Almost instantly, Zhang Qinghe felt three gazes that almost froze the space. What followed was an unprecedented sense of oppression that he had never experienced before and a mystery that was absolutely unbearable for a mortal body.

Among the immeasurable immortals in the sky, the three most powerful ones took the time to glance at them.

Zhang Qinghe didn't know if Daxiu could resist the casual glances of these three things without going crazy, but when he saw the evil weapon that restrained him, it was almost instantly exploded by the spiritual energy of those "commendations", and his flesh and blood The pieces of iron were scattered everywhere, and half of Xiao Wu's shoulder was blown away.

As for himself, the world in his eyes suddenly became weird and distorted, and his body became sticky. The reason was probably due to the sudden appearance of hundreds of eyes, the sprouting of flesh all over his body, and the rapid speed of his bones. Displacement, reorganization and proliferation.

If Zhang Qinghe could still look in the mirror, he would see a bunch of indescribable fingers, claws and tentacles glued to a mass of flesh and blood, constantly twisting and squirming.

It was probably because those three people liked him very much. Just looking at this formation, they might have had some thoughts and wanted to train him as a family member.

After Zhang Qinghe suppressed his desire for the flesh and blood of living creatures and completely made Xiao Wu incapacitated, he forced himself to regain his last bit of sanity.

——This is going to be troublesome.

He has mixed so many living information flows and spirituality that he is no longer sure whether he is still the existence named "Zhang Qinghe".

He didn't even need to do it himself. After witnessing the entire process of Zhang Qinghe's alienation, Xiao Wu's eyes were instantly filled with flesh sprouts with sharp teeth, which began to eat away at his face.

The granules bit and chewed bit by bit with their mouthparts, as if they were trying to eat away at his normal body bit by bit, causing him to gasp in pain.

"Wenchang Xingjun is right... Taoist fetuses are indeed the most evil thing. What Taoist fetuses are nothing but demonic seeds. Demonic seeds hahahahahahaha, you are such a thief, I hate it so much..."

Xiao Wu struggled to make a hoarse voice with his no longer intact vocal cords. He had already regained his original sense and looked at the "evil" in front of him with resentment.

Zhang Qinghe had no time to care about him and could no longer suppress the desires in his heart.

He can only pray for the blessings of the real gods like Sanqing and Liuyu. If he can survive this disaster, he will definitely leave the true Taoism in this world and spread the ashes of these crooked practices.

However, he didn't expect it, and because of his one thought, things turned around in just a moment.


In the dark, a great heavenly sound came across the high sky. It was a deeper and unknown place, directly crossing the existences above the sky, and actually broke up the process of his being alienated by external demons.

This was impossible. The people he was thinking about were sitting outside the unknown and could not pay attention to a speck of dust. Zhang Qinghe could only blame it on him accidentally comprehending an article called "Xiaoyao". "Travel", and which realm the origin belongs to, formed a karmic connection with the ancestors of the previous life.

As a result, his body became a battlefield between the two parties.

Just because of the voice in his thoughts, the dignity and face of those people were completely brought to the surface - this was a battle of face.

Zhang Qinghe's face was stuck in the shapeless pile of flesh and blood, and he squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying. What a huge cause and effect this must have been after "Happy Journey".

It’s my first time to practice cultivation, it’s just a new experience. Isn’t this because there are so many causes and effects that it doesn’t overwhelm the body?

“To turn a blind eye is called barbarian;

Hearing but not hearing is called Xi;

If you can't fight, it's called Wei.

These three cannot lead to cross-examination, so they are mixed into one. There is no anger above it, and there is no ignorance below it. The rope is nameless and returns to nothingness.

It is called the state of being without form, the image of nothing, it is called trance. When you welcome someone, you don't see the first one, and when you follow it, you don't see the rear. Adhere to the ancient ways to control the present. Being able to know the beginning of ancient times is called Taoism..."

