The First Evolution

Chapter 28 Variables (Thanks to the support of the squid who love diving)

The difficulty of carrying out this mission is not small. First of all, according to the previous detection, the mountain in front is the highest peak nearby, and it happens to be on the flight track of the unmanned monitoring aircraft, so the erection site must be installed there.

However, the information showed that the place was already occupied by a group of mutated monsters at this time. Therefore, in order to successfully install the high-energy pulse spy instrument, these monsters must be dealt with.

The second difficulty is that after capturing the drone, the computer virus will be injected for up to an hour, during which time it will lose contact with the main base.

According to the protection rules formulated by Typhon, it will enter the alert state of the third sequence at this time, and a patrol will be dispatched nearby to check.

Under normal circumstances, the patrol team may be two reapers or one clearer. According to the calculation of the intelligence department, the patrol team can arrive at the scene in 40 minutes at the latest.

Not only that, once the two sides start exchanging fire, after feeling lost, the Mechanical Life Patrol will issue a warning signal, and Typhon will raise the alert sequence to the second sequence. Then, Typhon will send a more powerful Destroyer to deal with the matter,

That is to say, the Lucan team must first deal with the mutant creatures entrenched there, and then at least have to deal with a patrol of mechanical life, and then even if the mission is completed and the virus is injected, there is a high chance of facing the powerful. Pursuit of the scavenger mechanical life!

Clearers have infrared vision! Not affected by darkness at all.

That's why Captain Lucan says he's going to get a vehicle! If there is no vehicle mobility to support the retreat, then there is no life and death!

Next, Captain Lucan called his men together and assigned combat tasks.

It is worth mentioning that he divided his subordinates into five groups according to the mode of three-person groups. Groups one to four were the combat group, and the fifth group was the logistics group.

Fang Linyan, Hans, and Dorga belong to the fifth group. They don't need to participate in the battle. Fang Linyan and Hans are responsible for repairing the vehicle. Dorga seems to have been seriously injured a year ago, and there is still a piece of shrapnel in his body. Taking it out, even the fierce movement of inheriting the lineage can only take some special methods. It is too reluctant to participate in the war, so I am responsible for battlefield treatment and driving.

While overhauling and maintaining the vehicle, Fang Linyan vaguely heard Captain Lucan's battle plan. Although he could only hear some vague words, it seemed to be quite thorough:

First, traps are arranged, then a portable grenade launcher is used to shoot from a distance, and a special chemical grenade is fired, which can naturally be lured out. Finally, someone is responsible for wearing a flamethrower for finishing... ..Because you have to worry that the sound of guns will alert the mechanical life in advance, so try to shoot as little as possible.

After some arrangements, the four battle groups were officially dispatched, and the cat walked forward quickly and disappeared into the darkness.

About fifteen minutes later, there was a muffled "dong" sound in the distance, as if something exploded in a tunnel or cave. After hearing this voice, Dolga immediately looked over and whispered:

"here we go."

Fang Linyan also looked in that direction, but the darkness was deep and the night was overcast, and only the starlight and moonlight in the sky could not see anything, only the dazzling branches and leaves and the silent shadows of the trees. But after waiting for five minutes, there was another muffled sound in the distance, and the ground trembled. Fang Linyan was shocked and said:

"This, what kind of monster is this dealing with! If this movement is made by that guy, how big it must be!"

Dolga looked back at Fang Linyan and said strangely:

"You don't know the monsters we deal with?"

Fang Linyan shrugged and said:

"Of course."

Dolga said:

"I forgot that you are not our official member,

I didn't get the mission details, the monster entrenched here is..."

Speaking of this, Dolga's face suddenly tightened, he pressed his wrist fiercely, and then said urgently:

"There is an accident, emergency call, Hans stays behind, wrench you bring a stretcher and come with me!"

After finishing speaking, Dorgar immediately took off the folding stretcher from the car and rushed forward with Fang Linyan. This is a hilly area of ​​the Gobi Desert, and the road conditions are complicated, so you must be very careful when walking.

However, although the front is dark, every five or six meters where the team passes, a cold light rod will be inserted to provide lighting, so it will not make people slam around like flies.

After bypassing a large rock, Fang Linyan saw a fire shining in front of him. Looking closely, it was a team member who was using a flamethrower to spray a twenty-meter-long fire dragon to clean up the front. It seemed that there were some cords. Things are jumping in the flames in pain and madness... But at this time, someone has hurriedly greeted them.

"Are you here! Hurry up..."

Dorga heard the urging, and trotted up quickly. Under the light of the fire in the distance, you could see that he was wearing a black intercom on his wrist, with its own vibration function. This should be the same as before. The reason why he can receive help information.

After Dorgar ran for more than ten meters, he squatted down in front of a flat rock in front of him, and there lay two unconscious wounded.

Dolga quickly took out an injection gun and gave the wounded person close to him a shot.

After Fang Linyan approached, he went to look at it for a while, and suddenly he took a deep breath, goose bumps appeared on his back one by one, because he saw that half of the wounded's cheek was completely out of shape. It can only be described as "melting". The first impression I gave Fang Linyan was that the candle oil was dissolved after being heated and turned into a semi-solidified state!

Not only that, but a very strange and unpleasant smell emanated from him, like the pungent smell of soapy water mixed with baking soda.

The wounded was lying there peacefully before, but after being injected by Dorga, his breathing suddenly became rapid, and in just a few seconds, his chest rose and twitched like a bellows, and he screamed wildly on the ground. Rolled and struggled.

The rest of the people looked sideways when they heard it, and turned to look. Seeing this scene, Dorga was about to come forward to help, but Lucan didn't know when it appeared, so he half-kneeled beside him without saying a word, as if to comfort him, and then looked around to take advantage of people's unpreparedness, But suddenly he took out the gun and pressed it against his chest, pulling the trigger continuously...

In the dull sound of gunshots of "bang bang bang", the body of the wounded person who was shot froze, twitched a few times and died, but a relieved smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After the gunshot, Lucan looked at Dorga and said lightly:

"He was sprayed by the venom of the mutant poisonous python, and he has not been saved. If you are stained, it is estimated that it will be more fortunate and less fortunate!!"

Dolga said in shock:

"What! Didn't the intelligence say that only mutant vipers are entrenched here?"

Lucan's face was very scary:

"Yes, so when I go back, I will definitely ask those bastards -- if we can go back alive!"

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