That year Huayu

Chapter 172 Painting the heart and admonishing Shu Chang

Late July.

Jay Chou's movie directed and starred in was released.

Everyone is paying close attention to it and looking forward to the box office performance of this fan film, which will bring some surprises.

But the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

The domestic box office of 4 million on the first day was far lower than expected.

The box office of "Transformers", which was released for 20 days, reached 260 million.

After Donnie Yen finished promoting "The Fuse", he hurried back to Shanghai to continue filming "Ip Man".

"Director Lin, someone sent me twenty concert tickets."

Zhang Liangying is very popular nowadays, and it's already pretty good if someone can send twenty of them.

"There are fewer votes but more people. You go and draw lots." Lin Nan said lightly.

Not long after, Lin Nan's phone rang.

After waiting for so long, there is finally news.

For a person who has been tone-deaf his whole life and doesn't know music notation, it's very difficult to copy songs.

Driving the big G, Lin Nan went straight to Nortel.

If you want to ask what is great about the film school, it is that the talents needed for all aspects of a movie, from project establishment to completion, can be gathered here.

"Lin Nan, what are you doing with Feng Feng Huo Huo?"

"Crossing Kyushu, ah no, I made an appointment with the composition teacher."

Without chatting more with Xue Xiaolu, Lin Nan waved her hand and ran away.

"You even traveled to Kyushu, and you actually sang it? Haha..."

Xue Xiaolu complained as she watched Lin Nan running away.

In some movies, the ending theme is actually not important.

But the ending song of "Painted Skin" is so classic and complements the movie.

Lin Nan only remembered roughly the lyrics, but the teacher from the college filled in the remaining three points.

He sat in the school office and hummed all morning, almost giving several professors a heart attack before they were kicked out.

"Here, let's hear what you want."

A gray-haired professor played a piece of music.

"Yes, that's what it tastes like."

Lin Nan shouted excitedly. He was at least 80% right, but it was enough.

"That's right. You said you don't have any musical talent, but you can dream up a song in your dreams. It seems that you were very careless when filming "Painted Skin", haha..."

"The teacher is joking. Many of us in the Chinese Department don't sit up in a dream in the middle of the night and write scripts when inspiration comes?"

Lin Nantian said shamelessly.

What Lin Nan said is absolutely true. This is really the situation.

"Okay, I won't listen to you anymore. The labor fee will not be less when the time comes."

"No problem, I'll have someone come over to tie it up later."

Everyone knows that Lin Nan is not short of money, so these teachers have no intention of discounting.

This was said to him openly.

Lin Nan didn't feel dissatisfied at all.

Because these teachers often help some public welfare films and student films at low prices or for free, they should do their part.

Jackie Chan's "Rush Hour 3" has determined that it cannot be introduced to the mainland.

The statement given by the person in charge of China Film Imported Films is very realistic.

"There are too many imported blockbusters this year, and we don't think "Rush Hour 3" has market prospects."

Lin Nan could imagine how troubled Jackie Chan was.

After the huge loss of "Around the World in 80 Days", this movie was the movie he used to regain his status in Hollywood.

Many netizens also made sarcastic remarks, saying that even if it is not introduced, it will not prevent everyone from watching it, because there will definitely be domestic piracy.

Such remarks were also forwarded to foreign media.

Many film and television companies lamented the situation and chose to remain silent, happy to watch official jokes.

Because piracy is really rampant and everyone is suffering from it all the time.

Yang Shoucheng called Lin Nan and regretted letting Donnie Yen play Ip Man.

Because "The Fuse" only had a box office of 3 million on its first day, it was already certain to suffer a huge loss.

"A movie with a cost of more than 70 million yuan, the final box office is at least 40 million yuan, this guy is too bad.

If "Ip Man" hadn't already been filmed halfway through, I would have replaced him immediately..."

It could be heard that Yang Shoucheng was very annoyed.

"It's not all bad. At least he will work hard to make "Ip Man" next time."

