Captain Lucan pulled out a chainsaw that had been prepared for a long time from his waist, and then started cutting. The sound of the teeth of the chainsaw rubbing against the hard bones was very terrifying. Captain Lucan was in his body, but he didn't even realize it. He sawed off the blood orchid, along with the snake skin and skull below, and put it in a special collection box. .

Seeing this scene, someone suddenly said involuntarily:

"This, this is blood orchid and fruit! Maybe it's an S-class purchase!"

Hearing this sentence, the rest of the people also stared at the backpack on Captain Lucan's waist, their breathing was a little muddy, and their eyes seemed to be burning!

Here we will mention the reward method of the team. Strictly speaking, their organizational structure is also a mercenary model. Captain Lucan picks up work from an acquaintance of the Brotherhood of Steel Fist, and has the right to organize the team.

He is responsible for recruiting his subordinates, and then negotiates the remuneration in advance. After completing a task, he will be paid once. Some captains who do things openly will get an extra bonus after the task is completed. commonplace.

In this case, the harvested blood orchids and fruits are actually equivalent to Captain Lucan's own spoils, and it is no wonder that the rest of the people are jealous.

After Captain Lucan jumped from the huge snake corpse, he obviously felt that the surrounding atmosphere was not right. He immediately took out his gun and slammed it into the air twice, and then roared:

"Assemble, the whole team! I announce that the mission is over, and we will return to the base. What are you still doing here! The reaper may have been alerted by such a big movement just now, do you want to be captured and used as livestock?"

As soon as the gunshot rang, it immediately shocked people's hearts. At this time, Captain Lucan was soaked with blood all over his body, coupled with the appearance of his ferocious lectures, and the usual Ji Weiyou, he immediately calmed the scene.

A group of people immediately trotted over as if they had just woken up from a dream. They formed the team, reported the numbers, and carried the wounded up by the way. Although they still looked a little absent-minded, it was clear that the situation had been brought under control.

At this time, a group of people began to return quickly, get on the car,

Hans, who was a little impatient after waiting, saw a group of people returning one after another. He didn't know the specific situation, and he said suddenly:

"What happened, why did everyone withdraw, did the mission fail... ah!"

It turned out that before he could speak, he was kicked by Captain Lucan and glared at him fiercely:

"Shut up! Go do your own work!"

Hans was also taken aback when he saw Captain Lucan's blood-covered body, and was about to ask a few more questions, but was grabbed by Dorgar and said:

"Do not talk nonsense."

Hans could only keep his mouth shut, and got into the compartment. Because most of the ammunition he was carrying was used up, the inside of the car seemed more relaxed. Then Dorgar started the car and started to drive back towards the way he came. , The inside of the carriage is also silent, no one speaks, only the sound of heavy breathing.

Probably because the atmosphere at this time was really awkward and dull, Dorga, who was driving, said solemnly:

"I have bad news to tell you that the injured Pais, Ann, and Deng Ke have all died unfortunately."

Dolga's original intention was to arouse everyone's sadness and curiosity, because Pais and Ann, who were sprayed by the venom, knew that it was difficult to survive, and they should be mentally prepared, but Deng, who was hit by a stone in his helmet But Ke should have survived————Under common sense, someone should immediately ask Deng Ke's cause of death.

But Dorga ignored one thing at this time, that is, everyone's mind was completely on the blood orchids and fruits of amazing value at this time.

In this kind of situation where people are a little impetuous, Dorgar said the sad news that the two wounded are dead,

At this time, for this group of people, the left ear goes in and the right ear goes out, and they don't care about it at all. Most people's mental journey is like this:

"What? Someone died again? Ah, oh, if you die, you will die. No one will die if you do this? By the way, will the blood orchid give us money..."

After driving for about ten kilometers in such a silent and embarrassing manner, the vehicle swayed and stopped slowly. At this time, Captain Lucan was the person who was most afraid of long nights, and immediately yelled at Dorga who was driving the vehicle in annoyance:

"what happened!?"

When Dorga was yelled at by him, he also frowned and felt a little uncomfortable, so he said coldly:

"Break down."

After speaking, he opened the door and jumped out of the car to smoke a suffocating cigarette.

The reason why this assembled car broke down was, of course, Fang Linyan's hands and feet during the last maintenance. He knew that it was necessary to guard against others. If the car really showed no faults

...... This is the cruel apocalypse that is full of dangers! He is still very clear about the allusions of how the bird dies and the dog cooks, and he may become an abandoned child at some point.

Fang Linyan is also good at observing words and expressions, knowing that the atmosphere seems to be silent now, but it is like before the powder keg is lit. I just felt that the restlessness in my heart couldn't come out, and I could only kick the tire with hatred.

And as soon as the vehicle stops, the rest of the people have to get out of the car to rest and move their hands and feet. After all, almost all motor vehicles in this world put comfort as the last priority, which can be said to be quite unfriendly to the occupants.

Seeing that his subordinates gathered together lighting cigarettes in twos and threes, whispering something, occasionally sneaking a glance, his eyes were both greedy and mysterious... Captain Lucan only felt more and more irritable. .

He wanted to scold, but found that even his deputy Dorga was smoking a suffocating cigarette beside him. If he really scolded, he would stand on the opposite side of everyone.

As soon as he thought of this, Captain Lucan felt a chill in his heart, an indescribable fear welled up from the depths of his heart, he swallowed the words that came to his mouth, and began to recover from Li Lingzhi's dizziness.

Soon, Fang Linyan repaired the vehicle, and the group got into the car one after another, but at this time, they were already thinking about it.

At this time, Captain Lucan realized that the people in the team were unstable, and he planned to announce loudly that after returning to Yangfan City, he would have three days of carnivals, so that while eating and drinking, women would open up and play for three days to appease his subordinates. Give them hope.

However, his awakening was a little slow, and before he opened his mouth, someone had already taken the lead!

And it was not someone else who asked the question, it was Witt. This guy was a fickle and straightforward person, and he had no scheming, so he said directly:

"Boss, this time we follow you out and we are fighting for our lives. This time you are lucky enough to get a big sum of money, enough to retire, but you should give us a share anyway!"

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