The First Evolution

Chapter 5 The Lying Woman

After seeing this scene, Fang Linyan immediately sucked in a breath of cold air and tightly grasped the tentacles of light on his body, he didn't want to follow in such a footstep!

But what Fang Linyan didn't know was that when he first entered the 811 world, he had already experienced a similar thing, but he just passed out at that time.

After calming down, Fang Linyan saw that there were still many people around him being rolled up by the tentacles of light, and quickly flew towards a place. He must be in this state, but the light of the tentacles of light was quite bright, and he couldn't see clearly. the faces of the others.

Suddenly, a passage suddenly appeared in the darkness next to Fang Linyan, and a person wrapped in a diamond-shaped light quickly flew out of it.

As the flight time became longer and longer, more and more people were surrounded by diamond-shaped light around Fang Linyan.

Not only that, passages were opened one after another in the darkness, and then there appeared people wrapped in balls of light and were quickly brought to fly,

Faced with such a spectacle, it is not difficult for Fang Linyan to infer the truth of the incident...

It turned out that the joint trial this time was actually at least three space joints.

The space where people from the world where Fang Linyan is located is characterized by the use of tentacles of light. People from the other two worlds are characterized by diamond-shaped rays of light and light balls!

Thinking of this, Fang Linyan immediately understood:

The competitors he will face this time are not only from this local world, but also from two different plane worlds!

Just after Fang Linyan deduced the general situation, he suddenly realized that the tentacles of light covering him had disappeared, and the feeling of entering the passage had also disappeared.

I have entered a very strange state, just like encountering the so-called "ghost press", my consciousness is awake, but my body has completely lost control, and I can't even move a finger.

It was also pitch black in front of him, and only a strange monotonous sound could be heard in his ears, as if someone was beating steel repeatedly.

And the imprint of the word ∞ on Fang Linyan's chest has been shining faintly, but Fang Linyan didn't see it himself.

I don't know how long this dark situation lasted until Fang Linyan's eyes appeared a little light before it got better.

Then Fang Linyan's retina began to pop up a series of information:

"The joint trial information is being received..."

"Begin to analyze the target...."

"Begin to assimilate characters and joint trials..."

"Human! You were lucky enough to be selected and entered the joint battlefield. This place is full of dangers but full of opportunities. In the next trial, you only need to do one thing, and that is to survive! There are countless wealth here. , inexhaustible power, the temptation of immortality, want to know all this? Want to get it all? Then live first!"

"Your current status is: Trial, your temporary number is ZB419." (The temporary number code is generated after analyzing the gene code of the organism, and has nothing to do with the order of entry.)

"Your talent has been awakened. At this time, your body has been temporarily digitized, but you can obtain permanent digitization only after you pass the trial."

"Warning, if you die here, you will die too."

"You have been mastered in the relevant mainstream language by default, and you will be forgotten after you leave."

"You can't reveal some secret information to the aborigines of the world, such as trials, your true identity, etc., even if you reveal your words, it will be automatically filtered."

"Start entering the world..."

"Start finding and matching relevant identities..."

"When humans open the Pandora's box of artificial intelligence, they enjoy the convenience it brings,

But ignore the threat it brings! "

"The world of the future has become a mechanical civilization. After the evolution of artificial intelligence to the extreme, a personality with self-awareness has emerged, Typhon! This has led to sharp contradictions with human society, and the war of "Purge Day" has been launched brazenly. Under the full attack of the mechanical civilization, they tried their best to resist, but they were already at a disadvantage, and the entire planet was severely damaged in the war, which can be called devastated. . . . "

"A large number of powerful robots called reapers have been produced, and the meaning of their creation is to treat humans as slaves, to give priority to capture, or... to kill directly if they cannot be captured, and then take away the corpse. ."

"Because for mechanical civilization, human fat is a good lubricant after refining, human bones can extract metal elements from it, and human hair and blood can extract a very good additive, which can greatly increase A substantial increase in the ductility of its latest alloys."

"That's why the mechanical civilization slowed down its offensive against human civilization, and even started to try to raise humans as livestock-like renewable resources, and named the area where humans were kept in captivity as the flesh and blood regeneration mine, the darkest in human history. The time has come!"

"This is Yangfan City, which ranks in the top ten among the only remaining settlements of human beings. It is facing a new round of raids launched by Typhon."

"You, at this time, appeared on the world at this time..."

"It is worth mentioning that the danger you have to face is not just mechanical life. Under the action of radiation, some beasts and insects have also mutated and become dangerous and aggressive. Humans are also at the forefront of their recipes. s position!"

"So, hide well and make sure you live!"

. . . . . .

With the gradual adaptation of his eyes to the light, Fang Linyan, although still unable to move, already found himself collapsed on the side of a road, and he could vaguely see the surrounding movement. Very cold, with a faint smell of turpentine after inhalation. There was rain falling from the sky, and it was extremely cold.

The light quickly went from far to near, from soft to dazzling, and then you could hear the hoarse roar of the engine. It was actually a JEEP driving at full strength, and the light came from the high beams on the front of the car. After turning a sharp bend, the high beams became clearer. At this time, Fang Linyan was shocked to find that in the middle of the road less than ten meters away from him, there was a woman lying on his side.

This woman didn't move, and she didn't know whether she was dead or alive. She should have been lying in the rain for a long time, her clothes were already soaked, and her fingers were pale. Not only that, there are several stationary vehicles behind the woman, but these vehicles have been severely damaged.

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