[From now on, the Swedish mercenary led by Cole will become your solid ally. Before you are defeated, he will stand firmly by your side. Even if you confront his motherland, he will not treat you They turned against each other.

After all, you are his biggest benefactor and most sincere friend!

What you have done has completely angered the United Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania, but the United Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania did not pay enough attention to you. They just regarded you as a mercenary group with its own stronghold.

Therefore, the United Kingdom of Poland Lithuania disdains to declare war on a mercenary team, but declares your people and Cole's people as wanted criminals to capture and attack.

Of course, thanks to the strength of the two wanted criminals, you and Cole, it is not the Polish guards but a Polish army who came to arrest them!

Defeating this Polish army made the United Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania clearly realize how ridiculous their wanted behavior is.

As long as the incoming Polish army is wiped out, the United Kingdom of Poland-Lithuania will ponder whether it is worth offending a troublesome military armed group for Zagwoba.

The Polish army will arrive soon, please get ready for battle.

Friendly reminder: If you can capture a live Polish Army High Commander, you might be able to get a good bargaining chip with the Polish-Lithuanian United Kingdom. 】

After Wang Ziming's consciousness 'read' the system warning, he swept towards the Swedish mercenaries under Cole's command who appeared in the field of vision.

Seeing the size of the mercenaries under Cole's command, Wang Ziming couldn't help being pleasantly surprised!

Cole actually brought thousands of people!

The lowest ranks in Cole's team are all Tier 2 Swedish musketeers, and there is no Tier 1 cannon fodder like the Swedish town militiamen!

In addition to the Swedish musketeers, there was a group of Swedish pikemen wearing infantry light half-cuirassiers.

The spear in his hand can reach more than 4 meters!

It is the configuration of the standard ultra-long spear troops in Europe in the 16th century!

When the infantry faced the cavalry charge, in theory, the longer the spear, the better, but the premise was that the soldiers could maintain a basic balance and hold the battle. Therefore, the weapons of European ultra-long spears are generally only more than 4 meters long.

If it is longer, it will become inconvenient for infantry to carry it to fight.

Of course, ultra-long spears are also very powerful in melee combat with infantry in formation. At least ordinary sword and shield soldiers are difficult to face the frontal impact of ultra-long spear phalanx. This is also Wang Ziming's previous life. The reason for the strong ability.

However, the flaws of the ultra-long spear phalanx are also obvious. The flanks and rear are as fragile as paper.

However, after the popularization of modern firearms, the flanks of the ultra-long spear phalanx were perfectly protected by musketeers. First of all, it was difficult for infantry to detour to the flanks and rear of the ultra-long spear phalanx to attack weak points under the fire of the flank musketeers. Cavalry could also Using multiple phalanxes to cooperate with each other, a firepower net is formed to cover the ultra-long spear phalanx.

Of course, before the advent of machine guns, the best option to deal with cavalry was always cavalry.

Cole's mercenary team is a team with a relatively balanced mix of arms.

In addition to the Swedish Musketeers and Swedish Pikemen as the main force, there are about a hundred Swedish Dragoons.

These Swedish Dragoons and the Swedish Musketeers used the same simple spring wheel guns, that is, castrated spring wheel guns to reduce costs.

The difference is that the Swedish dragoons use short, simple spring wheel guns, while the Swedish musketeers use long ones.

After all, the barrel of the musket used on horseback is too long to be loaded.

The musket barrels used by infantry were lengthened to improve range and accuracy.

The Swedish Dragoons not only have the same firearms as the Swedish Musketeers, but also have similar melee weapons, both of which are Swedish rapiers or Swedish broadswords.

Obviously, these soldiers from the regular army of the Kingdom of Sweden have completed the standardization of equipment!

However, whether it is the Swedish Dragoons or the Swedish Musketeers, apart from neat uniforms, they don't have any armor...

All soldiers under Cole's command are Tier 2 Swedish regular army units.

The wheel-wheel gun is actually a transitional product between the matchlock gun and the flintlock gun. Because the matchlock gun is difficult to use in rainy days, people invented the wheel-wheel gun that uses mechanical power to ignite, and its structure is similar to that of lighters in later generations.

Simply put, it is an iron wheel, which is driven by a spring to rotate, so that the rough textured wheel surface rubs against a piece of pyrite to generate sparks.

Although the design is good, the performance of using it is also better than the matchlock gun, especially for cavalry, but the wheel gun has a huge flaw-it is expensive to build!

Even the castrated version of the simple spring wheel gun is far more expensive than the matchlock gun, so only the regular army and the elite are eligible to be equipped with the spring wheel gun. The matchlock gun is still popular among the second-line troops or the regular army of those poor countries.

For example, Wang Ziming's senior Swedish town militiamen can only use matchlock guns...

Although the Swedish pistol cavalry use flintlocks, they are handguns, which are completely different concepts from infantry longguns.

Cole, who was dressed in Swedish pistol cavalry equipment, immediately burst into a smile when he saw the continuous barracks outside Wang Ziming's territory.

Cole knew very well how many mercenaries Wang Ziming had recruited from him. Just looking at the strength on paper, Wang Ziming was definitely stronger than himself.

This is why Cole is confident to join forces with Wang Ziming to fight against the Polish-Lithuanian United Kingdom.

After all, the actions of the two sides are still some distance away from the official declaration of war and the immortality of the United Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania.

If Cole knew about Wang Ziming's follow-up plan, he might not be so happy...

Cole just wanted to earn gold coins to become a rich man, but Wang Ziming included the entire United Kingdom of Poland-Lithuania and even four other countries in his future conquest plan!

At this time, Zhao Ritian had been appointed by Wang Ziming as the temporary commander of this huge army. After all, all the mercenaries were recruited by Zhao Ritian.

The previous burning of the village was the best practical experience.

Cole's team quickly completed a "victorious meeting" with Wang Ziming's team, and Cole was invited to tour the territory of a different space.

Now that Cole is a green friendly unit, Wang Ziming naturally doesn't have to worry about him causing damage to his own territory.

In the entire different space, except for the chaotic faction whose existence and behavior are unpredictable, the other two factions have their own set of rules of conduct, and will not suddenly break the rules for no reason.

Relatively speaking, on the contrary, the order faction headed by Wang Ziming can easily become a rule breaker.

Of course, the entire different space is generated by relying on Wang Ziming's computer game, Wang Ziming naturally has the privilege to break the rules at will!

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