After passing the third copy, I gained the qualification to enter the horror space.

The thriller game can really start!

After the thriller space is opened, players will unlock many functions.

Adding friends and entering additional instances are two of the most common!

Therefore, the difficulty of the third dungeon... is almost different from the first two dungeons!

Almost all the forum thread veterans have said,

For the third dungeon experienced as a novice, the difficulty cannot be inferred by the "number of rules"!

There are countless players who folded in the third copy!

If we talk about the first dungeon, players with no spiritual power or spiritual knowledge can still have more than half the survival rate...

In the third copy, the survival rate is 30%, which is already considered good!

Therefore, Lin Yu did not take it lightly!

Within this week, I still have to prepare well!

It’s not just about improving your spiritual consciousness and spiritual power,

Regarding the use of Yin instruments, cooperation with Zhujiang, etc., you also need more practice!

"However, it's not appropriate to live in a rental house anymore!"

Lin Yu thought this and thought slightly,

He summoned Bai Rou'er.

"Lord Lin Yu!"

Bai Rouer is still dressed in that beautiful professional suit,

Although the body has a cold aura, at first glance, it does not look like a ghost!

Lin Yu took out the ten million yuan bank card from the drawer and handed it to Bai Rou'er.

"Help me buy a house in a quiet area where no one will disturb me!"

"The sooner the better!"

Bai Rouer took the bank card and bowed slightly again.

"Yes, Master Lin Yu!"

As she said this, her figure disappeared.

66 The third copy is opened! ! !

Due to the existence of the perfect ghost control contract,

Lin Yu was not worried at all about giving Bai Rouer the opportunity to move freely in reality!

As the backbone of the organization of the "Other Shore Conference" that dominates the outside world of ghosts,

Bai Rou'er, who is highly regarded by the fierce ghost-level fifth director, indeed has her own merits!

Just two days later, she found and bought a mansion for Lin Yu that perfectly met Lin Yu's requirements!

It was a villa located on the outskirts of Hecheng City.

The community where the villa is located, "Jinyu Dongfu", was just completed three years ago. Many wealthy businessmen in Youhe City have purchased properties here.

However, due to its relatively remote location, most household heads do not regard this place as their permanent residence.

There are even wealthy people who buy them to give to their mistresses!

And Bai Rouer only spent three million to buy a single-family villa for Lin Yu!

This also made Lin Yu very curious, how did Bai Rouer do it?

After all, even though the location is not good, the rest of the villas are sold for seven to eight million!

Bai Rou'er didn't hide anything and confessed to Lin Yu,

"The owner of this villa committed suicide due to debt, and his wife put the villa up for sale."

“The prices were kept very low because there were rumors that the place was haunted.”

"I went specifically to see it... Actually, there are no ghosts."

When Bai Rou'er said there were no ghosts, there was even some regret in her tone.

Hearing Bai Rouer's words, Lin Yu was stunned for a moment, and then laughed out loud.

Indeed, for myself,

A truly haunted house is better than no ghost at all!

I have a fierce ghost, a fierce ghost, and a yin weapon, and I am still afraid of being haunted?

If there really is a rare ghost,

That’s considered buy one get one free!

"Just pretend it's haunting... You've done a great job, let's move there today!"

Lin Yu said this,

Bai Rou'er, who was praised by Lin Yu, also felt a little embarrassed.

"Lord Lin Yu, there is no need to praise me so much!"

"This is all my responsibility!"

Although she said this, Bai Rouer felt a little happy in her heart.

At the meeting on the other side, although the fifth director treated himself well,

But he seldom praises himself!

Recognition and praise from people you admire, for a seemingly tough and capable woman like Bai Rouer,

is very important!

Therefore, Bai Rouer's inner affection for Lin Yu,

Unknowingly, it has risen a lot.

Because the villa was fully decorated and put up for sale before anyone could live in it.

Therefore, Lin Yu does not need to purchase any additional furniture.

I just packed up my personal belongings in the rental house.

Went to the villa!

With a spacious and secluded space, Lin Yu is not afraid of being disturbed by others!

He also directly released Zhu Jiang and Bai Rouer from the Ghost Controlling Space.

I also practiced how to use Rahu’s Seven Evil Nails and bandages!

Ever since I used these two vaginal weapons to cooperate and killed a fierce ghost unexpectedly,

Lin Yu realized that the cooperation between the vaginal organs might have unexpected effects!

And under Lin Yu's unremitting practice,

I have also become more proficient in using the Seven Evil Nails of Rahu and the Unknown Bandage of the Pharaoh!

The wooden box of Luohu's Seven Evil Nails can emit different numbers of soul nails according to the amount of Yin Qi and spiritual energy injected into it.

After Lin Yu was promoted to the second level, the maximum number of soul nails also increased from three to five!

Moreover, by adjusting the aura, you can also adjust the order and flight path of the soul nails!

It can shoot five beads in a row, and it can also change various tricky angles.

With this, we can accurately choose the bandages to wrap around the neck, wrists, ankles and other joints.

Even facing a Fierce Ghost class that is similar to General Zhu,

Lin Yu now has the ability to participate in battles!

In particular, he and General Zhu conducted several drills using the Fierce Ghost class as imaginary enemies!

Just in case something unexpected happens!

Although Bai Rouer is a civil servant,

Her talent "Grudge-ridden" is also a very good auxiliary skill!

It can slow down the opponent's movements and interfere with cognition,

It can be said that it is not powerful!

At the same time, Lin Yu also took the time to study the Kuilong Soul Locking Mirror.

This strange mirror, whose grade is unknown even to the system, still cannot be used to figure out how to use it.

After asking Zhu Jiang and Bai Rouer, the two ghosts had no clue.

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