The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 37 Take the initiative to try

Xie Ning pressed her head, which was experiencing stabbing pain, and smiled reluctantly at her uncle, "Uncle, you must have awakened a power-type ability."

"Have you been feeling unwell or had a high fever before?"

Song Youzhi nodded quickly, "There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the fever, except that my head felt dizzy for half an hour. By the way, my hands are still hot!"

"I thought it was because I was suffocating in the small conference room."

"Let's get out of here first and talk about it on the way."

Song Youzhi quickly pulled Xiao Zhu up from the ground, picked up the lanyard, looped it around a few times and hung it on his shoulder. He turned around and ran with his eldest niece while carrying the rope.

But it's strange to say that this large roll of lanyard appeared out of nowhere and actually saved Xiao Zhu's life at the critical moment.

Xie Ning, Song Youzhi, and Xiao Zhu climbed up the ladder from the side and opened the safety door when they reached the top of the building.

There were no zombies, and the three of them went down to the first floor smoothly.

I saw an old zombie with brown spots on his face, standing up staggeringly from behind his desk.

"It's the old building manager." Xiao Zhu covered his mouth and shouted softly.

Just as Xie Ning was about to step forward, Song Youzhi stopped her and said, "Ning Ning, let uncle try."

Xie Ning nodded and pointed to the long toolbox under the old table, "See what you can use."

Song Youzhi went over to look through it and took out a rusty fire ax from the tool box, "Where to chop? My niece."

Seeing his niece chopping zombies is as easy as chopping vegetables and melons. How could he, a grown man, always let a little girl rush in and kill zombies in front of him.

Xie Ning pointed at the slowly swinging zombie and made a demonstration gesture, "Head, go down a little."

"Bang!" Song Youzhi brought down the ax and chopped off the old zombie's head directly from his neck.

The clerk Xiao Zhu was so frightened that he covered his eyes and turned away, hugging his cold body and shivering.

A skull rolled to the ground.

The old zombie still opened his mouth and made a loud sound.

Song Youzhi was shocked, "How come you can open your mouth even if your head falls off?"

"Uncle, you didn't destroy the life center of his brainstem." Xie Ning stepped forward and stabbed the zombie's head directly with a knife, "It has to be like this."

"You should be able to master the strength after practicing a few more times, and pay attention to control." Xie Ning waved the black long blade in her hand, "The highest-end superpower users can accurately control their own superpower output. They will not waste any time. Remaining strength."

"Every ounce of superpower is vital and can be used to save lives at critical moments."

"Okay!" Song Youzhi listened and nodded with a serious face.

"Then let's get out of here quickly. It's very quiet near this building. Let's go out and take a small road. It only takes three to five minutes to get to the Cultural Park. Mom and Song Kexin will probably have to wait impatiently."

"Then let's hurry up." Song Youzhi urged repeatedly, and as soon as he turned around, he picked up the long toolbox that was not old and new in his hand.

Seeing Xie Ning looking towards him, Song Youzhi smiled and said, "I think there are many tools here that are quite useful. Bring them with you. Anyway, I have a lot of strength."

Xie Ning said "Yeah" and turned to look at Xiao Zhu who was trembling all over. "Let's go."

"Uncle Song, I'm particularly worried about my husband and Qiqi right now." Xiao Zhu spoke with tears in her eyes, "I'm worried that something will happen to them."

How did this world become so terrible?

Overnight, everything has changed!

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