The Book of Troubled Times

Chapter 668 Rebirth of the Sword Spirit

Zhao Changhe himself was caught off guard by the movie he watched this time and was worried. Of course he couldn't explain Rabbit's problem, so he could only comfort him: "When did that happen? What does it have to do with you?"

"M-Looks like me!"

"There are so many people who look alike. Do you know the happy celebrity face?"

"what is that?"

Zhao Changhe thought for a moment. Logically speaking, if he was reincarnated, he would have reacted to the situation in his previous life. For example, some memories began to revive and awaken, but now he doesn't look like Yang Yang... maybe this is "no longer me." The performance is considered a good thing.

But I felt that I couldn't just fool around and get it over with. It wasn't appropriate for Yangyang to be unprepared for her cause and effect, so she said, "Even if you are really related to her, it's not a big deal. Not to mention whether the enemy will survive the collapse of the era." Come down, even if you are alive, you are still half-dead. I think this girl Piaomiao is quite respectable. If there is a chance, it would be nice to help her get revenge."

Cui Yuanyang immediately said: "I also want to avenge her! This sister is a good person!"

Zhao Changhe tilted his head and glanced at her. In fact, some things can be explained not only as good or bad issues, but also related to positions, but there is no need to talk about it.

Yangyang has always had a chivalrous heart, but now she is not sure whether her instinctive and quick reaction is due to her chivalrous heart or some other influence. But no matter what, this revenge should be the inevitable cause and effect of Yang Yang. It is actually much better to take the initiative than to be passive. At least it is planned by oneself.

"If you want to avenge this sister, you must first inherit Qinghe properly. Did you feel the sword intention just now?"

Just now I witnessed the birth process and original sword intention of Qinghe Sword. This understanding is essential if we want to awaken the same spirit of Qinghe as before. Zhao Changhe is not good at it. He has never been exposed to this area. It is impossible to grasp it at a glance. Cui Yuanyang has learned this set of things. If he can get a closer look at Yuanchu, the resonance and understanding will be the greatest, and the effect will not be inferior. Yu Chi arrived at Tianya Island.

Sure enough, Cui Yuanyang did not disappoint Zhao Changhe, and nodded firmly: "I feel it, I know what it means."

"Okay." Zhao Changhe took out the sword mold and guided Cui Yuanyang's consciousness in: "Your consciousness demonstrates the previous intention. Don't stop while I'm forging it. If nothing goes wrong, it can be reshaped along with the sword body. process is coming together again.”

"Cang!" The forging hammer struck, and Zhao Changhe paid attention to Cui Yuanyang from the corner of his eye. The rabbit who quietly closed his eyes and guided the sword's intention now looked calm and became more and more ethereal. Zhao Changhe twitched the corner of his mouth and continued to work hard.

He couldn't feel the sword's intention. After all, he was not the one leading it. He couldn't understand the beginning and end like the forging of the galaxy. He could only feel whether it was going well or not from the feedback from the forging.

As the sword body gradually recovered under the forging hammer, the process of the sword spirit reuniting was still vaguely perceived, and Zhao Changhe secretly put down a stone in his heart. With this thing in place, his first promise will be fulfilled, and the Cui family will basically not have any trouble again.

Although Cui Wenjing knew in his heart that Qinghe Yi was really different from their inheritance, the rebirth of the sword spirit would not bring any essential benefits to the Cui family. At most, it would become a nuclear bomb-like artifact to suppress the clan in the hands of the current sword master. He still would not recognize it in the future. you. But the Cui family generally don't realize this deeply. As long as the sword is there, it can give them infinite comfort. No matter how disadvantaged they are in other aspects, if they are beaten and subdued, their teeth will be knocked out and their blood will be swallowed.

The Cui family is settled...

"Cang!" As the last hammer fell, Cui Yuanyang's consciousness saw a group of purple mist in the sword, which was like the shadow of the sword.

