That year Huayu

Chapter 546 The chaos in August

"Director Lin, in just two days, three Internet companies have contacted me and want to meet you."

On the phone, Yue Jun sounded amazed.

Since the meeting that day, Potato has been like a big cake, attracting the attention of all Internet giants.

This cake, you can tell at a glance, is delicious, and there are only three diners at the moment.

The most important point is that potatoes, a piece of cake with a very large market share, are not on the shelves and are not on the market!

Lin Nan was also a little speechless, but also very pleased.

"More than three."

"Director Lin?"

"Three companies were contacted, and six companies found me in the end." Lin Nan chuckled.

Wang Changtian and Wanda have already been angry with him. They are not fools. They have a tough attitude and will not let go.

"This matter has nothing to do with Lin Nan Pictures, you don't have to worry."

"Well, okay, Director Lin."

After hanging up Yue Jun's call, Lin Nan couldn't help but smile.

As long as Tudou holds on, it will definitely become a giant in the film and television industry after it goes public in the future.


Suddenly there are more news reports about Dong Lianhua on the Internet, reminding the public once again of this beautiful girl who made her debut as a Mou Girl.

Since the video of her passionate kiss with Wang Dazhi was exposed, her reputation has been completely ruined, and she has been nicknamed "the lustful girl" by netizens.

Not only did his career fall into the abyss, he also disappeared from public view for half a year.

Now, should this be considered an attempted comeback?

As for the person who helped her, as everyone expected, it was Chen Kun.

"Dong Jie participated in the public welfare project "The Power of Walking" led by Chen Kun in a low-key manner to show love for the mountainous areas."

"Dong Jie said that she was very happy to participate in this charity event and hoped that she could complete the journey..."

There are two most classic whitewashing methods in the entertainment industry: charity and public welfare.

Another method is to use the children to talk about the problem and play the sympathy card.

She said she was low-key, but the media's cameras were all about her, and no interviews were left behind.

After reading the news, Lin Nan admired Dong Lianhua, but his intentions were a bit too naked.

But she is still too impatient. It has only been half a year, but netizens still remember those things about her.

As expected, the scolding online became louder and more numerous.

And this comeback attempt also ended in overwhelming scolding and ended in failure!

"Space Traveler" continues to thrive, making the entire production industry take notice.

On the sixth day, the daily box office revenue was 33.65 million.

On the seventh day, it once again earned 32.3 million box office. At this point, the movie has been released for a full week.

"Produced by Lin Nan Pictures and directed by Director Guo Fan, the movie "Space Traveler" has been released for a week, with a cumulative box office of 252.4 million, and the daily box office momentum continues unabated..."

""The Youth" has been in theaters for 5 days, and the total box office has reached 18.8 million."

""Tiny Times 2" and "A Romantic Affair" are officially released today and will compete head-on with "Space Traveler" and "Youth" at the box office."

Although everyone in the film industry is scolding Guo Jingming and "Tiny Times", now that "Tiny Times 2" is released, most filmmakers in the industry can't help but wait and see.

Because this fan-favorite small-to-medium-budget movie, the box office it brought really made everyone jealous!

"I heard that Director Chen specifically contacted Jackie Chan and Jet Li for "The Taoist Comes Down the Mountain", but unfortunately both of them said they were unavailable."

Lin Nan had just heard about this matter, and it had already spread in a small area.

It is said that Chen Kaige wants to copy the cast of "The King of Kung Fu" and let Jackie Chan and Jet Li star in his first martial arts film.

But Director Chen obviously overestimated his appeal, or maybe the two of them had psychological shadows or scruples, so they both declined.

Now, the Palme d'Or director's reputation is a bit lost. Almost no one in the huge film and television industry has rejected him.

"He likes to use Hong Kong and Taiwan stars. Even if Jackie Chan and Jet Li are gone, there are others."

Lin Nan joked, and Guo Fan on the other end of the phone nodded. Chen Kaige has this hobby and likes first-line actors from Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Now "Time Traveler" has completed its first week, and the results are very impressive. The stone in Guo Fan's heart has finally fallen to the ground, and he can only wait for the final total box office.

"Okay, let me congratulate you in advance first, and I will hold a celebration banquet for you after the movie is released."

Lin Nan glanced at Liu Yifei who called him for lunch at the door, and was about to end the call with Guo Fan.

"Okay, let's take advantage of Director Lin's auspicious words. I look forward to the celebration banquet then, and I also hope that the number in the ice cubes can be higher, haha..."

In the afternoon, news reports about "No Man's Land" appeared in the media.

"Director Ning Hao's work, "No Man's Land," has been confirmed to be registered for the 64th Berlin International Film Festival and will compete for awards..."

"Many filmmakers in the industry have expressed their support for "No Man's Land" and look forward to the film winning gold and silver at the Berlin International Film Festival."

Lin Nan knew about this because he was the one who helped directly contact the film festival's Asian film selectors.

