Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 2 Chapter 98: Last 1 message

Ning Qingxue nodded. "Sometimes a lot of thoughts come out inadvertently, just like I came to the snake this time. I know that it is dangerous here, but I always imagine that I can meet Ye Mo, I will not Anything. If I used to, I wouldn’t have done this kind of thing. But now, I’m a little involuntary. I don’t know if I care about him, but I can’t say that.”

After listening to Ning Qingxue, Chi Qingqing said strangely: "Light snow, don't you marry Ye Daye, let Ye Big Brother be your block... Then divorce?" It seems that Ning light snow to snake to find Ye Mo is very bizarre, and now even go to the desert, is she really not to take Ye Big Brother as a shield? From her performance, how does she feel like she is in love with Ye Big Brother?

Ning light snow shook his head and shook his head. He said after a moment of silence: "I don't know why, just have a feeling. Now I can learn some news from others. Once his message is broken, the world is so big. Maybe I will never see him again. I thought that the snake should be his last news. I didn’t expect to know from you that he might go to the desert. If it really lost the news, maybe many years later. I will regret it."

Speaking of the fact that Ning Xiaoxue hesitated for a while, this continued to faintly said: "You don't know me. If it was a few months ago, I would never come to the place of snakes, let alone go to the desert. When you are changed yourself, maybe you will not care. When you understand, you will find that some people are doomed to be forgotten.

I used to use him as a shield, but when I understood him as a man, he had already left, leaving no chance for me. Sorry, 婉青, the reason why I say these things to you is because he is definitely not the same for you. Otherwise, he will not tell you about such things as fake marriage. Sometimes I really envy you. He will never tell me these words, but he told you..."

Chi Yuqing looked at Ning's light snow, and suddenly she sympathized with her. She should be the same as herself, but it is a little different. When she discovered the greatness of Ye, Brother Ye had left her. And when I was different, I found the man's excellence when I was in contact with Ye. The last time I listened to Ye’s tone, it seemed that there was no such thing as a light snow.

What is the meaning of light snow? Chi Qingqing was red and she thought of herself. However, she shook her head in a blink of an eye. Her thoughts were the same as those of Ningxue Xue. If he didn't come to Ye Mo himself, he would never go to her again. That is to say, Ye Mo’s attitude towards her is the same as that of Ning Xiaoxue, and she has not stayed in her heart. Does he have a sweetheart?

Chi Minqing suddenly wanted to see what Ye Mo’s people looked like. She and Ning Xiaoxue were so good that he didn’t look at him. What kind of person did he like?

Chi Yuqing prevented himself from continuing to think about it, but looked up and looked at Ning Qingxue and said: "Light snow, it is too dangerous for you to go to the desert alone, and the Taklimakan Desert is simply the "sea of ​​death". How many times. In the snake, maybe you can still meet Fangnan, but in the Taklimakan Desert, the sandstorm you encounter is the hot sun, which is the situation of nine deaths."

Ning Qingxue shook his head. "I know that the Taklimakan Desert is very dangerous, but do you know that I was seriously injured by the dying person not long ago? Death has been once for me, but I really want to ask him. Is it that I am so bad? Is it so difficult to meet me? As long as he says something, let me stop entangled with him in the future, I will leave immediately. My life is what he gave, and it is nothing to give him... ..."

The tone of Ning Qingxue is more sad, and finally I can’t say it.

Chi Minqing looked at Ning Qingxue with some sympathy and sighed and said: "Light snow, you are mad, do you want to be angry with Ye Big Brother? He can't see it at all. What does Ye Big Brother want for your life? My life is also saved by him. Do I have to give it to him? Moreover, Ye Big Brother definitely does not want to see you, maybe he really has something, maybe, maybe he didn’t think you want to see him or not... ..."

Ning Qingxue did not speak, her mind was decided, her anger was good, her gambling was good, and she did not see Ye Mo, she could not calm down. And she thinks her feelings are right, maybe this is the last news of Ye Mo, if she is not sure, she may never see him again.

Even if she is outside the Taklimakan Desert, she has to wait and see.

Seeing Ning light snow began to silence, Chi Qingqing already knows that Ning Qingxue is really determined.

She suddenly thought of what Ning Qingxue said. Perhaps this is the last news of Ye Mo. Once he came out of the Taklimakan Desert, where is he going next place, who knows? The world is so big, who can find him?

Thinking of this, Chi Yuqing suddenly said: "Light snow, or else, I will go with you, I have experience with the desert than you, and I have been in the army for a few years, Cala Perot is also a woman, She can hike through the Taklimakan Desert, and we should be able to." But no matter whether it is Chik Ching and Ning Light Snow, one problem is overlooked. Karaperoti is hiking for the desert, she can find the safest and most shortcut route. And she also has a backup support group. But they have to go to a specific place before they can find Ye Mo.

