Take the Empire To the Other World

Chapter 28 Night Skeleton Attack

"Charak, you are new here and don't know the rules. I can forgive you this time. From now on, you can lead your team to guard the periphery. Without my order, don't move other people's belongings at will. You and your subordinates can call me young master. "

"Okay, master, I don't know your name..."

Charak asked with a grin.

"My name is Wang Ziming, and I am of noble blood in this world. Do you understand what noble means?"

After hearing the words 'noble blood', Charak's eyes lit up, he nodded hurriedly and said: "It turns out that the young master is from a noble family, can we call ourselves noble guards in the future?"

Charak's self-conscious speech immediately aroused the cheers of many robbers behind him...

In the game of horseback riding and blade and fire and sword, nobles are high-ranking lords who can make robbers like them lose their heads with a single sentence. Charak, who is only interested in profit, thinks that he has embraced the big thick legs of this world.

His concept of nobility is still in the world view of riding horses and killing fire and swords...

Of course, Wang Ziming didn't intend to change Chalak's view. In Wang Ziming's eyes, Chalak was already half dead!

Under Wang Ziming's strict order to mediate, the two gangs quickly divided into two small camps. The robbers didn't like Li Feiyan and his party from the order camp, and they naturally didn't want to stay together when they saw that there was no advantage to take advantage of.

After the two sides divided the camp, Wang Ziming looked at the sky and found that it was just past the early morning. When he was about to go back to catch up on sleep, there was a sudden cold wind in the camp, followed by the sound of bones rubbing against each other!

The vigilant soldiers and Charak robbers immediately stopped what they were doing, took out their inseparable weapons, and looked in the direction of the sound.

Wang Le shivered and hid behind Wang Ziming. He was surrounded by a large number of soldiers, which was considered the safest place.

"Young...Master... It is rumored that the night of the Devil's Mountain is more dangerous than the day, and the team that goes deep into the Devil's Mountain will invite at least one experienced guide. They can identify where the night lives so as not to encounter some weird things thing……"

Wang Ziming frowned when he heard Wang Le's words. He had heard about this before entering the Devil's Mountain with the Fourth Reconnaissance Team, but at that time most of the veterans in the Fourth Reconnaissance Team could be counted as experienced Guide, naturally you don't have to worry about staying overnight.


This camp was just randomly chosen by Wang Ziming and his team!

"Everyone prepare to fight!"

"Little ones, copy the guys!"

Without Wang Ziming's order, Li Feiyan and Chalak brought their subordinates to prepare for battle!

On Li Feiyan's side, the crossbow-wielding militiamen were in the first row, the bow-wielding hunters were in the second row, and the tomahawk militiamen were on the left and right and behind. A small team of 20 people surrounded Wang Ziming.

Charak's team was on the left side of Li Feiyan's team. The robbers had all kinds of weapons. The worst weapon was only a hatchet, while the best equipped was the leader of the robbers, Charak, holding a long spear in his hand. Bow, with an arrow on his waist, which contains a large number of cone-headed arrows.

However, in terms of clothes, the robber leader Charak, like ordinary robbers, is wearing a village uniform, but it is a thicker version, with more fabric to keep warm, and may also play some negligible protection.

The robbers with pitchforks and long-handled sickles stood in the first row, and the rest of the robbers followed Charak in the second row. This is the usual 'formation' of the robbers...

Of course, when the fight broke out, the formation would disintegrate in an instant with the discipline of the robbers and turn into a melee.

This gang of robbers only 'arranged' like this when they were defending. Most of the battles were 'Wow, wow, wow' and rushed forward!

The sound of "clicking" came from far and near, and soon a pale figure appeared!

It turned out to be a group of skeletons!

Some skeletons staggered forward with empty hands, green will-o'-the-wisps flickering in their eye sockets, and their mouths occasionally opened and closed, as if to show off their sharp gums to outsiders...

This kind of skeleton has the largest number, followed by a small number of skeletons holding tattered and rusty swords, guns, swords, halberds and bone sticks. This kind of skeleton walks more steadily than the skeleton without weapons, and moves more flexibly.

[Undead species detected, start detection and collection...

Tier 1 white bone skeletons: They are one of the lowest-level undead species born from the gnawed bones of intelligent creatures buried in the Devil's Mountains after years of magical infestation and mutation. They have slow movements, slow responses, and fragile bones. The defect is that it can only attack with gums and skeleton claws. Although it is a Tier 1 undead species, it can't even beat an ordinary adult man holding a wooden stick!

However, the white bone skeleton has the characteristics of all undead species: ignoring death, ignoring pain, fighting forever as long as the fire of the soul is not extinguished, having extreme hatred for intelligent beings, and being able to devour the remnants of intelligent beings killed by oneself, devouring to Evolution will occur after a certain amount!

Tier 2 Skeleton Soldiers: They are born from the remains of human soldiers or Tier 1 and Tier 2 professionals after their deaths, after being infected by accumulated magic power, and some are evolved from the remnants of intelligent creatures swallowed by Tier 1 bone skeletons made.

They possessed a certain fighting instinct, their actions became more flexible, and they would independently search for weapons suitable for close combat. If they could not find them, they would collect bone remains as weapons.

Since skeleton soldiers know how to use melee weapons and get rid of the inconvenience of movement, they are a huge threat to ordinary people. If they are not professionals or do not have powerful weapons such as guns in their hands, it is recommended not to fight against them. 】

After reading the system prompt, Wang Ziming glanced at some of the skeleton soldiers holding thick bone sticks.

As the night obscured his vision, Wang Ziming could only see the number of skeletons in the front row exposed to the moonlight, and he couldn't see the exact number of skeletons in the back, but it was conservatively estimated that there were dozens of them!

Is this your sister's skeleton or a gregarious 'animal'?

"Master, every year in the colony of Reese City, there are a large number of folk and official people who enter the Devil's Mountain for the magic stone and never get out. These skeletons are likely to come from a whole expedition..."

Wang Le reminded after seeing the confusion on Wang Ziming's face.

whoosh whoosh~~~

While Wang Ziming was observing the skeletons, the crossbowmen and bow hunters in the front row took the lead in attacking. Charak also drew his conspicuous longbow, the veins on his arms stretched out and he squinted and shot out!

A skeleton soldier with a bone stick in his hand suddenly had a cone-headed arrow inserted into his green eye socket, and it came out from behind the skull!

Immediately afterwards, the skeleton soldier shattered to pieces with a crash!

[Find the shattered soul fire, and start to capture and transform the soul power...]

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