In the boiler room, the lieutenant leaned back on the armrest of the chair behind him and looked far away in a certain direction.

He tilted his ears from time to time, as if he was listening attentively to something.

Although it is far away from the party building, if you listen carefully, you can still vaguely hear some music coming from the golden hall.

It was his turn to be on duty today, so he had to stay in the boiler room, but perhaps as compensation for him, the boiler room was filled with all kinds of fine wine and food.

Not only that, he also got the first batch of precious places that Dr. Ying Ke could go home to visit his relatives. Compared with the opportunity to go home early, missing a party is not too regrettable.

Picking up the vodka on the side and taking a sip of it, the lieutenant put his hand into his arms. After some fumbling, he carefully took out a pocket watch with body temperature from his arms.

As he opened the pocket watch, an old photo came into view. He stroked the face in the photo with his fingertips, and the lieutenant showed a nostalgic smile on his face.

The next moment, a dull gunshot rang out in the room.

The color in his eyes gradually disappeared, and the lieutenant's body swayed. After using up his last strength to close the pocket watch again and hold it tightly in his hand, he fell down on the duty platform in front of him.

Gurgling blood flowed from his chest and soaked his clothes.

A steel-core bullet accurately penetrated his heart, taking him away when he was happiest, leaving no trace of pain.

"Colonel Bondarev, your marksmanship is as accurate as ever."

The doctor put his hands on his hands and smiled.

"It's just a small skill, it's not worth mentioning."

Reloading the Markolov pistol with steel-core bullets, Bondarev smiled and shook his head.

"I know a man named Kuaishou Henkel. His marksmanship is the most powerful."

"A fast shooter like a Western cowboy?"

The doctor had a rare moment of humor.

"Maybe, he does seem to be a cowboy."

With a slight shrug, Bondarev changed the topic.

"The things in the cold storage should be your precious research results. Are you sure you want to destroy them all like this?"

"They are all products with immature technology. They have big flaws and can easily get out of control. They may become troublesome for us when we grow up."

Pouring the fuel in his hand into the sink, the doctor struck a match and threw it into the sink.

"We have a second generation product that is powerful and controllable."

Under the influence of the fuel that almost filled the tank, it took only a short second for the raging flames to rush into the cold storage. The fire roasted the thick ice, and an embryo as big as a thumb was faintly frozen in the ice.

"Let's go, our next goal is the archives room."

Carrying a large bucket of fuel on his shoulders, the doctor walked out of the boiler room stepping on the sticky blood under the lieutenant.

"All the important things that should be moved have been moved. We have to burn all the unnecessary things."

In the corridor, four expressionless figures focused on a girl. Except for the girl, everyone held a large bucket of fuel in their hands.

——Under the control of the sound of bangzi, Khorkina and the others behaved like supermen.

"You guys are really not afraid of retribution."

Looking at the figure lying on the ground in the boiler room, Mu Qingzhi shook her head imperceptibly.

"If there really is a god in this world, I think you will definitely go to hell."


After glancing at him and turning around, the doctor spoke calmly.

"God never punishes evil deeds. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't live to be as old as I am now."

Behind them, the gate of the oil tank in the boiler room had been opened, and tons of fuel poured to the ground. Some of the fuel had even passed the threshold and poured outside.

Before they could walk a few hundred meters away, there was a thunderous bang from behind, and the sky-shattering flames engulfed the cold storage. The fuel explosion turned the two floors into ashes along with the delicate embryos.

...At this point, the night of destruction finally began.


Biting her lip tightly, Renata ran quickly down the deserted corridor.

Mu Qingzhi gave her a lot of magical props, but the door, which was locked with three locks and blocked with rosin, could not stop her. After hearing the explosion from outside, she started her action.

The explosion was the signal agreed between Mu Qingzhi and her. When the explosion sounded from the outside, it meant that she could move freely.

After running for a while, Renata seemed to realize that her speed was still a bit slow, so she grabbed a bamboo dragonfly from her pocket and put it on her head.

If anyone else could bring him back from the doctor's side, the only person she could think of was Number Zero.

But what disappointed her was that when she arrived at Room Zero as quickly as possible, she found that Number Zero was tied to a recliner in a straitjacket, his eyes were dull and his energy was gone.

Although the opponent is almost omnipotent in the dream, in reality Zero has no ability to move at all. Like other children, he underwent pontine splitting surgery. Although he is resistant to hallucinogens, he is used by others. The banging sound was controlled.

Mu Qingzhi, whom she had always relied on, was taken away by the doctor, and the only one who had hope, No. 0, was in such a state. Looking at No. 0 lying on the iron chair in front of her and smiling stupidly at her, Renata suddenly I feel like crying.

And just when she was really about to cry, the sound of explosions coming from the corridor forced her tears back.

The doctor said that if he wants to destroy this port, he will never hold back. This port was designed by him, and he knows exactly what to do to completely destroy it to the greatest extent.

After pinching her arm hard, Renata pulled Zero off the iron chair, holding his hand and running toward the corridor, while still holding on tightly with one hand. Wearing a cloth bag.

Inside the bag, there are all kinds of weird gadgets, including soap that can be applied on the body without feeling cold in the ice and snow, and Momotaro balls that can be tamed by throwing them to animals.

The items contained in the bag were all Mu Qingzhi's preparations for their escape. In the past, in the dead of night, the other party would drag her to Room Zero to clean up and explain the functions of these items to them.

——And now, the other party has handed all these things to her.

The fire started quite quickly, and the top of the corridor also began to burn. The floorboards fell one by one and broke into pieces on the ground. Hot white steam shot out from the cracks in the ventilation ducts. The red-hot steel pipes gradually bent, and various sounds merged into this... The dying song of the black swan.

On the high tower outside the window, huge searchlights shot aimlessly, like a helpless Cyclops overlooking the wasteland.

...On this Christmas Eve, there is boundless blood spreading.

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