The First Evolution

Chapter 25 Governor's Roar

Within a few seconds after the module was first installed, the entire firearm did not respond, but soon Fang Linyan felt that the surface of the firearm was actually getting hot to the touch, and there was a feeling of numbness as if it had been overcharged. The key is that the sky is already dark at this time, and there are people looking at this side strangely from time to time. For the sake of safety, Fang Linyan could only put the mutating firearm directly into his private space and let it transform on its own.

After having a general understanding of Yangfan City at this time, Fang Linyan felt that the pattern of this settlement was somewhat similar to the towns in Japan during the Warring States Period---------with a strong defensive castle/tenshou pavilion As the core, there are markets/city towns with a strong commercial atmosphere. All prosperity and prosperity are built on the basis of force. Once there is no protection of force, everything is a dream bubble.

Not only that, although this city built in the desert seems rough, most of the building materials are stone, giving people the first experience of being rough and open, but some details can still be refined, such as There are pocket flower beds made of gravel piled up at the door of every household, which are planted with tenacious cacti, sea buckthorn, zinnia, cornflower and so on.

The walls are also engraved with fertile wavy patterns representing rebirth. Not only that, there are often special stone statues that are half a person high and one person high at the intersections in the city.

The material of these statues is very special, it is a kind of black rock, which looks rough but actually feels very delicate. The shape of the statue has a human body and the head of a vulture. It looks fierce. It is the god of the desert worshipped by the original aborigines. Although the technology in this world is also very developed, the advent of the end of the world and the despair of mankind are mixed together. spread is easier.

Every night, three white candles are lit in front of many desert gods, and the white candles take the shape of the word "pin", and then many people kowtow and pray in front of the statue. become a major feature of the city.

After walking on the street for a while, Fang Linyan felt a little hungry and wanted to eat some steaming food, so he came to the lively street, found a shop with many family members and walked in. What attracted Fang Linyan was the steamer-like cooking utensils placed at the door of the shop. It was steaming hot, and inside it was a steamed cake called "Pasa". Made, the taste is fluffy, and the aftertaste is slightly sweet and slightly sour.

After eating two pasa pancakes, Fang Linyan's roasted pigeon was also served. This dish is a local speciality and has two characteristics. The first pigeon is not a pigeon, just like the beetle is not a cow. The big sword is not the same as the sword. It is a large mouse that is good at running. It has strong reproductive power and is very delicious because of the large amount of exercise.

Secondly, although this dish is obviously roasted pigeon, it is actually a staple food. When killing the pigeon, the head is first chopped off, and then a small opening is opened in the stomach to clean up the internal organs, and then the skin is naturally peeled off and then the blood is rinsed. clean.

After cooking these, they will make pilaf with chestnut rice, cactus fruit, flour, etc., stir and mix it and stuff it into the stomach of the pigeon, then sprinkle with spices, wrap the leaves, and put it in a special sealing soil. Slow roasted over charcoal in the pit.

In this way, the fat of the pigeon itself and the aroma of the meat will eventually be stewed into the main food inside. After serving the table, the meat of the pigeon outside tastes normal, but the main food inside, the pilaf, is full of burnt fragrance and tastes good. It's very delicious. The boss will also give you a cucumber and a tomato. You can take a bite of a cucumber and eat a pilaf. It can be said to be an extraordinary experience.

In the end, Fang Linyan ordered a bowl of hot milk tea to drink, and immediately felt sweaty on his back and comfortable, and this milk tea did not sell well, but it had a silky taste, which was very rare. No wonder it was crowded here.

At this time, Fang Linyan was also in a state of laziness after eating a full meal.

He didn't even want to move a finger, so he ordered another bowl of milk tea and sat down to taste it slowly and take a rest.

At this time, after paying the bill, he realized that the purchasing power of platinum coins is also quite amazing. He took out a platinum coin, and the boss even went to the next door to exchange it in order to successfully get change. In this way, the six platinum coins on his body are at least all Can support him to live here for a month.

Just when Fang Linyan was thinking about what to buy next, he suddenly felt a move in his heart, and found that the Winchester M1887 shotgun in the storage space seemed to have completed its transformation, obviously shortened, and showed specific details. Attributes.

Governor's Roar

Type: Shotgun: (Condition: Excellent)

Place of Origin: Yangfan City

Equipment Rarity: Black

Equipment Parts: Hands, Weapons

Short-range (within 6 meters) attack power: 44 to 70

Long-range (6 meters away) attack power: 30 to 50.

Material: Steel, Plastic, Wood

Slot 1 (Destroyed): Possibility of repair in higher tech dimension worlds.

Slot 2 (used): Advanced Concussion Enhancement Module (Special)

Ammo available: 12mm shotgun

Weight: 3.9kg.

The full length of the gun is 522 mm.

Equipment use conditions: Strength must reach 6 points.

Special effect: The holder must use the special method of one-handed rotation and reloading in order to successfully fire.

With passive special effects: attacking the enemy within a short distance (6 meters) has a 20% chance to knock them into the air.

With passive special effect: attacking the enemy at close range (8 meters) has a 70% chance to cause the enemy to fall into a state of shock for 4 seconds. Movement speed reduced by 60%.

Negative special effects: Aether, this weapon has strong resentment. When using it to attack, there is a certain chance to completely invalidate a piece of equipment on your body (equivalent to not wearing it) until the end of the battle.

Negative special effects: Short mouth, in order to make this special weapon exert its maximum power, its mouth is cut in half, resulting in a much shorter effective range than ordinary shotguns, only 8 meters (normal shotguns) It is 20-100 meters), beyond this distance, the scattering rate of its shotgun will spread to an alarming level, and it will almost be invalid.

Comment: It still has room for further enhancement, provided you find a way to fix it.

Inscription: When you approach the butt of the gun, you can see vague writing on it. If you can find that pair of lucky sunglasses, please put it together with this gun, they are a natural pair.

Looking at the description of this weapon, Fang Linyan's heart finally fell to the ground. The special effects of this weapon's random transformation are quite good. It can be said that it gave Fang Linyan a surprise, which made him more confident about the next plan.

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