Lin Nan comforted her.

Yinghuang has been busy these two days.

Yang Shoucheng became the godfather, and Zhang Baizhi gave birth to a son to Nicholas Tse.

Open the portal, and there are all messages from Hong Kong artists sending blessings and visits.

Hong Kong media even commented that this is the most perfect and enviable family in the industry.

Whether this evaluation is true or not, only time will tell.

After waiting for several days, director Yu Mingsheng notified Lin Nan of the time and place for the opening ceremony of "The Prequel to the Lotus Lantern".

This is not only the opening ceremony of the prequel, but also the media meeting of "Magic Phone" to promote the release next year.

The venue is at the Capital Exhibition Hall.

Although it is an event for two TV series, "Painted Skin" is still under discussion.

"The Lotus Lantern is the only TV series I have ever directed. I also participated in the prequel. There are many people in it who are my friends..."

Actors who have been appointed to audition can also be considered participation. Lin Nan thought this way.

The press conferences for CCTV dramas are much more professional and they won’t talk about entertainment gossip.

Lin Nan could tell that Shu Chang was really attentive.

While talking about the filming of "Magic Phone", he repeated the lines of the silly girl with a Chinese brand phone in it.

While not forgetting to praise the little girl next to her in front of the media.

She herself is just a twenty-year-old girl.

Talking about the new Three Notre Dame actors, Jiao Enjun gave the example of Xi Shi in "The King of Yue Gou Jian" and said that Zhou Yang's appearance was amazing.

This is a good thing to say, but to Zhou Yang, it is very ironic.

Lin Nan is the heroine of a movie, and there is no one else who can act like that.

Both Shu Chang and Zhou Yang have acted in Lin Nan's movies. The reporter asked him which one he thought had better acting skills.

Lin Nan didn't have any scruples and directly told Shu Chang.

Among this group of actresses, few can compare with Shu Chang.

In his peripheral vision, Zhou Yang felt depressed for a moment.

"Never doubt your face, and never think about touching it, remember?"

After the press conference, Lin Nan gave Shu Chang a ride and said by the way.

Shu Chang was still a little confused, "I won't do this, I promise."

"Then remember what you said today."

Lin Nan's tone was a bit serious.

Because during today's press conference, he suddenly discovered that Zhou Yang looked a little weird.

But for a while I didn’t know what was weird about it.

It wasn't until he asked questions backstage during the intermission that Zhou Yang stumbled and spoke.

A few days ago, she just started to "fix" that face.

Lin Nan persuaded her to stop this behavior on the spot, but she was directly rejected.

Zhou Yang's eyes at that time looked very decisive, a little aggrieved and unwilling...

Having been classmates for four years, Lin Nan understood Zhou Yang's character, he was carefree, but rarely listened to advice when it came to decisions.

This is why he turned around and warned Shu Chang.

If an actor changes his face, it is almost like saying goodbye to the big screen.

The machines used in movie shooting can enlarge even the pores in a close-up view, making them clearly visible.

The stiffness of facial expression has no place to hide in this situation.

Therefore, no film director with any sense of responsibility would use this kind of actor.

The great director wouldn't even look at it.

Han Sanping started to have toothache again.

Various problems in "Red Cliff" delayed the start-up.

So much so that the "Captain Zhou Yu's Mansion" built at the Beijing Film Studio did not have time to film this part of the scene during the reporting time.

And Chen Kaige's "Mei Lanfang" is already rushing to enter the theater.

The magnificent "Grand Governor's Mansion" could only be dismantled urgently and built elsewhere.

One demolition and one construction, another 10 million.

The news only stayed in the media for less than half an hour and then completely disappeared.

But it still cannot stop the discussion online.

When Ning Hao and Lin Nan were talking on the phone, they cursed and talked about this matter.

The cost of shooting one scene alone is enough for him to make a commercial film.

"Harry Potter 5" is released following the release of "Transformers".

