The First Evolution

Chapter 6 Successful Production

It was hot and dry here, so Fang Linyan found three spiders under the stone in the barn and eaves not far away after looking around for half an hour. Among them, two spiders had yellow belly and green legs. The yellow-bellied spider is about the size of a palm.

The other one is much smaller, but the whole body is dark and shiny, like an abacus bead that has been coiled for a long time. Only the abdomen has a strange red spot. This is the six-eyed red-bellied spider.

After weighing the pros and cons, Fang Linyan finally chose the six-eyed red-bellied spider.

Although this spider is small, the toxins secreted are not as strong as those of the yellow-bellied spider. However, the geometric yellow-bellied spider is a web-knitting spider. The six-eyed red-bellied spider is a hunting spider. It is not fixed in one place, but roams everywhere, relying on its own bouncing and explosive power to forage.

In Fang Linyan's memory, voodoo taught black magic: the essence of blood spiders is to use their own blood to summon a blood-colored spider to attack the opponent. The geometric yellow-bellied spider can strengthen its toxins, while the six-eyed red-bellied spider strengthens the jumping power and mobility of the blood-colored spider.

Fang Linyan weighed the pros and cons at this time, and the last thing he valued was the latter. He wrapped the six-eyed red-bellied spider in a piece of paper, then set it on fire, and then shook the burned powder into the voodoo doll and bit it. Finger, a strange rune was written on it.

Just when the rune was ending, an indescribable, weird chuckle sounded out of thin air, and this voice had a strong and incomparably evil meaning. Fang Linyan shuddered, his face turned pale, and he fell to the ground in an extremely embarrassed manner. Blood even flowed out of his ears and mouth.

Then he vomited three mouthfuls of blood in a row, all of which were vomited on the voodoo doll in front of him, and what was left was absorbed by the voodoo doll. It was also his normal healthy body at this time. If it was the previous body with lung cancer, these three mouthfuls of blood would cost Fang Linyan half of his life!

When the voodoo doll was successfully made, Fang Linyan suddenly felt that the whole world in front of him, and even the space and time seemed to fluctuate strangely, but this feeling was fleeting, like a slight ripple on the water surface. between the real and the fantasy.

But he was quite tired at this time, and his chest was in severe pain as if being stirred by a knife, so he was only in a trance for a while, and then ignored this matter, and then he leaned against the wall to breathe for a while before picking it up. After taking a big sip of Frozen Coke, he was able to relax. After he touched the voodoo doll in front of him with his palm, a series of messages appeared on his retina:

Sloppy Voodoo Doll (Condition: Fair)

Producer: No. 72AFS Contractor

Equipment rarity: blue (the rarity itself is white, but the quality is improved by the ability bonus during the production process.)

Material: paper, wax, cloth, straw, bone meal, blood

Holes that can be set with gemstones: 1

Equipment: Voodoo black magic can only be used by holding a voodoo doll, and the wielder's black magic power will gain a base damage bonus of 6-6.

Passive attribute: blood refining (special), this voodoo doll is mixed with the blood of the maker when it is made, so when the maker uses it, the casting time of any black magic that requires blood as the casting material/medium will be reduced 3 seconds, if the continuous casting time is less than 3 seconds, it will become instant cast. There will be no bonuses for non-makers.

Passive Attributes: Inferior quality, superb production skills cannot cover up the inferiority of its own production materials, so this voodoo doll will be destroyed after a certain number of uses, and the remaining number of uses: 10 times.

"Assessment: I can get a dozen of such voodoo dolls---if the price is cheap."

"Because the materials for this equipment are all common materials,

Therefore, this equipment cannot be carried out of this world. "

Fang Linyan didn't feel anything when he looked at the attributes of this equipment, but what he didn't know was that under normal circumstances, blue equipment would get one enchanting attribute bonus, and top-quality blue equipment would get two enchanting attribute bonuses. to make.

However, probably because the passive attribute "Blood Refinement" was too strong, the negative passive attribute "Inferior" appeared to offset it. In other words, Fang Linyan's own hidden manufacturing ability was even considered too strong by the space, so he had to balance his negative attributes.

After taking the voodoo doll, Fang Linyan did not rush into action, but stayed outside to observe. At this time, of course, he had to implement the second most important plan, which was to make a sum of money. At this point, he only had four dollars left on him, not even enough to eat a meal, let alone complete the main quest.

Fang Linyan has also thought about making money, and first ruled out illegal violence, because his current body is only an ordinary young man. Once something goes wrong, he will be shot even if he doesn't get a headshot. half-life will be lost...

However, if he wants to make money through formal channels, it is not within his options. Therefore, Fang Linyan was watching carefully and looking for opportunities. After waiting for about an hour and a half, his eyes suddenly lit up, because a "Hellcat" car drove in the distance, with obvious modification marks. And there is a skeleton painting on it, which looks like the car of a local gangster.

There were three people in the car, and two people got out of the car. They looked around vigilantly, and then quickly walked towards the supermarket, but one person stayed in the car.

Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan's eyes lit up all of a sudden. After he stood up, he quietly came to the back of the vehicle. He saw that the tail pipe was still exhausting. Obviously, the engine hadn't turned off. ......

Judging from the appearance of the vehicle, it is quite possible that the identity of the person in the vehicle is a gangster.

There were three people in the car, but one person was left behind, which means that there should be something valuable in the car that needs to be guarded.

The two people who left opened the car door and looked around before leaving cautiously.

The current temperature is about 20 degrees, neither cold nor hot, so there is no need to turn on the air conditioner continuously, but the vehicle did not turn off. Instead, the man in the driver's seat held the steering wheel and looked around, indicating that he was very cautious and prepared to drive away at any time. Prepare.

Combining these four factors, Fang Linyan felt that most of the other party had a problem, so he could take a gamble! By the way, I can also experiment with voodoo witchcraft: the power of blood spiders, after seeing the two people who got off the car and entered the supermarket. Fang Linyan came to a place ten meters behind the Hellcat, where a van could completely cover his figure.

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