The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 61 Chapter 61 Xiang Yu’s main force is stationed in Ling...

When Xiang Yu's main force was stationed in Lingbi, the Chu army's momentum never stopped.

On the northwest side, the Guanzhong Army led by Han Xin faced off against the Wei Army in Linjinjin. On the surface, it seemed that they were helpless against the rapid river and did not dare to cross it even if they had boats. In fact, they were secretly preparing for a decisive battle.

On the northeast side, several Chu envoys headed by Chen Ping requested to see the princes and lobbied hard, but no news has been sent back yet.

On the southern battlefield, Long Qie and Zhongli Mei had conquered the Jiujiang Kingdom, and following the Overlord's order, they abolished the country and turned it into a county, which actually attracted the cheers of the elders of the Jiujiang Kingdom.

Jiujiang was the land of the old Chu and was closely related to the people of Eastern Chu. Seeing that Yingbu rebelled against the old master without any reason and massacred the people, it had already aroused public outrage.

After the Tingbu were defeated and fled, they were originally afraid that the overlord might be angry and severely punish them indiscriminately, so they lived in a low profile and did not dare to act rashly.

Unexpectedly, the king was generous and friendly. Not only did he not anger them, but he also ordered that anyone who could provide the whereabouts of the remaining troops of Wu Rui and his entourage would receive a heavy reward.

A brave man must be rewarded, let alone Tingbu and others who are already unpopular?

Long Qie and Zhongli Mei were stationed in the six cities of the old Jiujiang capital, and were ordered to hold a banquet to celebrate the New Year and appease the people.

Only a month later, people discovered that Tingbu and others were hiding in the mountains and forests outside the city incognito, and were returning to their old banditry, and they immediately reported it to the county magistrate.

The county magistrate knew that if Yingbu and Wu Rui were not found, the ferocious army would not be able to withdraw. How could there be any delay?

So in less than two days, the news was carried on a fast horse, and was reported to all levels, and Long Zhong and others were soon informed.

Long Qie immediately split up with Zhongli Mei, sneaked in secretly, and surrounded the mountain before revealing his identity.

Long Qiezhi's temper was explosive, even worse than Xiang Yu's.

Thinking of the shameless culprit Tingbu who massacred several cities in Dongchu, hiding in the mountains at this moment, his eyes were red with hatred, his teeth gritted and he stared straight at the dense forest, thundering loudly: "Shameless Tingbu, what's going on?" Come out and die quickly!"

The roar was like thunder, and the echoes "dang" and "dang" reached the ears of Ting Bu who was anxious about the predicament on the mountain.

Ridiculous, who would go out and seek death?

Tingbu's face was gloomy, he spat angrily, and continued to plan a breakout route with his generals.

He knew very well that now that his whereabouts had been exposed, he would no longer be able to hide on this mountain.

Not to mention that the Chu army was able to wait until he was unable to obtain supplies and was out of food and troops. If the opponent was unwilling to wait and could only set fire to the mountain, he would have to show up.

He was just planning and planning, but he was still not 100% sure... or even 70% sure about whether he could defeat the dragon and Zhongli Mei was weakly defended.

He had served in the Chu camp, and was naturally very familiar with the capabilities of the generals of the Chu army, except for Lu Bu, who had recently come to the limelight.

Among them, the one he feared the most was none other than King Xiang, who was extremely brave and powerful. Counting down from King Xiang, the number one generals that he did not want to face were Long Qie and Zhongli Mei.

King Xiang thought highly of him, and although he did not stay to fight in person, he did keep two of the strong men he did not want to fight against.

Ting Bu frowned and looked at the gray sky, vaguely feeling the desolation that the situation was over.

I'm afraid that even if I can escape the first grade of junior high school, I won't be able to escape the fifteenth grade.

——Ting Bu's ominous premonition was fulfilled soon after.

Although he managed to escape from the mountain after careful planning and by sacrificing more than a hundred of his trusted followers, he could not go very far.

His father-in-law, Wu Rui, was shot in several places by stray arrows while escaping. Although he missed the vital point, how many injuries could an old man sustain?

Moreover, the road was bumpy and bumpy, the wind was blowing, and the wind was howling. It was necessary to avoid people's eyes and ears everywhere, and it was impossible to seek medical advice.

On the third day after escaping, large areas of pus oozed from the wounds, causing Wu Rui to be on the verge of coma from the pain.

At this moment, Wu Rui, who was delirious with pain and full of tears, really regretted it.

I regretted not expelling the envoy of the King of Han that day, but instead listened to the other party's lies; I regretted even more that he had caused his son-in-law to be tattooed and ruined the other party's smooth future as King of Anle.

Now that I think about it, Li Shiqi's words may sound reasonable, but they are full of flaws.

King Xiang was indeed violent, cruel, and suspicious, but he could always be said to be kind and loving to his subordinates, and he was also courteous and courteous to those who were older and wiser.

Although Yingbu ignored King Xiang's edict and failed to send troops to help in time, which made King Xiang angry and the relationship became rigid and alienated... it was by no means a breakdown. There was clearly room for repair.

