Survival In The Wilderness Ocean Sign

Chapter 48: Creating a Dining Table, Public Opinion

Chapter 48 Building a Dining Table, Public Opinion

The atmosphere and comfort in the room have made Su Can very satisfied. The dining table is indispensable. After I came outside, I determined the location and started to build the dining table.

After taking out the ingredients, I started to build the dining table.

With the disappearance of materials, a two-meter-long dining table appeared in front of it, pure black with wood grain, and matched with four chairs and two main seats, which were relatively large.

The chair is made of palm leaves and wood, and it is very soft and comfortable to sit on.

After these two things are built, the future will be better.

Su Can only felt like a nouveau riche, shopping frantically, and finally realized that he had no money, and his deposit disappeared a little bit sooner.

Looking at the own small warehouse distressedly, the wood has reached the single digits, and there are only five pieces of wood left, so I still have to make money quickly.

I feel that my consumption has been getting bigger and bigger recently.

I don’t know if anyone buys the shark meat in the store. The survivors on the island are doing pretty well now, and the price of shark meat will definitely drop.

I'm too lazy to take care of it for the time being, there will always be someone who needs it.

Let's braise some shark fins and enjoy it. The boat and sails have been remodeled, and we can rest for a day. Today, we can just go fishing and bask in the sun.

Enjoying the warm sunshine while eating shark fin soup.

After eating and drinking, the cub ran into the sea again, carrying a mace and rushed into the sea. Although it is more difficult to catch sharks, it is still very simple to bring down the two small wings due to his ability.

The sharks in the surrounding sea can cause misfortune to the cub.

Looking at the fruits that I planted, a faint fragrance of flowers wafted, and the time for fruit planting was not short. The fruits will be harvested almost tomorrow.

The watermelon has grown into a small watermelon at this time, half the size of a palm, and it is estimated that it will mature tomorrow, with six watermelons in full.

The flowers of the pear trees are also blooming, and you can see a lot of fruits growing on them. It is estimated that they will be harvested tomorrow.

Although the size of watermelon is relatively large, Su Can still prefers pears, and their fruit prices are the same, but the fruit of watermelon is still too small, which is really not enough to eat.

Hurry up to hang the pears in the store tomorrow.

At present, the price of fruit has dropped very low, and the survivors who have landed on the island have been severely impacted.

After drinking the shark fin soup, Su Can fell asleep on the chair. He didn't notice the pressure of the fishing rod in his hand. The cub crawled over, took the fishing rod and put the fish into the fishing net.

It was dark after Su Can woke up.

Aow Cub grinned at him with a big grin, then pointed to the small fish pocket, there were ten fish in it, which was not bad.

Smelling the smell of grilled fish on the fire rack, it seemed that Aow Cub was hungry, so he started cooking on his own, and Su Can would call him if he didn't wake up.

"Oh boy has become more and more sensible recently."

Ao Zizi has adapted to the life with Su Can. Such a life makes him very happy.

When I was first with Su Can, I could still hold it, but the cub was just a little bear cub. Perhaps the daily meal was too good, so the cub grew very fast.

Looking at its fat body, Su Can was speechless to persuade it to lose weight.

Fortunately, its mobility has not declined. It is simply a little fatter. After all, the physical characteristics of a polar bear are such that it cannot lose weight no matter how it exercises.

With the crown and the fat and tall body, it has become more and more aristocratic.

I got up and ate two fish, and after drinking a bowl of shark fin soup, I hung all the remaining six fish to the store, waiting to redeem it later.

Opened the sheepskin book to see how the other survivors are doing now.

"This ruthless man killed another shark? Otherwise, how could it be possible to sell shark meat one after another? How did he do it!"

"Don't you be curious, what kind of fat this ruthless man has become? In contrast, I am even more shocked that his food seems to be overwhelming. He just sold more than one hundred pieces and continues to sell it today!"

"Looking at the fruit in my hand, I suddenly felt that it didn't smell good. The gap between people is too big!"

Su Can didn't bother to read it anymore.

The people who landed on the island didn't speak much. They were probably busy harvesting supplies and didn't have time to come out and chat.

Su Can wants to know how those people are now.

This also determines the trend of store materials in the future.

I went to the sea to catch two shrimps and saved them for dinner to enjoy. This day I was almost eating or sleeping. The days were very comfortable, which is also rare.

I've been thinking about how to get enough supplies. Now Life is very comfortable. Naturally, I have to enjoy it. After dinner in the evening, I went back to my house to rest.

The next day the sun shining into the house, Su Can got up and stretched his waist, and glanced at the cock. Today, he finally behaved a little better and put a big font on the bed.

Almost the entire bed was almost occupied by it, and suddenly I felt that this luxurious bed was still a bit small.

Time to wake up...

Su Can was about to lift the cub's leg, drag it out and throw it into the sea to wake up.

However, at this moment, the cub suddenly woke up from fear, and suddenly sat up and shrank his feet.

Those little eyes rolled around, holding themselves scrupulously to guard against Su Can.

I was afraid that he would throw himself into the sea again, and he really gained a bit of wisdom. This little guy is really smart, but it is not appropriate to call him a little guy now.

Just its size, even a shark can be hugged and thrown onto a boat.

"Wake up."

Su Can didn't know whether to laugh or cry and got up. Seeing that the plan failed, I could only give up.


Owl rubbed his own small eyes, and then lay down again!


Su Can is a little stunned. The boy is always obedient. What's going on?

Go over and take a closer look, good fellow, put this outfit together!

Aow boy had a nightmare just now, dreaming that he was thrown into the sea, so he got up instinctively.

In this case……

Su Can slowly approached it with a smirk, hugged Princess Ao Zizi in his arms, and then walked outside the house.

When I came to the side of the boat, feeling the fresh air, I took a big breath and shouted, "Take a shower!"

Ao Xiaozi opened his eyes suddenly, and then he reacted, hurriedly trying to break free from Su Can's arms, but he found that he seemed to be floating in the air.

To be precise, it is not like, but just floating in the air!

Looking at the vast expanse of the sea underneath him, Aow Cub glanced at the seagulls flying by his side, and couldn't help crying without tears. This is really nothing to do with people!

Because Su Can has thrown it seven or eight meters high!


A huge splash of water came out, and the giant white bear slammed into the sea, causing a large wave of spray.

Su Can stretched out his hand to his chest helplessly, and muttered: "Amitābha, the early bird gets worms!"

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