In fact, this is the form that a normal sword spirit should have. Qinghe is on the same level as the upgraded Dragon Bird. The reason why Dragon Bird is in human form is entirely because the Dragon Bird's appearance is based on what the owner wants. If Cui Yuanyang didn't have this consciousness, the sword spirit born would not be in human form.

Qinghe Sword Spirit clearly conveyed his consciousness to Cui Yuanyang: "Master."

Cui Yuanyang scratched his head: "Why do I feel that you are a little unwilling?"

"No...I recognized you as my master before, but there can only be one master. I wasn't sure who I would choose between you and your brother before. Now since you saved me, of course I recognize you. "Actually, the underlying meaning of Sword Spirit is that you are too weak. I originally thought your brother was stronger...

"It was me, Brother Zhao, who saved you."

"...He..." The sword spirit seemed to glance at Zhao Changhe. At this time, Zhao Changhe was looking at the new sword up and down, grinning, and he was very happy with a sense of accomplishment for completing an important task. Sword Spirit didn't say anything, just said: "He is very good."

Cui Yuanyang was happy to hear this and couldn't help but ask: "Hey, you should be able to sense whether I and Piaomiao are related, right?"

Sword Spirit said: "It's difficult, because your family has been learning my sword intention, which is also Piao Miao's sword intention, and you are the best... When the sword intention completely fits, it should be very similar to Piaomiao. This is very important to me." It greatly interferes with judgment."

"But I look..."

"In my eyes, all humans don't look much different. It's about like you look at two swords."

Zhao Changhe was eavesdropping on these next few sentences, and nodded after hearing this. This is normal. The female bird is outrageous. Where does she get the human aesthetics?

But this means that Yangyang can't awaken her memory through this incident... This is a bit of a headache. I wonder if it takes time to recover slowly, or if there is another special key?

Yes, will it require some practice? Yangyang's previous practice was stuck in even the first level of secrets. She was far behind in terms of soul, so she needed to help her guide her consciousness into the sword. Now...

Just as he was thinking this, he saw the Qi in Cui Yuanyang begin to rise vigorously, and the feeling of the bridge between heaven and earth opening up that he had experienced appeared on Cui Yuanyang before his eyes. The purple energy that filled the surrounding area of ​​the cave jumped for joy, swirling around Cui Yuanyang's body. A small amount of it was absorbed by her meridians and melted into her Dantian.

Cui Yuanyang, a secret treasure.

Not only that, the aura is growing vigorously, and the experience bar is probably over half.

Zhao Changhe breathed a sigh of relief. Before he forged the sword, he boasted to Haikou that he would let Yangyang break through the secret treasure, realize the origin of the family sword, forge the divine sword, and resurrect the sword spirit. It would be strange if he could not even reach the first level of the secret treasure with this kind of experience. In theory, this should be enough to reach the second level, but Yangyang's accumulation is insufficient. This is not a big problem. Qinghe Purple Qi is everywhere here, and the Cui family has money and treasures. As long as the level is opened, Yangyang can be piled on top of the pile.

Cui Yuanyang opened his eyes. For a moment, his eyes were not as lively and alert as usual, but there was a flash of calmness in them. He quickly recovered and said seriously: "Brother Zhao, I suddenly remembered something."

Zhao Changhe's heart suddenly jumped.

Cui Yuanyang said: "It's about the Wang family...their secret realm is probably not of the same nature as ours."

"I don't want to worry about the Wang family now. I just want to know if you have any problems?"

Cui Yuanyang smiled slightly: "No... It's like I had a dream last night. When I woke up during the day, there were some blurry images. You have to be very careful to capture some messy... Are you afraid that I will become another person?" "


"Isn't Piao Miao beautiful? I saw your eyes widened when you saw her taking off her clothes."

Zhao Changhe gently held her in his arms: "I don't care who she is or how beautiful she is. The person I want is Yangyang, and it has nothing to do with anyone."

The transitional chapter is a bit short——

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