How could they be deceived by ghosts, and just because they suspected that disaster was about to happen to them, they gave up everything they had and rebelled preemptively?

"It's my fault... I was confused for a moment," Wu Rui apologized deeply as she lay on the dirty mud floor with the tattooed cloth on her pillow that had been specially taken off for him to cushion. It had also become dirty and the original color could not be recognized. Said: "But it hurts you!"

Ting Bu said nothing, but his eyes were red.

After saying this, Wu Rui closed his eyes weakly, all the strength in his body slowly faded away, and his breathing slowly stopped.

After Yingbu buried Wu Rui, he continued to flee.

It’s just that the sky is so big, where can he escape to?

The reason why his whereabouts were exposed was because the people of Jiujiang hated him, the former King of Jiujiang!

Tingbu confusedly lost the support of the people and was disheartened by the death of the old woman. He could not escape for much longer and was finally caught by the pursuers led by Long Qie.

He watched numbly as he followed him loyally.

The last fifty generals who fought hard to resist him all the way to the last moment and fought hard to give him a chance to escape were all brutally killed by the furious Long Qie.

He was tied up again by Wuhua Da, trapped in a carriage, and taken to Lingbi with the army.

Ever since he was captured, Ting Bu looked like he was out of his mind and ready to be slaughtered.

Even if Long Qie punched, kicked, and cursed him, he would have been indifferent several times if Zhong Lizhen hadn't tried his best to stop him and almost drew his sword and hacked him to death.

Until I arrived at the main camp of the Chu Army in Lingbi, I saw two tall figures with broad shoulders and narrow waist standing in front of the camp gate...

Ting Bu's whole body trembled suddenly, finally feeling the belated fear.

The two people who came to the camp in person to greet the victorious Long Qie and Zhongli Mei's army were not King Xiang and Lu Bu, who else could they be?

Lu Bu couldn't wait to see the tragic end of that rag that didn't know the height of the sky, so much so that he couldn't help but lean forward and move his steps a few inches.

Unconsciously, he and Xiang Yu stood side by side, standing at the front of the queue.

This station, coupled with his tallness that was as tall as King Xiang, suddenly made him look extremely eye-catching.

It should be noted that even Fan Zeng, who was politely called Yafu by Xiang Yu, was one step behind in his position, let alone other close and important officials.

Fan Zeng was the first to notice that Lu Bu had overstepped his position. He was afraid that he would offend the king, so he not only coughed lightly, but also wanted to remind him in a low voice.

Xiang Yu seemed to be aware of it.

After catching the slight cough, he turned his head slightly just in time before Fan Zeng spoke.

Although it was difficult to distinguish between happiness and anger on the side of his face, the expression in his silent eyes could not be clearer.

Fan Zeng couldn't help being stunned.

Although he is not so powerful that he can read the unpredictable king's thoughts with just one look, it is not difficult to understand the most simple meaning.

Since the king acquiesces and even intentionally encourages...

Fan Zeng straightened his back calmly, and naturally swallowed the words that were about to reach his lips.

Seeing that the king is becoming more and more open-minded and generous, he has changed from his past stubbornness and nepotism, and now he is constantly giving advice - although he only listens to one person - and is willing to take the initiative to make peace with Fengxian, a great hero with both bravery and strategy. He enjoys it more than anyone else.

Where can I have nothing to do? What kind of scenery can I go to ruin?

Unknowingly, Fan Zeng had a smile on his face.

Compared to Fan Zeng, who was overjoyed by the king's increasing transformation, Qing Bu was simply frightened to the extreme.

When the carriage was pushed in front of Xiang Yu, who was wearing frosty silver armor and whose face was as cold as frost and snow, the fear in his heart reached its peak in an instant.

Xiang Yu only glanced at the former general and ordered in a calm tone: "Release him."

The sill door was opened and the shackles were removed. Long Qie, who was gnashing his teeth with hatred, personally pulled him out and threw him to the ground.

Tingbu's physical strength was exhausted, how could he withstand the strength of Long Qie in anger.

He was thrown away by this tug and fell to the ground in a panic. He rolled around on the rough gravel again, and his whole body was in burning pain.

But he didn't dare to stand up.

He just prostrated, his head lowered, even if he was facing the ground, his eyes were still evasive.

Even without looking at King Xiang, he could clearly feel the cold gaze full of murderous intent.

Even if he knew that he had made an irreparable mistake, even if he sacrificed his face to beg for mercy, he was destined to die...

But when it came time to face the Overlord, he was still extremely frightened.

Xiang Yu said nothing, his cold eyes falling on Ting Bu for a long time.

After losing the capital, Yingbu was chased around and fled for several months. Along the way, he was trapped in a carriage and was scolded by Chu soldiers all day long. He was completely changed beyond recognition.

Not only was he dressed in rags and completely out of shape, but his demeanor was also extremely depressed. The vigorous spirit of the past was long gone.

How could he recognize the brave Chu general who once dominated the three armies, the proud King of Jiujiang?

