya Su just now.

But Su Xiao didn't know which martial arts master he had learned kung fu from.

It's like wearing a pair of skates under your feet.

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