The First Evolution

Chapter 27 Sudden interrogation

Next, Fang Linyan found a hiding place and began to practice the special method of the governor's roar, which is a one-handed rotation, and he failed many times at first, but he finally became proficient later.

Seeing that the time was approaching the agreed point, Fang Linyan came to the post again.

It was already dark at this time, because mechanical beings are used to launching raids at night, so the defense here is at least several times tighter than during the day. If Fang Linyan had not pinned the bronze badge to his chest in advance, the patrol team would have been vigilant. He dragged him over, beat him up, and then cross-examined.

Around this way, he also bravely walked along the muzzle and staring at the gun. The pressure on his body was huge. It was only a few hundred meters away from the modified "Mammoth" modified car. Fang Linyan was stunned. The cold sweat wets the underwear.

After arriving at the Mammoth Refitted Vehicle, the remaining team members also greeted Fang Linyan one after another, and they recognized him as a temporary teammate. Want to come Hans also gave them a popular science about the importance of Fang Linyan.

After waiting for another ten minutes, the entire team arrived, only waiting for Captain Lucan. At this time, the members of the team were a little surprised, because Captain Lucan was a very punctual person. Usually, he was the first to arrive and the last to leave. It was rare that he was late. Fortunately, at this time, Dorgar acted as a The vice-captain played a very good role in restraining them, avoiding unreasonable things caused by impetuous people.

Minutes and seconds passed, and suddenly, there was the sound of an engine in the distance, and then a military jeep turned the corner and drove over. You can see Captain Lucan sitting on the co-pilot. It was a military police officer wearing a black cross.

After the car was parked in front of everyone, the military police jumped out of the car, saluted Captain Lucan expressionlessly, and said lightly:

"Captain, you have five minutes to move the cargo."

Captain Lucan nodded, and then shouted at this side:

"Come here and move things!"

Fang Linyan and the others went over to take a look, only to find that there was actually a large oil drum in the rear compartment of the jeep, and it took two or three people to move it. diesel fuel. It should be the fuel that Captain Lucan brought for this "Mammoth". After refueling the vehicle, Captain Lucan took a deep look at Fang Linyan, pointed to the side and said:


After speaking, he walked over there first. After Fang Linyan heard this sentence, his heart skipped a beat. After approaching Captain Lucan, he immediately smelled a pungent bloody smell in his nose! He looked more closely and found that Captain Lucan's boots, trousers and legs were full of shadows, which should be blood splashes! !

In this case, he also raised his vigilance and was ready to use his talent bullet time to run at any time.

After coming to the side, Captain Lucan suddenly said:

"I am a person who attaches great importance to the concept of time. I have been late twice in the past five years. Once, I was shot three times in the abdomen and bled and passed out. Dolga carried me back, otherwise I would be dead. "

Having said this, he paused for a while, and suddenly reached into his jacket, and it seemed that he was about to draw a gun!

At this moment, Fang Linyan almost reacted violently, but fortunately, he restrained the impulse immediately, because the next thing Captain Lucan took out was a cigarette. After lighting it, he took a deep breath and continued:

"The second time, for today's meeting, I was 22 minutes late! Do you know why I was late?"

Fang Linyan shook his head silently. He has already seen that Captain Lucan is in a state of excitement after being stimulated. He needs a lot of pressure to vent, and he only needs to be a listener at this time.

Sure enough, I heard Captain Lucan continue:

"Because I'm on my way,

Received a temporary call-up order, saying that there was a shortage of manpower to raid a place. That place was a leather warehouse. There were a dozen people hiding in it, and it was said that they were conspiring to cause trouble. "

"When we attacked, they also launched a resistance. One of the guys used a knife quite powerfully, so that three of us were killed. The rest thought that if they surrendered, they would be saved. It was naive. In the end, the major who led the team asked me to come. Law enforcement, killed seven people in a row!"

Hearing this, Fang Linyan immediately understood the reason why Captain Lucan was covered in blood.

Captain Lucan finished smoking the cigarette, threw the cigarette butt on the ground in annoyance, crushed it with his feet, and said to Fang Linyan word by word:

"Although those people are dressed like ordinary people, they have a very strange temperament, you know? A temperament that is out of tune with us, and even with the entire Yangfan City... And you , although it is well concealed, but it also has the same temperament as them!!"

Captain Lucan was right.

The testers live in another world. The education, living environment, way of speaking, and behavior habits they have received from childhood to adulthood must be slightly different from those of the locals. As long as they pay attention, they must be able to feel it!

It stands to reason that Fang Linyan should be terrified to hear this sentence at this time, but at this time, he has calmed down after going through these few minutes of foreshadowing——Is Captain Lucan really going to kill himself?

Then what nonsense is he talking about, he just shoots after saying hello, why waste time and energy?

From another perspective, what did Captain Lucan get by killing Fang Linyan?

He didn't get any benefit from killing so many people before. Can he get a lot of money by killing one more Fang Linyan?

More importantly, by killing Fang Linyan, he lost a skilled repairman, and his own interests would be damaged.

Hans must have made it very clear that this modified car was put together, and there is a high probability that it will break down on the road. Once Fang Linyan is missing, the probability of the whole team being destroyed will increase by 10%.

All things in the world are bustling, and what they seek is nothing more than fame and fortune.

After thinking about this, Fang Linyan of course made his mind clear. Now the key is to give Captain Lucan a step, and then lure him for the benefit, so he immediately smiled innocently:

"Boss.... I really don't know what you're talking about, didn't I tell you all about my origin? I've been circling under everyone's eyelids all the time, doing things with all my heart, how can I have the intention of making trouble? !"

"Besides, if I'm really a spy, I've already won your trust during the day, and I've achieved my goal. Why would I take such a big risk with you at night!"

Captain Lucan heard Fang Linyan's words, looked at him sideways and said:

"Yeah, then why are you?"

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