Liang Xiaonan searched in his head, this is not a person from Dakeng Village, she does not know him.

Given the reputation of "Liang Xiaonan", she was also not interested in greeting people. Kazuki's peach, this person won't "see a share"?

The man didn't think about taking a share of the pie, he stood still not far away, and took a rough look at Liang Xiaonan from a distance of tens of meters.

The appearance is not real, but the figure is really good.

Slender and tall, a patchwork ragged dress could not conceal her slender and straight legs, nor could it conceal her soft waist as thin as a willow.

The girl was under the tree, reaching out to pick the peaches on the tree, her sleeves were rolled up, revealing her slender white wrists, she was terribly beautiful.

He flickered in his heart.

Seeing that he hadn't come, Liang Xiaonan turned his face away. Nowadays, people's thinking is very conservative, and only bad women will stare at men.

When they first arrived under the tree, a few gray female pheasants were cooing under the tree, and two colorful male pheasants were pecking at the tree, trampling down peaches for the female pheasant.

Liang Xiaonan said with a smile: "It's good for you, give my peaches to the girls."

As soon as they approached, those pheasants flew out immediately, Liang Xiaobei swiftly pounced and grabbed a female pheasant, the others had already fled.

He tied the pheasant's legs with rattan, and said excitedly, "Sister, look how beautiful its feathers are."

"It's not bad." The ashes are so beautiful.

Liang Xiaonan first picked two peaches, washed them in the nearby stream, and handed them to Liang Xiaobei: "Let's taste it first."

When peaches enter the mouth, the flesh is so delicate that it melts in the mouth, and the juice bursts open. It is cool and sweet, and the mouth is full of clearness.

Sure enough, the fruit irrigated by Lingquan is also extraordinary, and she can sell the fruit of this tree at a good price again.

Liang Xiaobei has never eaten peaches since he grew up. His family was too poor, and his mother was sick and emptied the house. Later, when Wang Cuiying came, he was not given any food. Where can there be peaches?

He gnawed the peach three times and five times, and said, "Sister, this is a fairy peach from the sky, it's so delicious."

Liang Xiaobei picked all the short peaches, but the tall ones were out of reach, and he moved carefully to those twigs.

There are too many peaches in this tree, and their dung skip and bucket can't hold it at all. Liang Xiaonan quietly walked around to the back of the tree, stretched his hands between the leaves, and moved most of the peaches into the space with a thought.

He told Liang Xiaobei in his mouth: "Be careful, don't fall."

Liang Xiaobei agreed, looked up and saw the man in the distance, and said, "Sister, there is a man over there peeping at you."

Liang Xiaonan looked over indifferently. The man who came down the mountain was still standing tens of meters away. He was about in his early twenties, with a high nose bridge, sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. He was very handsome.

The man saw Liang Xiaonan looking at him, grinned, and asked, "Do you need help?"


The man didn't come over and said, "It's only early June, and it will take two months to wait for the peaches on the street. These peaches smell very sweet, are they for sale?"

This person left a good impression on Liang Xiaonan from the very beginning, and now he tells her the market situation in this way, Liang Xiaonan has no reason to keep ignoring him.

Looking him up and down: "Do you know the price of peaches now?"

Afraid of damaging her reputation, the man stood in the distance, showing his glistening white teeth, and said, "I haven't seen any peaches in the county town. Your peaches are far superior in appearance and fragrance to southern peaches. It's a rarity to eat." , it can be sold for 1 yuan no matter what.”

Ripe apples and pears are about 2 cents a catty, and her peaches are irrigated by the spiritual spring of space, but others don't know, and selling them for 1 yuan is really not cheap.


"Sell me some, I have old people in my family, try something new."

The corner of the man's lips was always a little playful, but there was no frivolity in it at all. Although he was covered with prey, Liang Xiaonan felt the familiar aura of a professional person.

"Have you brought money?"

"Oh, no. How about I trade these pheasants and rabbits with you?"

Liang Xiaonan saw that those pheasants were all alive, so he thought about raising them in captivity at home and laying eggs for himself and Xiaobei to supplement.

"Leave the pheasant to me. I don't know the amount of peaches. I estimate that one weighs half a catty. The pheasant weighs 1 catty. It can be sold for 1 yuan at most. 1 chicken for 2 peaches, your 5 pheasants I will give you 10 peaches in exchange."

But the man didn't feel bad at all, put down a bunch of pheasants, gave her two fat rabbits, exchanged 18 peaches, turned around and went down the mountain.

Liang Xiaonan had a very good impression of him, if this man took a peach and was still talking nonsense, she would be disgusted instead.

Thanks to Liang Xiaonan's cheating, Kazuki's peaches were picked very quickly, and the dung skip and bucket were filled to the brim.

The siblings plucked a lot of wild vegetables nearby and covered the peaches before turning around and going down the mountain.

Liang Xiaonan was carrying a dung skip, a bucket in his hand, and 6 pheasants. Liang Xiaobei was injured and only carried 2 rabbits.

Instead of taking the main road, the two of them took a shortcut to their home from a small road with few people.

Grandma Liang went to the field to pick ears of wheat again. The villagers have been digging the soil for generations, and their affection for food is far more than that of cash crops.

When Liang Xiaobei called her to go home, she saw that the sun was still early and she was reluctant to go home.

"Grandma, go back quickly. My sister and I picked a lot of big peaches to sell in the city. We also caught 6 pheasants on the mountain. My sister said they would raise them at home to lay eggs."

"Really? Didn't you say there are only a few?" Grandma Liang was happy and surprised, "People in the village often go up the mountain together, why didn't they mention that there are peaches?"

Liang Xiaobei thought for a while and said, "Maybe people won't tell when they see it."

It's quite possible.

But when Grandma Liang came home and saw a dung skip and a bucket of peaches, she was still too shocked to speak: "Xiaonan, why are these peaches so big? Did you run off into the mountains?"

"No, it's in the bushes halfway up the mountain. Everyone is busy harvesting recently, and no one goes up the mountain."

Grandma Liang saw those 6 pheasants and 2 fat rabbits again, and she felt very unreal: "You two also caught these?"

"Yes," said the siblings in unison, "they came to eat peaches, but we caught them."

Grandma Liang didn't quite believe it, but with the chicken and the rabbit in front of her eyes, she couldn't help but not believe it.

People in the village are not willing to eat rabbit meat. Grandma Liang said: "You also sell the rabbits in the city, and the pheasants are kept at home, and the eggs are exchanged for salt."

Liang Xiaonan tidied up the basket at home, spread a layer of grass on the bottom, picked all the peaches in, and then covered the top with grass, she carried the basket, Liang Xiaobei carried the rabbit, and went into the city again.

Dakeng Village has to walk 11 kilometers to the county seat on a dirt road, 22 kilometers back and forth. She didn't have much time to sell on the street, so she went directly to the Yuxian Restaurant.

If Zhang Ming wanted these peaches, she would sell them to them, and he didn't want her to go to the market to sell them.

Before she arrived at the hotel, she saw a light brown Volga standing out among the bicycles and ox carts from a distance.

The car stopped at the entrance of the hotel, and Zhang Ming led a group of people to meet him. With his waist slightly bent, he opened the door for the people in the car himself.

A person got out of the car, imposing and dignified, but his expression was indifferent, holding a string of Buddhist beads in his hand, the jet-black beads shone coldly in the sun.

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