The latter broke the box office record of domestic movies and was successfully released on the day it reached 300 million.

Not surprisingly, this will also be the box office champion in the domestic film market this year.

Li Yang took "Blind Mountain" to the capital.

The distribution of this movie is also a problem, because this kind of subject matter is destined to not do well at the box office.

During the distribution process, the film schedule of theaters will definitely be very low.

"Brother Li, there's no need to worry."

Lin Nan comforted her.

Even though Li Yang has been in the industry for so many years, "Blind Mountain" is the second film he directed.

This is the first time that I have actually started to promote a movie.

"You are an investor and a big director. You must have more weight in the distribution company than me. You make your decision."

Li Yang said softly that he made this movie with all his heart.

You really have to think carefully about who to find for distribution.

On the same day, Lin Nan asked people to let the news out.

This is the first time the industry knows that Lin Nan also invested in this movie called "Blind Mountain".

It can be regarded as a companion piece to "The Blind Shaft".

The director of this film is Li Yang, who has won the Silver Bear Award for Outstanding Artistic Contribution, and is also the director of Lin Nan's film debut.

"Will it be released? Make an appointment with Director Lin for me."

Lin Nan took Li Yang to China Film Academy.

The results were not very good. In the next few months, China Film Group will have too many movies to release, and it will not be able to spare many resources.

Shangying also puts its energy elsewhere.

Wanda is easy to talk to. Although it can't help with distribution, it is willing to give some support in arranging films.

After joining China Film and Shanghai Film Academy, Lin Nan was ready to find Wang Changtian.

But the company told Lin Nan that people from Bona wanted to date him.

"In the East?"

"Brother Li Yang, come with me to meet Mr. Yu from Bona." Lin Nan said to Li Yang.

"Aren't you going to go to the light?"

"Go and meet Mr. Yu first."

In Lin Nan's opinion, if Yu Dong came to him at this time, it must be about "Blind Mountain".

Lin Nan has always had fixed cooperation partners with those three companies when it comes to publicity and distribution.

Last time at China Film, Yu Dong wanted the distribution rights of "Painted Skin", but Lin Nan hadn't given a reply yet.

At this moment, Lin Nan was contacted again, and Lin Nan was curious about what he would say and what leverage he had.

In the hotel box, Lin Nan and Li Yang just walked in.

Then he saw Yu Dong standing up to greet him with a smile, "Director Lin, Director Li, please sit down quickly..."

Wang Changtian has been scolding him all morning. Guangguang is also an investor in "Painted Skin".

But the distribution rights of this commercial blockbuster were actually snatched away by Fatty Yu from Bona.

"Didn't Director Lin say the specific reason?" The secretary couldn't help but ask.

"The reason? There's Poly and theaters behind that piece of shit. That's the reason..."

Wang Changtian cursed.

Ray does have a movie distribution business, but it doesn't have theaters.

After a while, Wang Changtian said in a low voice: "Yu Dong promised to increase the film schedule in the first few days after "Blind Mountain" is released.

This is why he got the distribution rights to "Painted Skin". "

Wang Changtian did lose his composure this time, but "Painted Skin" deserves it.

The subject matter, production cost, and Lin Nan's direction are all factors that determine this movie's box office prospects.

""Blind Mountain" has nothing to do with us. Director Lin used the distribution rights of "Painted Skin" in exchange for the film schedule of "Blind Mountain", which is a bit unethical..."

"Shut up. He is the main accuser and has this power. I don't want to hear similar words in the future, otherwise you can go to the business department."

Wang Changtian said coldly.

The secretary had also been with Wang Changtian for many years. When he heard this, he immediately knew that he had overstepped his bounds.

"Mr. Wang, what about the release of "The Martian" after that?"

"Haha, do you think we have a chance to get the distribution rights for this movie?

Shanghai Film Academy would most likely not be able to get involved, and Director Han would not let anyone else touch it. "

Wang Changtian said with certainty.

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