The former monarchs and ministers reunited, but only one of them was ashamed and fearful, and the other remained silent.

Lu Bu was originally gloating over the misfortune and wanted to admire the fate of this traitorous dog, but when he saw this, his interest was waning.

This rag was lustful, greedy for money, fond of pleasure, short-sighted, and cruel and violent. He not only betrayed his old master, but also massacred innocent Chu country elders. Even if he was chopped into pieces, he still deserved his death.

——But Tingbu, who was about to die, did not open his mouth to beg for mercy even though his whole body was trembling with fear.

He just bowed down silently and refused to raise his head.

Xiang Yu looked indifferent, and suddenly turned his right wrist outward, and heard a "swish" sound, and the Long Yuan Sword was unsheathed with a cold light.

When Qing Bu heard this all too familiar sound, he subconsciously stopped trembling.

He didn't expect that after causing so many heinous crimes, King Xiang, who had always been cold-blooded and cruel, would be willing to give him a happy death with mercy instead of torture.

Xiang Yu's eyes seemed to be filled with ice, his right arm was slightly raised, and his sword was ready to go.

He did not stab him immediately, but suddenly said: "I wish you... leave a word."

At this point, it is meaningless to ask why they betrayed or why they massacred the city.

Even if a tattooed man has a eloquent tongue, if he really wants to argue a grievance, it will only look ridiculous and shameless before the blood of the people of Chu has just faded away and thousands of corpses are still cold.

Ting Bu suddenly lost his fear and grinned nonchalantly.

Strange to say, he had already

When he was fighting with Xiang Yu in the four fields, he turned around and led the troops, fought bravely, and always won the championship of the three armies. His men killed many people, so how could he ever fear death and injury? If not, how could he overwhelm all the Chu generals and win the eyes of King Xiang the most!

Now that he was away from the battlefield that he hated so much, he had lost all his courage and became timid and afraid of getting into trouble.

In fact, even he couldn't figure out how he ended up in this situation due to a single thought.

If he had not listened to Li Sheqi's instigation, but had honestly obeyed the king's edict and knelt down to plead guilty to King Xiang in person... King Xiang had always been soft-hearted towards his generals, so as long as he lowered his stance and had a sincere attitude, he would probably be able to accomplish great things. Make it a trivial matter.

Perhaps, Li Shiqi is not to blame at all.

Because of his ulterior ambition, he was so horrified that he only wanted to strike first.

In anger, he went out to massacre the city, massacred a group of people, and lost the hearts of the people.

Not only did he make the people of Chu mad, but he also alienated the people of Jiujiang, completely cutting off his own escape route.

When he fled from the six cities in the capital, he did not dare to ask about the fate of his family members, and Wu Rui, the "wife", also understood this tacitly.

They all knew that the remaining blood relatives who had no time to escape would have been slaughtered by Long Qie and others when they vented their anger.

"I had known this..."

Thousands of thoughts surged through Qingbu's heart, and finally he sighed sincerely: "You shouldn't be the king of Jiujiang who is so troublesome!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiang Yu decisively raised his sword and cut off the tattooed head with his own hands without blinking an eye.

The head with a ferocious expression rolled to the ground, and hot blood spurted out from the broken neck.

The body then collapsed, throwing up bursts of dust and sand.

Ting Bu, who massacred the people of Chu State, was finally executed. The civil servants and generals of Chu State, who had been watching with bated breath, slowly let out the evil breath that they had been holding in for a long time.

Long Qie was the most excited, stroking his hands on the spot and cheering loudly.

If the tattooed head hadn't been beheaded by the king himself, he not only wanted to take it and play it as a ball, but also wanted to throw it into a cauldron and boil it to death, so as to relieve the hatred in his heart.

Your Majesty is so merciful that even for this rebellious man who has been full of crimes, he still cared about his old feelings and gave him a quick and painful death, otherwise he should have suffered more punishment!

Only Lu Bu was absent-minded. When the crowd was agitated, he only caressed his palm perfunctorily, looking somewhat out of place.

Xiang Yu's face was as dark as water, and he turned a deaf ear to the noise around him.

After silently taking the cloth from his attendant, he concentrated on slowly wiping away the remaining blood on Long Yuan's sword. With a stroke of snow, he neatly returned the sword to its sheath.

Just when Lu Bu was still keeping a straight face and wandering around with his hands behind his hands, he suddenly caught a slender black shadow approaching from the corner of his eye and subconsciously grabbed it.

With a crisp "snap", he firmly grasped the Longyuan Sword that had done a great thing in his hands.

So good, why did this idiot give him his own weapon?

Xiang Yu, however, did not look at his confused general. He turned around with a calm face, looked at his subordinates with different expressions, and announced in a deep voice: "Today, I will honor you with the gift of Long Yuan."

Everyone held their breath and looked at Lu Bu.

As a recipient of the gift, General Lu was still unfazed by the favor and humiliation, and took it calmly, without even moving his brows.

Lu Bu didn't show any fear, and Xiang Yu didn't notice anything strange. He said calmly: "In the future, you will see Long Yuan as if you were alone."

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