The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 94: Pig teammates on blood

"Red line, let's fight against each other. I won. You gave me the crossbow. I promised others to come back when the time comes. I can't keep me from being an unsavvy pup.

When Ren Yaqian was at the barbecue, he heard a big drink from behind, and his brain was suddenly black.

Don't keep your promise and be an eggless pussy? Have you been kicked by a donkey? I'm afraid I can't die fast enough.

He turned to look at the back of the car, Ren Baqian always felt that the emperor would write him a note in the book, no matter he wins or loses, he will look good in the future.

Li Renbaqian felt that he had to stay away from him in the future to avoid being implicated.

If the pig teammates are divided into four ABCD levels, Du Changkong will definitely be S-level.

The meat was almost roasted. Ren Baqian ran to the back with a stick wearing two pieces of barbecue to watch the excitement.

I am the second generation of officials. Ren Changqian is sure that Du Changkong will not die, but it is sure that he is fat and strong.

"Any lecturer!"

As soon as Qi Ren Yaqian got up, she heard Qing Xie shouting at herself, turned her head to see her beckoning to herself, and hurried over.

However, Qing Jie's face was a little weird, which made Ren Baqian's heart feel bad.

I climbed into the car, and the empress looked at him with a smile on her face: "What did you tell him just now?"

Ye Ren's eight thousand faces are all green. Is this fire burning on himself? After all, Du Changkong just said a few words himself, and ran to the back and shouted such a voice. If he didn't say anything, he would not believe it.

"His Majesty's Ming Jian has nothing to do with Wei Chen! In Wei Chen's mind, a woman can stand half the sky, or even half the sky, she really doesn't know where he was stimulated to say such a sentence. Wei Chen just said that the man's husband should be counted Then, since he will take the crossbow and take it back again, what he said has nothing to do with the minister ... "Ren Baqian hurriedly screamed injustice.

The maidservant looked at Ren Baqian a few times, slightly flicking her sleeves, and Ren Baqian felt a cloud of clouds flying out of the sky.

Stuck on the ground, even though it was all grass, still let him grin for a while.

Li Renbaqian really wanted to cry without tears, but he was pitted by a 17-year-old second sister-in-law. I hope the empress will not write down her own books.

I rubbed my **** while picking up the kebab, limping towards the back of the car.

I just wanted to see the excitement. Now I just want to see how the two sister-in-laws are bitten.

He was only alive and enthusiastic in this circle. Someone was barbecuing and somebody was chatting. A young girl sitting on the back of an elephant was holding a crossbow and looking through a sight through a telescope. His eyes were full of curiosity.

Although the telescope's telephoto function is not strong, it also has a certain effect. It can clearly see the far place. This function really makes girls curious. It was more interesting to her than the treasures in the house.

There are also a few men and women sitting on the ground near the girl, and from time to time look up at the **** the back of the elephant, waiting for her to have enough things to play.

At this time, Du Changkong took a look of perseverance, as if he was about to be generous and righteous. He walked up to 20 meters before the girl and shouted: "Red line, let's fight against each other. I won. You gave me the crossbow. I Promise that others will return when the time comes, and I can't keep me from being an unscrupulous pussy. "

For a moment, the entire field was quiet.

Everyone looks at him.

What makes him different is that all the men are surprised and don't know what crazy he is. Then a few big guys laughed and laughed: "Ladies with no eggs? Hahahaha, I laughed to death."

The woman in the field was surprised at first, then angry, and looked at Du Changkong as if to kill.

What did he say? Don't keep your promise and be an eggless pussy? This is too vicious, all female ancient people in the field were included. To make matters worse, even his Majesty in the car was packed in.

Xu Chang Du was unconscious, and looked provocatively at the woman on the back of the elephant.

The woman named Red Line was about seventeen or eighteen years old. After being surprised, her head was blue and straight, she looked at Du Changkong fiercely, and threw her crossbow into the hands of nearby people. The whole man turned over from the elephant's back as soon as he twisted.

"You said the **** without eggs?" The red thread stared at him with anxiety to kill Du Changkong.

"Do you have any?" Du Changkong was still encouraged by Ren Baqian's radical method at this time, and his blood was all over his head.

"Hahahahaha, hahahaha!"

After a brief silence, even more crazy laughter erupted.

This time, it was not just a few men. Almost all the men in the field burst into laughter and wiped their tears while laughing. Is this Du Changkong timid today?

"Wangba, you want to die so much, I'll make you perfect." The red line's delicate face was almost blue at this time, and the forehead was even green.

Du Changkong looked mad at the red line, and suddenly felt guilty, and seemed to annoy her?

But it ’s too late to shrink your head at this time. So many people are watching. If you shrink your head, you will really lose face.

I said in my heart, "I won. You returned the crossbow to me. I originally brought it from someone else."

If Ren Qianqian is here, he will definitely be moved for a while. This silly boy is thinking that he will make people cramp and still remember his crossbow, really a righteous man.

But now Ren Baqian is rubbing his buttocks on the ground now, thinking in his heart that the red girl should not keep her hand, she must be carried to death.

Waiting for him to limp over, there was already a big circle around that side.

"Boy Du family, man today, you must stick to it for a while."

"Du Changkong, I'm bullish on you, don't be ashamed."

"Red line, teach him well."

When Ren Ren came over eight thousand, he heard these messy rumblings, all because of the busyness.

Everything in the market has been moved away. On a large lawn, only Du Changkong and a girl in Tsing Yi are separated by a distance of ten meters ~ ~ Is this the red line? I don't know what is the relationship with Hung Hom. "Ren Baqian pondered. Anyway, the two people don't look like each other, they should be just the same surname.

As soon as Qi Ren Yaqian stood on the perimeter, two people on the field ran into each other, and the two sides fisted together.

According to the head, Du Changkong can be more than the red line. But it's not that the bigger the bigger the more powerful, otherwise the emperor will not be the first master of Dayao, and Du Changkong will not be bitter at first.

The two sides only fought a few times, and Du Changkong flew out backwards. In the field, with good eyesight, he could see the red sleeved fists being put on Du Changkong's arms. Du Changkong suddenly couldn't control his arms up, then the two fists hit Du Changkong's chest.

Bian Renbaqian couldn't see this. Although they were not fancy, they were too fast for him.

Du Changkong made a roll on the ground, climbed up and hit the red line again, but this time he flew back faster. He crashed and flew out with a "bang" just after being hit. But listening to this voice and seeing Du Changkong's heavy fall to the ground all felt pain for him.

"You say that unbelievable is the same as an eggless woman?"

"Who do you say is not trustworthy?"

"What happened to the woman?"

Uh ...

When the game was over, the red line kicked Du Changkong like a ball, and he kicked off without waiting for him to get up.

This is another ordinary person and has been kicked to death.

Kedu is fighting against the sky, preventing the most important places every time. Although he was kicked and flew around, he could climb up.

When he saw that he was hit like a ball, everyone laughed.

Fang Fang just got a man, and was kicked as a ball within a few minutes.

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