The First Evolution

Written at the end of this volume......

So far, this volume is reversed! The Burning Twins are over.

Friends who are new to the pit see this, and they should have a basic understanding of the general framework and structure of this book.

The next volume will be a very cruel one! You have to be mentally prepared.

why would you say so?

First of all, the background of the world is quite cruel. Humans have become a weak race, and they are even kept in captivity like livestock.

Secondly, the joint trial is very cruel. The trialists have to eliminate each other, and finally fight for a place. In short, it is eight words, great luck, eat tonight (and birds)!

Under such double cruelty, Xiao Xiaofang, a terminal cancer patient like him, has to coddle, face the cruelty of the apocalypse, and face the intrigue of his companions. It is not easy to live, let alone eat chicken?

Is it exciting to think about it?

Finally, thanks for the chapter recommendation of the Great God of Sea Walker, thank you very much. In fact, what I want to say is that I have always admired the books on the seabed. This is definitely not a commercial exchange.

When he wrote the book "Reborn Japan as a God", which was not a big hit at the time, I kept chasing it. Now it is the third in the fan list, but I don't have time to read the new book. What I admire most is the paragraph in the "God" book. talk:

Isn't this world dominated by five countries with nuclear strike forces? My power surpasses nuclear weapons, even stronger, then I am a nuclear power, I am the sixth pole of the world, and the land under my feet is my country.

Cough cough----By the way, he is standing on the bustling street of Tokyo.

So, everyone can go and have a look when you have time.

Oh, by the way, in his book, it was the first time that I knew what the Japanese word for (I have to block it for this thing?) means...  

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