This is basically two concepts, just like the Tadong Ramakan Desert and the tourist attractions. It is a specific place, and there will be no accidents at all. But the "sea of ​​death" of the Taklimakan Desert, the origin of the name, is not the place where the attractions can be replaced.

"You also want to go to Taklimakan?" Ning Xiaoxue knew that Chi Qingqing was looking for Ye Mo, and he knew that Chi Yuqing was definitely different from Ye Mo. But I did not expect her to go to the Taklimakan Desert.

Chi Yuqing firmly nodded and said: "But before we go, let's go to Luocang first. I have a company in Luocang. Let's prepare. Go to the desert, nowhere else, tools and drugs. The product must be fully equipped."

Fang Nan eyes two grandmothers to leave, this is a secret sigh of relief. Two such women came to the stream snake, which is not to make him frightened. What happened in the event of 7k, how did he explain to Ye Ge?

However, although Chi Yuqing and Ning Qingxue left, things did not end. Because Fangnan offended the "hedgehog" he had to give "amphibious help, but the confession would not be the case. He Fangnan would have no way to continue to mix here. Others don't know" the amphibious help, the great one, he Fangnan knows the second Chu.

"Amphibious gang, is the "Nanqing," the forces under the influence of a gang near the Gaoping ten years ago. "The land merchants, because they don't have birds," the amphibious help, and even did not accept apologies and compensation afterwards. In the end, it was "Nanqing, destroyed." The gang at the border was unknown. So for the "amphibious gang, the bosses of these border gangs are holding the attitude of not being offended.

Now Fangnan has offended the history, although the history is only "amphibious help, an errand, but after all, is the "amphibious help," people, in case of blame there, he must make good compensation.

And if someone else doesn't accept him, he still has to plan hard. However, Fangnan knows that for this matter, "the amphibious help, certainly will not accept compensation, and at most let him feel bad. It should not be confident that he really came to help him."

These are the ones given by Ye Mo. If there is no Ye Mo, he can't grab the place of returning snakes from "Vietnam help," and "Philippines help" in any case. Moreover, he himself is also very awed by Ye Mo, and he feels that Ye Mo is very human. So the two women came to help him with these troubles, and he did not regret it.

Compared with the troubles of Fangnan and the search for two women in Chi Ning, Ye Mo’s current small clinic has a little reputation, at least in the neighborhood near the clinic.

The second day after he saved his life, the children’s parents once again came to Ye Mo’s store to thank them.

And took out 10,000 yuan because Ye Mo saved their children.

Ye Mo did not accept the money, but instead took out 30,000 to the parents of the child. The reason is very simple. I just want to ask the family to help him with various documents.

The child’s father, Zhang Bo, worked at the District Tax Office in Luocang. He is a local and has to do these things in the tax department. There should be no problem. And Ye Mo feels that he can show up without showing up. As for the qualifications of medical practitioners and merchant registration, Yu Erhu followed Zhang Bo.

To put it bluntly, a lot of things can be done as long as they have money. As for whether Yu Erhu really has this ability, no one is going to study it.

With the help of Zhang Bo’s enthusiasm, Ye Mo’s small clinic actually used all the documents in just ten days. The and Ye Mo’s small clinic was only opened for ten days. However, the word of mouth is very good, which is inseparable from the skills of Yu Erhu and the propaganda of Zhang Bo.

The small clinic is called "Rejuvenation Clinic. After the documents are completed, Ye Mo basically does not care about things. He only cultivates the soil in the small yard every day, and prepares to plant "Silver Heart Grass" and the clinics are all handed over to Yu Erhu.

Fortunately, Yu Erhu had experience in practicing medicine, and Ye Mo also often guided me to come here.

The people in the clinic are all suffering from headaches or fever, or minor injuries. There is no real illness. Yu Erhu is also counted.

Ye Mo will take the remaining 40,000 yuan, take out 20,000 to the two tigers to buy some herbs, and another 20,000 he is going to buy some necessary tools to go to the desert.

The small clinic does not make money at all, but Ye Mo does not care. His goal is to plant the "silver heart" and the rest are secondary. It is better to make money, not to make money.

The herbs bought by Yu Erhu have been turned into soups, or pills, etc., which are filled with porcelain bottles and told the specific application of the two tigers. For medical things, Ye Mo never hides himself. As long as he can teach, he will teach the two tigers, and even teach a boxing method and a set of Qigong methods to Yu Erhu.

Although Yu Erhu is a bit stunned, he is very clever, but he also learns like it.

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