Just like when he took "Into the Dust" to compete in Berlin for the first time, it was Li Yang who helped him.

Recommended by a famous director, this will save a lot of intermediate screening links, directly get the admission ticket, and participate in the nomination competition.

"The project was established in the second half of 2008 and started production at the beginning of 2009. It has been five years now. Director Han has given me a total investment of 36 million yuan twice. Thinking about it, I really feel sorry for him."

Ning Hao showed a rare sad expression.

"I'm really sorry, I kept Mr. Han until he retired, haha..." Lin Nan couldn't help but joke.

"When Director Han holds a banquet on National Day to celebrate his retirement, I have to toast him a few times." Ning Hao said softly, with a very sincere tone.


Lin Nan has also been greeted.

On National Day, Comrade Han will hold a retirement banquet, which is also his 60th birthday. It is estimated that many big shots in the circle will be present.


At this moment, Gao Qunshu probably regretted attacking Guo Jingming before the movie was released.

Because of "A Romantic Affair", it seemed that it was thrown into the street.

As a fan film, "Tiny Times 2" did have a high box office on the first day, but it is far from as perverted as it was when the first film was released.

But even so, the daily box office of "Space Traveler" still dropped by 6 million, and the film schedule was also lowered.

""Tiny Times 2" grossed 52 million at the box office on its first day, a decrease of 19 million compared to the first day of the first film."

""Space Traveler" has entered its second week, and the daily box office dropped by nearly 6 million compared with the previous day, with a revenue of 26.5 million."

""A Romantic Affair", directed by director Gao Qunshu and starring Huang Xiaoming, Yang Ying and others, suffered a disaster on the first day, with a revenue of 3.55 million."

"Domestic films such as "One Night Surprise" and "Mader No. 2" are officially released..."

The chaos in the film market in August has completely begun.

In the next twenty days, more than two dozen domestic films will join the war, as well as several Hollywood blockbusters such as "Jurassic Park 3D".

"I was scolding you happily two days ago, but now I'm going to return it?"

In the practice room, Liu Yifei was exercising, and Lin Nan was accompanying her.

Gao Qunshu's Weibo has been filled with ridicules and abuses.

"Having invested nearly 50 million yuan in a movie, how much money is Director Gao planning to lose to investors?"

"Come to think of it, Director Gao is the producer! No wonder he attacked the movies of the same period before the release of his movie. He deserves to die!"

"With a big head and thick neck, he is either a leader or a cook! What kind of director do you want to be? Go be a chef..."

Lin Nan read those comments to Liu Yifei and was amused himself.

"Haha, are you going to let me go for a good run..."

Miss Liu turned off the treadmill, stepped off and punched Lin Nan.

"Here, towel."

Lin Nan smiled and handed it over, receiving a pair of cute white eyes.

Because she had just run for more than half an hour, Liu Yifei's delicate cheeks were rosy and looked very attractive.

"That's it for today?"

"Well, that's it. I'm going to take a shower first."

Hearing this, Lin Nan's eyes instantly lit up, but the next second he was warned by Miss Liu's sharp eyes.

"Haha, I'll wait for you in the living room."

Lin Nan had seen Liu Yifei's explosive strength countless times.

Staying at home, either lying down or leaning on each other, Lin Nan lay down on the sofa naturally.

An orange cat, like a conditioned reflex, meowedly jumped onto the sofa and curled up in Lin Nan's arms.

"Is it so early to become a star now? Have you learned from South Korea?"

Lin Nan flipped through the news and saw a piece of entertainment information.

Three 13- and 14-year-old kids debuted as a group, which is rare in China.

The idol-making model in South Korea has had a huge impact on the domestic entertainment industry.

Many entertainment companies and artist companies in the industry are learning to imitate the trainees there. They need to become famous as early as possible and make their debut as early as possible!

"The Fighting Boys?"

Lin Nan recited something softly and couldn't help laughing.

"The Internet industry is coming, and the entertainment industry will be really lively from now on."

The cell phone on the table rang suddenly.

"Director Lin, Director Jia Zhangke, please go to the viewing party of "Destined"..."


Lin Nan asked curiously. The viewing party for this movie was canceled because the film was banned.

"I heard that some things were cut, and in principle it is allowed to be released again. After all, a public release permit has been issued before!"

The above ambiguous attitude is not a good sign, because it may be reversed at any time.

‘Okay, tell them there and I’ll be there. ’

Lin Nan had promised Jia Zhangke in person before, but now he can't just keep his promise, right?

He had only heard that the film had a bold style and had received rave reviews at film festivals, but he had not seen the specific content.

It seems that this "Destined" is very socially realistic. It is a work that Jia Zhangke attempts to transform, and it is somewhat violent.

That's right, when an honest person is bullied or bullied badly and completely explodes, then there is really no room for it.

If an honest person becomes ruthless, he will definitely kill him decisively!


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