The Heavenly Sound of the Great Dao rang out from Zhang Qinghe's inner lake, not only hiding his existence and making external demons invisible, but it also distorted and gradually disappeared when he recited it. Seeing that his hands and feet had returned to normal, and looking at Daoji who was 90% condensed, he quickly turned off his spiritual vision.

At the same time, several obscure and chaotic roars came from high in the sky, from a place beyond observation, as if they were being blocked by something. There was no emotion in the sound, only the last word. Obscure mystery.

But the quality of its expression, if Zhang Qinghe tries to understand it, is the annoyance of having his property stolen, being fooled, and the mania of losing the whereabouts of the thief.

The moment the roar ended, two streaks of scarlet flowed out of his ear openings, followed by his eyes, nose, and mouth... He could only sit quietly in this barren mountain and adjust his breath, using spiritual energy to repair the bleeding body.

Compared to becoming a human being and a ghost, this is no longer a price.

Or ordinary people often feel happy because they have lost less, but they are depressed because they have gained less. But in reality, when weighing the two aspects, losing is always a loss of interests, and gaining is always a benefit.

So he is not happy now.

Zhang Qinghe felt that this was the day he had sweated the most since he was born.

If people in this world were to judge the Saint of Thieves, it would be unfair not to give him the title of leader of thieves - after all, except for this person, who else dares to steal things from the sky, and who can escape?

After calming down the messed up body, Zhang Qinghe looked at Xiao Wu's body. After losing that secret and strange spirituality, although it looked horrible and abominable, it was nothing more than a pile of rotten flesh.

Resisting the urge to vomit, Zhang Qinghe moved forward, held his breath and threw stones to explore Xiao Wu's clothes, looking for things that could identify Xiao Wu's identity among a pile of indistinguishable organs.

After searching for it, I heard the sound of gold and iron, which was the feeling of hitting a hard object.

After some more tossing, a ring, a token and a jade coupon fell in front of Zhang Qinghe.

Is it possible that Xiao Wu didn't have a magical storage device?

That's not right. Since the other courtyard has everything for daily living, Xiao Wu didn't bring any luggage when he came. If that's the case, where did the knife come from?

Perhaps it was this ring that had the ability to store things, but Zhang Qinghe, who was new to cultivation, was unable to deal with it and had no way of knowing whether getting his hands on an owner's magical storage device would have unforeseen consequences.

And he had a vague feeling that these tokens and jade coupons were already different from other things in terms of being stored separately.

Zhang Qinghe casually broke off a branch, holding back the memory of the cold that made the trees in the forest change drastically under the spiritual vision. He carefully picked up the token and the jade coupon from a distance of five feet. After making sure that there was no reaction, he came closer.

The token was turned over and was engraved by an unknown Xuan Jin, with the word "Wude" written on it, and the auspicious clouds and fairy palace and the stars in the sky were carved on it.

Martial ethics...

Zhang Qinghe thought of the "Five Plague Star Lord" and "Wenchang Star Lord" that Xiao Wuyan had mentioned...

Then Wude is also easy to identify. It is undoubtedly the immortal god widely spread in this world - Wude Xingjun.

It's just that these gods and gods are standing above his head with their teeth and claws open, and they will never end it personally. If it was those few who did it this time, Zhang Qinghe would have already nailed the coffin board for himself and signed a letter not to disturb him.

Moreover, Xiao Wu's words seemed to be extremely disdainful of things in the sky, and his words were even filled with hatred. He could not possibly be a retinue or an external demon.

Zhang Qinghe thought of Xiao Wu's normal appearance in the spiritual vision again and frowned.

What are the origins of these pretenders?

Thank you Linzi for your attention! The comment area has been pinned to the top. If there are interested readers, you can check out Linzi’s article on the heroine. Click on the avatar in the comment area, hahaha! And thank you Ba Da Ba, Immortal Saint Sun and 2019 Big vote of recommendation!

Today, Xiao Jier is still begging for votes and collections...

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