"Come in."

The door of the ward was opened, and Imer blinked helplessly at the three people inside. His hands and head were piled with various gifts. Behind him, a girl with a Shenzhou face poked her head out, looked at Mebius with some fear, and said:

"Captain Mikael, Dr. Mebius, the commander asks you to come over..."

"Here we are!"

The three people were shocked.

Mobius stood calmly at the door of the ward, lifted Danzhu's face with his fingers, and asked irrelevantly: "Hey, I've been coveting you two sisters for a long time. How about coming to my laboratory to be an assistant?"

"Mei, Mei, Dr. Mobius, don't tease me..."

"Who teased you? I'm telling the truth! Oh, by the way, I sent a dispatch report to FAMAS last night. You two sisters are so talented, it's a pity to live with Erwin..."

Danzhu: "..."

Behind her, Mikael and Ellie looked at each other, and took advantage of Danzhu's blind spot to put a note in her hand.

Then he jumped off the bed as if nothing had happened, and looked at Imer who was carrying hundreds of gifts:

"Are you popular recently?"

"No, captain, you misunderstood, these are all for you, there are more than a hundred love letters alone..."

Alicia smiled and made a "Yeah!" gesture, which roughly meant "Imer, you did a good job!"


Famas leaned back in his chair, raised his head 45 degrees, stared at the fluorescent light, stared until he was dizzy, his eyes were red, as if he was going blind.

On the table were "Vostok-51 Investigation Report", "Vostok Collapse Incident Investigation Report", and a file of Mikael, where his birthplace was clearly written - Vostok-51 Orphanage.

In fact, it is not necessary to even look at these files, because whether it is the investigation of Town 51 or the later Vostok Collapse - the first Collapse event, Hen was the first eyewitness and the only eyewitness still in active service so far...

FAMAS closed his eyes, tears falling from the corners of his eyes.

Don't get me wrong, this does not mean that he has any emotions, it's just that he stared at the lights for too long and his eyes are a little tired.

He thought of Mobius's data analysis. Although the two people's ideas sometimes conflict, FAMAS definitely recognizes her ability.

When naming the Herrschers born in the collapse of Irkune City, Mobius insisted on using the two naming methods of "appearance name + power" in parallel, but she named the first Herrscher faced by mankind as the Second Herrscher, and the collapse of Irkune City as the Second Collapse...

Her explanation is: According to the established mathematical model, when the concentration of collapse energy within a certain range is too high, due to its large mass, it must collapse inward and concentrate a large amount of collapse energy on one or a few individuals. The energy reaction level of Vostok's collapse and the second collapse is not much different. It is only the large-scale lower-level collapse beasts that can cause unrest, which is not in line with common sense.

Famas closed his eyes and rested his mind, his index finger kept tapping on the armrest of the seat, inadvertently reflecting the turmoil in his heart.

"If this is true, this child must not be kept."

"Wait, why not?"

He suddenly opened his eyes, looking a little confused and struggling.

Mebius's old catchphrase echoed in his ears again and again: "What is the definition of human beings?"

This question got into Famas' mind and instantly became uncontrollable.

It was as if his right brain was originally water and his left brain was originally flour, and once the shit-stirring stick came in, it instantly became paste.

"Who am I? I... No, I shouldn't think about these things..."

"There is nothing wrong with Mikael's performance after entering the Fire Moth. If you don't consider other things, he is a qualified warrior! Becoming a Herrscher is not something he can control. We... If the Herrscher can really retain human consciousness, then this should be a good thing. This means that we can use God's apostles to fight God..."

But at this moment, Vashak's words rang in his mind again:

"On the road to fighting the collapse, we can only trust humans, pure humans."

"But what if this is a scam? What if Mikael's humanity is a disguise? What if he is a spy sent by the collapse to the Fire Moth to cause greater damage? Even if Mikael is on the side of humans now, will he be contaminated by the collapse again?"

Famas rarely showed a violent emotion and hit his head three times with all his strength.

After thinking about it, he was still not satisfied, so he shook himself twice.

The first palm hit the left cheek, but after thinking about it, it seemed unbalanced to hit only one side.

A palm strike from the right side...

Feels good...

"Dongdongdong... Commander, the person is here!"

Famas rubbed his slightly red cheeks with his hands, wiped off the grease on his hands, and shouted: "Let Captain Mikael come in first."

Across a table, Famas and Mikael looked at each other.

