Starting From Sword Art Online

Chapter 32 Lisbeth Arms Shop

Asuna just walked into the guild's residence, looked at the two women who were arguing, and asked with a smile

"What are you talking about?"


The two women answered in unison, and then the two women stopped arguing about anything, turned their heads and snorted coldly. Fortunately, they walked back to the black cat group who were waiting not far away, and went to level with them, and Yulielle also turned back. Go behind Ye Yi.

Ye Yi breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Asuna's beautiful face, and said happily

"My lady, you are too timely."


Asuna, who had just returned to the guild, was immediately blushed and stammered to blame Ye Yi.

" are you talking about! Someone else is there."

Seeing the shy Asuna, Ye Yi felt a lot better after being rectified by the two girls, Shura, and stopped teasing her. She glanced around, saw the new weapon on her waist, and said with a smile

"Has the new weapon been made?"

Diverted by Ye Yi, Asuna happily picked up the weapon on his waist, showed off his attributes to Ye Yi, and then pulled the pink-haired girl beside him

"Jun Ye Yi, look, this is the life player I mentioned to you with advanced forging skills. Her name is Lisbeth."

Looking at this fan's hair and cute freckles on her face, Ye Yi smiled and said hello

"Hello, I'm Ye Yi, the president of Yinguang Pavilion. I'm very happy to meet you for the first time."

Lisbeth seemed to stare at Ye Yi in a daze, and quickly responded with a blushing stutter.

"Oh~ Hello, I'm Lisbeth, a senior forging life player."

Immediately afterward, Lizbet continued with an amazed tone.

"President Ye Yi is as handsome as the strategy team said!"

Hearing Lizbet's praise without hesitation, Ye Yi secretly said, as expected in the anime, he still speaks directly and is not good at hiding his emotions.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little inexplicable, Yuliye behind Ye Yi instantly looked at Lisbeth with alert eyes, while Asuna explained with an embarrassed smile

"Haha, Liz is outspoken and doesn't hide any thoughts."

Asuna and Liz have known each other for a while, knowing that Liz is a carefree girl on weekdays, she can say anything out of her mind, she just thinks Ye Yi is good-looking, and Asuna has to bite the bullet and explain in order to ease the embarrassment.

On the contrary, Ye Yi didn't care, it was just a truth, it was a compliment to himself, so he smiled and said modestly.

"Well, thank you Miss Liz for your compliment. By the way, is there something wrong with Miss Liz coming to the Silver Light Pavilion today?"

The neurotic Lisbeth just remembered the purpose of coming today and said quickly.

"Ah! I want to thank President Ye Yi for helping me find rare metals and create high-level weapons. With this high-level weapon, I became famous and established my own weapon shop on the forty-eighth floor. This time I came to thank Ye. President Yi's."

Ye Yi waved his hand, and instead of accepting Liz's thanks, he replied

"I didn't help you for free. Now I need your help to build two weapons."

After Ye Yi finished speaking, the petals in Ye Yi's left hand fluttered and gathered into a white-gold spear, and the flames in his right hand gathered into a black and red sword, and solemnly handed the two weapons into Liz's hands.

"Hey, can you make a weapon of this level?"

Weighing the two heavy weapons in her hands, and gently opening their attribute bar, Liz sighed.

"It's amazing! Such a powerful magic weapon must be made of precious metals."

Even though she knew that Liz could make magic weapon-level weapons in the anime, Ye Yi still asked a question.

"How about Miss Leeds, can you make it?"

The confident Liz has a firm tone and insists

"It's definitely possible, and my weapon shop on the forty-eighth floor now has a very strong weapon."

Ye Yi, who had thought of the plot in the anime, suddenly had a strange expression on his face.

"Miss Liz, are you sure that the weapon in your weapon shop can be compared to my Huamayi and Xueyang?"

Liz, who was still inflated with self-confidence, naturally swore an answer, and also invited Ye Yi to visit her weapon shop.

The helpless Ye Yi could only agree, preparing to let her know that the weapon that he was most proud of was not bad.

Looking at Yulielle and Asuna by her side, Ye Yi turned around and said to them

"Wait, Liz and I will go to her weapon shop to see the weapons, and I learned from the president of the Titan's Hand that I met on the forty-seventh floor before that there is a traitor in the raiding team monitoring our Silver Light Pavilion, and the smiling coffin is also prepared. Take action against us."

"I'll go to Liz's weapon shop to look at that weapon. First, go and investigate the raiders and the smiling coffin."

After finishing speaking, I followed Liz out of the Silver Light Pavilion, and the two women left behind looked at each other solemnly, and immediately set off to prepare for the investigation.

In front of the portal on the forty-eighth floor, the dazzling light disappeared, and Ye Yi and Liz appeared on this land.

Being led by Liz in front of him, he turned left and right, and finally came to a house with some trolleys next to it.

Walking into the house, I saw all kinds of weapons hanging on the wall at first sight, the most eye-catching of which was the blue-white long sword hanging on the wall behind the counter.

Liz excitedly ran to the counter, took off the long sword and handed it to Ye Yi, with a smug expression on her face.

I really can't bear to hurt Liz's self-esteem, but if Liz is complacent because of such a weapon, then she probably won't be able to forge the same magic weapon as Hanama's Blood Sun.

Ye Yi weighed the long sword in his hand, waved it quickly, reached out and picked up the Xueyang placed on the counter by Liz, and said with certainty

"Do you know Liz? Flowers and Blood Sun are not only about the level of magic weapons on the attribute board, but the highest level of Sword Art Online is magic tools."


Liz had a look of disbelief when she heard Ye Yi's words, and then Ye Yi continued.

"For a forging expert like you, there should be a list of weapons in the hands of intelligence dealers, and neither Huajianyi nor Xueyang has appeared in the list. I don't know if it can reach that level, so let's try it."

After finishing speaking, she picked up the blue-white long sword and slashed at Xueyang. Liz shouted in horror when she saw this scene.

"Don't! Your sword will break."

With a crisp sound, the blue and white long sword broke in half and flew to the floor, making a clanging sound.

On the other hand, Xueyang was unscathed, Liz quickly took back the blue and white long sword in Ye Yi's hand, turned her back and looked at the durability on the attribute panel, and said with a sad face.

"It's over, there's no way to fix it!"

Then he slumped to the ground, and the blue and white long sword in his hand disappeared into pieces. Looking at the sad Liz, Ye Yi replied calmly

"Miss Liz, I will pay you double the price for this sword."

Hearing Ye Yi's words, Liz stood up angrily and tried her best to keep her face close to Ye Yi's face, but found that she was still looking up at Ye Yi, so she tried to stand on tiptoe, looked at Ye Yi and said loudly

"I didn't do it for money. It was made by collecting materials and working hard at the time. It was my hard work. I hope its owner can take good care of it and not be rude like you."

Ye Yi's expression suddenly became playful, and the handsome features on his face exuded a unique sense of beauty

"Oh! Is this the best gear you can make? If so, sorry to bother you."

Hearing Ye Yi's answer, Liz's mouth swelled angrily and put her hands on her hips.

"Hey! You, I praised you when we first met, and now I want to take back this sentence. You are not a gentleman at all, and I am not my limit with such equipment, I just have poor materials. , or you will definitely be able to forge a weapon that cuts off your blood sun."

Ye Yi was really surprised. It turned out that the weapon forged by Liz was even more powerful than the one that was interrupted in the anime. It was completely comparable to Kirito's interpreter, but it broke quickly when it was cut on the blood sun. I was extremely disappointed. Liz also seems to have higher forging skills than in the anime.

This is Chapter 3 today*

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