The indescribable Taoist Lord

Chapter 100 Encounter on the Road

After finally leaving behind a large group of students who respected him highly, he did not return to the Life Peak.

Duanmu Ci, Yan Ziyuan, and Zeng Shen knew etiquette and left after a few pleasantries, but Wang Zhixin was still like a curious baby.

Although he had already made up his mind on how to deal with Wang Zhixin, he couldn't stop him from following him every day. Not only did he follow him, but he also held a book of jade coupons in his hand that recorded his words and deeds. It seemed that he wanted to help expand his path. Write down all the mantras.

"Brother Wang, what are you...?" Zhang Qinghe's face was a little stiff, and his friendly and easy-going persona was almost unbearable.

"Some of what Brother Zhang said is very interesting."

Wang Zhixin grinned, but his temperament was still as dull as ever.

That was what Li Shaobai said, not me. You go to Li Shaobai first, not me...

Zhang Qinghe jumped anxiously.

"In that case, why doesn't Brother Wang go to Master Shaobai to get to the bottom of it?"

"Beiyin Mountain... I can't go there. But Brother Zhang, I can observe it all the time."

So smart... Zhang Qinghe's face became as expressionless as Wang Zhixin's, and he said to follow him if he wanted to. Anyway, he had nothing important to do, he just wanted to go to Chang'an City again.

Anyway, the morning classes have been missed, and then it is time for students to practice on their own. There are also people coming and going at Tahaotian's teleportation portal. He knows what state his body is in. It takes time to recover bit by bit, and he can't practice any skills for the time being. ...The study of Daowen is not temporary either.

Besides, he needed to inquire about the Demon Suppressing King. Since he had already boasted so much, he had to first explore the character of this powerful man, otherwise he would not know what to do.

Although he relies on Chang'an School, he is still living well now, which already shows that he can live well in the future.

The two of them walked out of Tahaotian's teleportation portal again. The master who was guarding the formation had just been on duty in the mission hall. When he saw the two of them getting together, his eyes were very complicated.

The city in Chang'an was very prosperous. This time, Zhang Qinghe did not choose the East City, where the powerful students often stayed. Instead, he went to the West City, where there were relatively few lower-class people, with his hands behind his back.

There are many restaurants in the alleys. Although they have the same prosperous scene, they have different market atmospheres.

Zhang Qinghe walked around and chose the most lively place, which was full of people.

Qing Yi, their student, was very conspicuous after entering the restaurant.

Zhang Qinghe didn't care. The most direct way to find out the news that the general public was concerned about was through these places of circulation.

It was not an elegant room, just jujube wood tables and stools. Zhang Qinghe and Wang Zhixin sat down and ordered ordinary food and drinks.

If it were an ordinary cultivator, he would probably regard it as chaff, but Zhang Qinghe ate with gusto, and Wang Zhixin looked at him, a little dumbfounded.

From his observations over the past few days, Zhang Qinghe paid most attention to his appetite, and he never expected that he could enjoy such food and wine.

He grew up in a fairy family since he was a child, and he was well-dressed and well-fed. The family's meals were all delicacies, but this was the first time he came to a place like this.

"Brother Zhang seems to be happy to be in this environment."

Wang Zhixin observed silently, the waiter's shouting, the idle man's laughter, the storyteller's ghosts and strangeness, all factors made the environment noisy.

"Brother Wang, you are used to the sunshine. I have lived here in Xicheng since I was a child. The people here are very talkative. I feel like I am back home."

Zhang Qinghe smiled and moved his ears, collecting information while making reasonable use of the tool in front of him.

"How does Brother Wang evaluate the Demon King?"

Zhang Qinghe did not shy away from anything. Xiantang spoke openly to the students of Chang'an School, and there were not many students who directly attacked the traitors when they saw them.

Moreover, with Wang Zhixin's family background, let alone the Demon-Suppressing King, even the current Holy Emperor of the Tang Dynasty has nothing to show off.

"The Demon Suppressing King is a man of extremely high cultivation. He is already the ancestor of Hundong, guarding Zhen'an Pass all year round."

Zhang Qinghe nodded and motioned for him to continue.

He had just listened for a while and learned from a certain idler that the Demon Suppressing King happened to be returning to Beijing yesterday. Could the purple-robed royal who stopped him be the Demon Suppressing King Li Tuizhi?

"He has an iron fist and a solemn temperament, but he is quite decent. It is said that he also studied in Chang'an School in his early years and had a good personal relationship with my teacher."

This was Wang Zhixin's private property. If he hadn't been Xu Huaijin's student, no one would have known about this relationship.

Iron-blooded wrists, solemn temperament...

Zhang Qinghe recalled the Hundong Ancestor that night, and the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't figure it out. He was probably not the same person.

"In short... the Demon Suppressing King is considered a hero to the people of the Immortal Tang Dynasty. I heard the teacher said that the virtues he cultivates can also be called a gentleman."

Of course, Zhang Qinghe was not the only one who listened to Wang Zhixin's words. The Demon King's return to the capital was the top priority last night. More than one table of idle men in this restaurant were whispering about it, and the reputation was excellent.

It's easy to make someone's heart fall in love with him, but far away in the Northern Wilderness, it's hard to make so many people fall in love with him.

Even Zhang Qinghe had to admire Li Qingluo's father.


Just when Wang Zhixin was giving a little praise to the Demon Suppressing King, a handsome man in brocade clothes next to him snorted coldly with disdain on his face.

Zhang Qinghe Shize noticed this man as soon as he walked in. He was wearing a gold brocade robe, a jade pendant with two dragons, and bead-emblazoned boots. He stood out among the crowd of simple commoners. His face was pretty, but there was something in his eyes. His stubbornness lingered, and more importantly, this man gave Zhang Qinghe a sense of familiarity.

This is one of the reasons why Zhang Qinghe chose this wine shop.

But he didn't expect that before even making contact, he would strike up a conversation based on the Demon Suppressing King's comments.

"Oh, what does this brother have to say?"

Zhang Qinghe bowed his hands in greeting.

Li Ping'an responded casually and continued to pick up the peanuts on the plate, feeling a little drunk.

"Everything you say is bullshit! Heroes are bullshit, gentlemen are bullshit! All virtues are bullshit!"

Zhang Qinghe was a little surprised, but Wang Zhixin came over and whispered a few words.

Only then did Zhang Qinghe realize that he wanted to keep the young master in brocade clothes.

"Oh, how come you can see it?"

Zhang Qinghe remained calm...

"If I tell you, what's the benefit to me? Why should I tell you if I have no benefit?"

Although the dandy was a little drunk, his words were very logical.

Zhang Qinghe laughed after hearing this.

"I can make a bet with the young master!"

A sharp light flashed in Li Ping'an's eyes. He actually managed to get rid of his drunkenness in a mortal body, with an excited look on his face, like a born gambler.

"Then tell me, what are we betting on?"

Zhang Qinghe and Wang Zhixin looked at each other, and as expected, this young man's temper was exactly as reported by the outside world. He responded calmly:

"Let's bet————"

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