"Is it possible that something went wrong?"

The young god touched his chin and guessed.

"I feel like my heart is really fragile..."


Looking at Yawei's actions, Nangong Nayue couldn't help but turn dark.

"Don't worry, it's not a big problem!"

Yawei could naturally guess that Nangong was worried about his best friend that month and waved his hand.

"As the saying goes, if you don't break it, you can't establish it. Just leave it to me."


Although Yahweh is often out of shape, he has never let you down at critical moments.

So, in the end, Nangong chose to believe in Yahweh that month.

He went out with Black Cat and the others, closed the door, and only Yawei and Xiandumu Aye were left in the dark and narrow bedroom.


It seemed that because only Yawei was left around, Xiandumu Aye finally spoke.

Her voice was extremely hoarse, and she no longer had the confidence and indifference she had before.

"what why?"

Yahweh walked to her side and asked knowingly.

"Obviously as long as there are no demons and magic, the world will usher in true peace... Why..."

Xiandumu Aye bit her already red lips, her eyes full of confusion and unwillingness.

Magic and demons are the source of evil. As long as these are eliminated, the world can usher in true peace!

This is the belief that Xiandumu Aye has insisted on for so many years.

Chapter 112: Xiandumu Aye’s decision

It is precisely because she firmly believes in this that she wants to use the Dark Oath to create a world without magic and demons.

Even though Nangong was imprisoned in the prison barrier that month, he never gave up, waiting for the opportunity to escape and fulfill his ideals.

However, the facts she learned today told her that the world after losing magic and demons did not become better. On the contrary...

It gets worse!

What exactly... went wrong?

Is everything she has insisted on for so many years really wrong?

For Xiandumu Aye, this is tantamount to the denial of everything about herself. How can she admit it?

But if she is right, is the history of the world wrong?

Xiandumu Aye is not arrogant to this extent.


"is it my fault?"

"That's right, just like I said before..."

Seeing Xiandumu Aye's belief broken and self-doubt, Yawei directly confirmed her idea.

"Your idea... is as unrealistic as a child getting into trouble."


If she had heard such judgment from Yahweh before, she might still have felt angry.

But now...there is only silence.

"So, you want to know where you went wrong?"

Yahweh's words made the secretary witch's empty crimson eyes shine with light.

Yes, she was wrong...

But where did she go wrong?

Facing Xiandumu Aye's curious eyes, Yahweh held her hand.

"Language is pale after all, so let me take you to see it!"

After saying that, with a slight movement of his mind, the surrounding scene began to change.

The dark room suddenly became open, and the roar of guns and fighter planes suddenly rang in his ears. Countless soldiers in uniforms were fighting on the battlefield, and tanks were crisscrossing the crowd. Xiandumu Aye could even smell the smell of war. The smell of gunpowder smoke.

"This is……?"

"It's just a remnant of the past,"

Yahweh said so.

"A small trick worth mentioning."

"And the facts are obvious. Even in a world without magic, war still exists, and it is even more cruel."

With a thought, the surrounding scene changed again.

This time, it was a noble nobleman in a foreign country who enslaved and oppressed his own kind.

The scene changes again, and the embarrassed loser wanders to a foreign soil. The indigenous people show kindness, but what they get in the end is the flickering light of the gun muzzle...

War, oppression, plunder, betrayal, discrimination, violence...

This is the ideal world where magic does not exist that Xiandumu Aye longs for.

However, such a world has nothing to do with beauty.


Compared to the original world, it seems to be even worse.

The surrounding scenes kept changing, and the scene that Xiandumu Aye cared about the most came to light.

A woman in common clothes was tied up and burned. As the flames were ignited, the woman's life came to an end.

And this is the darkest witch hunt in the European Middle Ages.

"They...are obviously just ordinary people..."

Xiandumu Aye spoke again, his tone full of confusion.

"Why was..."

The discrimination she received as a witch when she was a child actually accounts for a large part of why Xiandumu Ayehui has reached this point.

And she believes that the reason why witches are discriminated against is because of their power that is different from ordinary people, and because there is a false world like magic and demons.

As long as the magic is eliminated and witches become like ordinary people and no longer special, they will no longer suffer discrimination, right?

However, in fact, if the magic is lost, the persecution suffered by the witch will be more serious, even...

Even ordinary people who are not witches will be called witches and tied to the stake.

What she did only made the witch's situation worse...

This discovery caused her great pain.

"It's clear that there's no magic left, but the witch's situation doesn't seem to be getting any better."

Just when Xiandumu Aye was about to be dragged into the abyss by her own thoughts, Yahweh's voice suddenly sounded.

It wasn't anything special, but it easily soothed her mood.

"Obviously she is an ordinary person, but she suffered even more persecution than a witch..."

"You must think that these are all very unreasonable, right?"

"...Please clarify my doubts, Your Majesty."

At this time, Xiandumu Aye had truly recognized the identity of God Yahweh.

I want to use the omniscient god to answer the confusion and questions in my heart.

"The answer is actually not complicated,"

Although the person beside her was not his own believer, Yahweh did not hesitate to give her the answer.

"The simplest way to put it is that people in this era need a simple and appropriate "reason" for the tragedies and disasters that have happened to them. "

"And this reason..."

"...She is the so-called "witch"! "


However, after listening to Yawei's explanation, Xiandumu Aye seemed to have thought of something, and his body trembled slightly.

"Yes, it's like..."

A smile appeared on Yawei's lips, without any emotional meaning, but Xiandumu Aye felt inexplicably sarcastic.

"……You too!"

"It's like you..."

"...Attributing the discrimination I received as a witch and even all the evils in the world to "magic"! "


Xiandumu Aye pursed her lips and turned pale.

"War, betrayal, plunder, killing..."

Yawei didn't care about Xiandumu Aye's reaction and continued.

"...Even the discrimination that witches suffer is rooted in the evil in human hearts."

"It has nothing to do with magic from the beginning!"


Yawei's words finally broke down all the psychological defenses of Xiandumu Aye.

Now when I think back to my past obsession, I feel a little funny.

Just like Yahweh said...

There is almost no difference between him and a child who is having trouble.

However, if everything she had insisted on before was wrong, then what exactly was right?

Moreover, using the Dark Oath to eliminate magic has almost become the meaning of her existence.

If she gives up, then she...

Xiandumu Aye only felt that her heart was filled with emptiness and confusion. She looked around at a loss, but she didn't know where to go.

However, when she saw Yahweh in front of her, her mood suddenly calmed down.

As an omniscient and omnipotent god, he will definitely be able to answer the questions in her heart!

At the same time, it will definitely be able to point her to the future direction!

Xiandumu Aye made a decision in her heart, and she knelt down directly towards Yawei.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to dedicate everything, believe in your name, and praise your greatness and kindness."

"I just ask that you can answer the doubts in my heart and point me in the right direction!"

Chapter 113: "God Envoy" Xiandumu Aye

For this secretary witch, giving up using the Dark Oath to eliminate magic not only represents a broken belief, but also represents self-denial.

At this time, Xiandumu Aye was like a girl who had just lost love, urgently needing something to fill the hole in her heart.

If she was alone at this time, she might find new beliefs and break and build again.

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