To be precise, this was not the first time they met. Being in the same headquarters of the Fire Moth, it is inevitable that there will be some intersections, such as encountering in the tunnel, staring at each other for a long time in the cafeteria for the last piece of steak, and playing rock-paper-scissors for the last toilet pit, but Famas found that there was no toilet paper...

But these are not important. Both of them tacitly regarded this meeting as the first time.

For Famas, Mikael is a perfect subordinate. His Honkai energy is extremely adaptable, highly obedient, and he works hard. If other factors are not considered, he can completely replace Hen or Himiko in the future. The position has become Fire Chaser Moth's trump card against Honkai Impact.

And that's the problem - this trump card was handed over by the enemy.

"The apostle of God used the power he received from God to resist God. Would He really allow such a thing to exist?"

For Mikael, Famas is a very competent commander in some aspects. He is calm and firm in his beliefs. He has all kinds of objections to Dr. Mebius, who has different ideas, but he will be objective as long as the doctor says it. Think carefully before deciding whether to adopt it or not.

The only problem is that he can be a bit cold-blooded at certain times, like when he sent the entire fifth team to their deaths when facing the Second Herrscher.

So for a while, no one spoke.

"Command." Mikael suddenly broke the deadlock.

"What's wrong?"

He looked at the young man in front of him, but he could see the vicissitudes and helplessness in his eyes that were not suitable for his age.

"Commander, I don't pretend anymore, I show my cards, I am the Herrscher."

"?" Famas's hand shook. He had been preparing for a long time, but he never expected that the young man would tell the truth in such a candid manner.

"Commander, I don't know what reason you have to believe in me - but if you are willing to believe it once, at least for now, I can still fight for humanity."

Famas opened his mouth. Such a sincere attitude was a bit shocking to him who was used to intrigues.

"Maybe... I can try to be more sincere?" He felt a little ridiculous.

He quickly lowered his head to cover up his gaffe, and at the same time began to weigh the pros and cons in his mind...

In fact, there is nothing to weigh. He considers himself not a crazy person, at least not anymore.

Based on Mikael's current performance and attitude, the most vicious method Famas had ever thought of was to inject him with a special serum and then put him under house arrest.

But now, he is more inclined to keep this card.

It’s just...he probably won’t be able to protect Mikael for much longer...

He suddenly chuckled twice, "You passed the test...at least you passed the test with me...but if someone catches you with tangible evidence, I can't protect you."

Mikael glanced at Famas unexpectedly. In the past ten minutes, he had already thought up eleven ways to escape in his mind, and Ellie should have made other preparations according to the note he gave...

Didn't expect this to be the end?

That's it?


Mikael suddenly realized that Famas had used himself as bait and handed it to a being suspected of being a Herrscher.

If he really belonged to Honkai, he would take action here, kill the leader of Fire Chaser Moth effortlessly, and then create a big fuss within the unprepared Fire Chaser Moth...

Thinking of this, his eyes were attracted to the documents on Famas's desk - those were the files since he joined the Fire Chaser Moth.

It records in detail his every move after joining the company, which has become his plus point.

The accumulation of all these factors gave rise to Famas's doubtful attitude towards himself.

Mikael nodded silently.

But Famas laughed again, "You know, if you showed any malice just now and wanted to do something to me, what would happen to you?"

Mikael shook his head in confusion.

Famas took out a tube of serum from his pocket and said in a show off: "This is the latest achievement of the medical department. It can be used to treat patients with collapsing disease. Of course, this also means that it can make a person's body Honkai Impact can be cleared instantly, and for some special beings, it can at least suppress them for a long time..."

Mikael was afraid for a while. He thought that this kind of serum could only be found in the destiny of the new era... But that's not right. Now that this kind of serum has been born, how could the former civilization still face a serious crisis of Honkai Disease?

Forcibly suppressing the doubts in his heart, Mikael seemed to have thought of something again, and asked softly: "Then...Captain Himihu..."

"Well, she should be almost back at the base at this time..."

"Remember to call Dr. Mebius in when you go out. No, let her come in in ten minutes."

After saying this, Mikael just closed the office door.

And Famas also fell on the back of the chair as if he was exhausted. He quickly pulled off his tie, and when his palms touched his forehead, he was covered in cold sweat.

But what he didn't know was that the moment Mikael stood up, the Mimic Second Herrscher core he held in his hand quietly disappeared.

"I can only say that it feels really bad to feel that your destiny is in the hands of others..."

These two chapters are not quite right recently. In fact, the character design of Famas is based on the Third Hokage, but I feel that my writing is too messy and I failed to establish his image. He is also very watery...

In short, spray lightly, paper towels are not enough...

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