Take the Empire To the Other World

Chapter 99 High-level massacre of low-level

After Wang Ziming saw this scene, his concept of Tier 3 soldiers was refreshed again. They are really able to resist!

It was attacked from three sides, and the morale value hadn't turned red. Even though they suffered far more casualties than the enemy, those Polish-German Musketeers and Pikemen still tried their best to resist!

This kind of troops is definitely the best of the best in the real world!

"In this comparison, although the maintenance cost and recruitment cost of low-level soldiers are very low, the gap with third- and fourth-tier soldiers is not only reflected in individual combat power and equipment, but also in morale!

Judging from the ups and downs of the morale of the senior Swedish town militiamen shooting at each other just now, if the Swedish senior town militiamen were attacked from three sides, they would probably have been given white stripes..."

During Wang Ziming's analysis, the Cuirassier Lancers were tightly entangled by the flesh and blood of the Polish Germanic Lancers, and the speed of their charge had almost stagnated!

As a matter of course, the Polish armored Cossack cavalry who had been chasing after them smashed in fiercely, and the Polish and Germanic pikemen launched a perfect "sandwich sandwich" attack on the Swedish cuirassiers.

The Swedish cuirassiers, who had lost more than half of their battles and whose morale had all turned yellow, suddenly had three grids red!

However, the casualties of the Swedish cuirassiers dropped faster than their morale. Before the three red grids turned into white bars, the Swedish cuirassiers were killed...

bang bang bang...

At this moment, a series of roaring firecrackers with different sounds suddenly appeared on the battlefield. After seeing that the Swedish cuirassiers were completely wiped out, the Swedish pistol cavalry did not rush directly into the enemy group, but approached the Polish armored Cossack cavalry. Suddenly turned the horse's head, formed a parallel formation with them, pulled out a high-quality pistol and pulled the trigger at the crowd!

From Wang Ziming's perspective, the Swedish pistol cavalry and the Polish armored Cossacks and Polish Germanic pikemen who were too late to turn their horses formed parallel lines that could not intersect, and then bursts of white smoke from the gunfire floated up!

The Swedish pistol cavalry shot from more than ten meters away. Within this distance, the Swedish pistol cavalry almost did not miss their shots. Almost every musket roar would cause Polish armored Cossack cavalry or Polish Germanic pikemen to fall down!

The Polish Armored Cossack cavalry, whose morale had returned to the green grid due to the complete annihilation of the Swedish cuirassiers, quickly turned yellow under this unilateral blow, and the Polish Germanic pikemen, whose morale was not high, were left with only two red Grid morale value, scattered deserters have begun to appear on the edge of the infantry phalanx!

After the Polish armored Cossack cavalry realized that they would not be able to turn their horses out of the shooting range of the Swedish pistol cavalry for a while, they began to draw bows and arrows on horseback to shoot at the Swedish pistol cavalry.

However, the Tatar bow with the barbed armor-piercing arrow is good for damage, but it can only make a series of pleasant sounds on the Swedish pistol cavalry who is covered in turtle shells...

The Swedish pistol cavalry armor, which can protect even medium and long-distance musket shooting, can naturally bounce off these ordinary barbed armor-piercing arrows without any pressure!

Unless the Polish armored Cossack cavalry can reach the level of a sharpshooter, and shoot the arrow into the gap between the Swedish pistol cavalry plate armor link, or shoot it through the hole in the eye socket...

Obviously, the main occupation of the Polish armored Cossack cavalry is on the horse, not on the bow...

In this way, the first wave of Swedish pistol cavalry each fired a shot and unilaterally slaughtered before disengaging from the enemy. Before the Polish armored Cossack cavalry completely turned their horses, the second wave of Swedish pistol cavalry and the first A wave of the same routine, rushing over and circling, raising a gun and shooting!

Originally, there were not many Polish armored Cossack cavalry left. After being rounded by two waves of Swedish pistol cavalry, they were directly slaughtered!

And because the Swedish pistol cavalry did not enter close combat, there were no casualties!

In addition, the Polish-German pikemen on the flanks also suffered huge losses!

Fortunately, the left wing of the Polish infantry phalanx reversed.

When the Swedish pistol cavalry ravaged the right wing of the Polish infantry phalanx, Lieutenant Sigmund had already led two charge waves of Polish hussars and Polish volunteer cavalry into the flank of the Cole army regardless of casualties!

The impact of dozens of Polish hussars showed the momentum of thousands of troops, and the front-line Swedish pikemen were shot with white stripes and collapsed in just ten minutes!

Immediately afterwards, the white stripes were completely emptied, and then the morale value of the white stripes spread to the surrounding army formations as if it would be contagious.

After the Polish hussars smashed the formation of Kohl's army, the Polish voluntary cavalry followed closely and began to expand the results of the battle. Massacre the infantry who lost their formation cover. Kohl's Swedish pikemen were killed and wounded, and the phalanx was destroyed one by one. , The Polish hussars led by Lieutenant Sigmund quickly inserted into the ranks of Swedish musketeers who were firing on the flanks of the Polish infantry phalanx!

Of course, another massacre...

The attack of the Swedish pikemen is almost ineffective against the Polish hussars, and it is difficult for the Swedish musketeers to hit the Polish hussars who collided at high speed. Face shot, no weapon can kill!

The armor performance of the Polish hussars and the Swedish pistol cavalry is similar, and both can defend against the musket shooting of this era at medium and long distances!

The subsequent Polish Volunteer Cavalry greatly made up for the lack of Polish hussars.

Wang Ziming looked at the Cole army with hundreds of people being hanged and beaten by dozens of Polish hussars, and he understood why this Polish army dared to attack the 4,000-strong coalition force...

The speed at which the morale of the Swedish musketeers who had no time to change their formation during the massacre shocked Wang Ziming, and the hundreds of troops under Cole's command collapsed in just half an hour!

Cole, on the other hand, gave full play to the characteristics of the fleeing general, and fled back to the Swedish mercenary camp alone on a horse without a single shot or injury...

After defeating Cole's troops, Second Lieutenant Sigmund did not let go of those Cole's troops with white stripes in morale, and continued to send people to hunt them down until all the troops with white stripes in morale were beaten to no morale, and after they were completely disintegrated Just retreat!

However, Second Lieutenant Sigmund's killing behavior bought precious time for Wang Ziming's team!

When the Polish hussars ravaged the Swedish musketeers and Swedish pikemen, the last two waves of Swedish pistol cavalry also visited the right flank of the Polish infantry phalanx, and then the first wave of Swedish pistol cavalry returned The phalanx was disrupted, and the morale value of the Polish-Germanic infantry phalanx with only one red grid left launched a saber charge!

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