"Hanging knife on the door!"

After Zhang Zifeng finished the first sentence, everyone's faces were happy.

Sure enough, Xiao Feng is still reliable.


Even Zhang Zifeng himself breathed a sigh of relief, it wasn't so difficult.

However, the next second.

"The knife carving is upside down. "



Zhao Zhe complained ruthlessly: "Your carving is even more powerful, hey, you can still be upside down." "


When Zhao Zhe said this, everyone was about to burst into tears of laughter.

"I'll try, I'll try, it's so hard to have eight words. He Jiong was also interested in seeing that all three of them were KO.

He said directly: "The door hangs the knife, and the knife is carved ......"


Host of the Year, pawn!

"Hahaha! What's going on? Even our Teacher He can't do it anymore?" Huang Lei teased on the side.

He Jiong himself couldn't help laughing and said: "The turning point of these two sentences turned inexplicably into carving, hey, hahaha!"

"Why don't you have one, Teacher Huang?" Zhao Zhe raised his eyebrows and said to Huang Lei.

"If you don't come, you can't come, you can't be wiped out!"

Huang Lei hurriedly waved his hand.

has been killed by four, and even Mr. He can't turn around, so it's better to leave a suspense for himself.

If this is to be killed by five.

Don't we want to lose face?!

Seeing that everyone in the mushroom house was wiped out, Song Zuer continued to speak: "Change one for another." "

"Why don't you have an IQ question?" Zhao Zhe replied after thinking about it.

"Okay! my IQ is absolutely online!"

Song Zuer said confidently.

Come on.

It was still Zhao Zhe who made the question, and everyone in the mushroom house guessed.

"Who is the stupidest emperor in history?" Zhao Zhe asked.

The stupidest emperor?!

History questions......

For a moment, everyone fell into deep thought.

It didn't take long for Zhang Zifeng to seem to think of an answer, and said weakly: "Is it Qin Shi Huang? If Qin Shi Huang didn't pursue immortality and indulged in alchemy, the Qin State should be stronger, maybe he could go to sea to explore other countries, maybe our history will be different at that time." "

Hearing Zhang Zifeng say this, everyone nodded subconsciously.

It really makes sense.

It is said that great wisdom is foolishness, Qin Shi Huang did it to unify the six countries, but he lost in his heart.

Seeing that everyone agreed with what Zhang Zifeng said, Zhao Zhe said loudly: "You all think it's Qin Shi Huang?!"

"Why don't you give me some hints?!" He Jiong said.

"You know all about Journey to the West, right? An emperor in Journey to the West. "

Zhao Zhe thought about it and prompted, the answer was already obvious.

"Oh~" Everyone was also surprised, with an expression of sudden realization.

"You know all about it, right?!"

Zhao Zhe shrugged his shoulders and said, sure enough, such a prompt is too simple.


The next second.

Everyone said in unison: "The king of the daughter country!"

Zhao Zhe: "???"


Zhao Zhe squirted out a sip of tea, and asked with a confused expression: "What do you say?!"

"Can they get men in? Why do they have to drink water from the Zimu River?!"

Everyone replied in unison, thinking the same thing.

"Uh......" Zhao Zhe was stunned for a moment and said, "No." "

"Who's that?" the crowd wondered.

Zhao Zhe replied: "Could it be ...... Don't you think it's Tang Taizong?!"


"Why did Tang Taizong let Tang Seng go to the West Heaven to learn scriptures? Wouldn't it be good to eat Tang Seng directly? In this way, Tang Taizong could not achieve immortality that Qin Shi Huang couldn't do, right?!" Zhao Zhe explained to everyone.


Hearing Zhao Zhe's fresh and refined explanation, everyone suddenly felt that it seemed to make sense!

Thinking about it like this, Tang Taizong is quite stupid.


Your fucking Journey to the West is a myth, okay?!

How could the real Tang Seng be immortal after eating???

"What kind of fairy brain circuit am I thinking about it at this time? Hahaha! I thought about it seriously for a long time. "

"I fucking thought it was King Vermilion. "

"No, no, no, it should be the King of Dapeng, it's a pity that he didn't directly strengthen the peacock. "

"I have to make sense upstairs!"

This is the worst time that my Taizong has been hacked. "

"Li Er: I always feel that someone wants to hack me, come here, open the coffin board for me!"

"Haha! Xiu'er, lie down!"


Seeing that everyone guessed the wrong answer, Song Zuer said angrily: "Hey, you can't do this, it doesn't meet the actual situation, change it again and again." "

"If you don't have an IQ, you can't have an IQ, and it's useless. Zhao Zhe pouted.

"It's like, a little more practical. "

He Jiong and the others also felt that they couldn't hold their faces, and asked Zhao Zhe to come again.

Originally, Zhao Zhe planned to go out and call to ask Ma Yun how things were going at the school.

Because tomorrow is the school anniversary of Weng Cao Village.

So according to the plan, the materials will be delivered tonight.

But I see that everyone is interested.

Zhao Zhe also sat down again, anyway, it wasn't bad for a while.


Zhao Zhe opened his mouth and said, "Then I'm going to give you a super simple one that is close to life?"


Everyone nodded in unison.

Then, the corners of Zhao Zhe's mouth hooked, and he said with a wicked smile: "Let's talk about the answer first, it's something that girls like, eighteen to twenty years old may be new to it, thirty years old may like it the most, and the older you get, you may not like it slowly." "


Hearing Zhao Zhe's prompt, Zhang Zifeng and Song Zuer blushed almost instantly.

Peng Peng couldn't help but laugh directly.

He Huang Erlao also had a strange expression, thinking of something indescribable.

This kid won't drive in public again, will he?!

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room was already agitated when they heard Zhao Zhe's prompt.

"Dididi...... It's off, it's gone, hahaha!"

"Here it is, here it is!" the man began. "

"Lights!Over!There are no more vehicles on the mountain, everything is ok!AE86!

"That...... Is that the thing I guessed? Hey, I'm so dirty. "

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the flight from Mt. Akina to the bottom of Mt. Akina, the plane is about to take off, please code the seat belt and put away the small table......"

"Hahaha, Xiu'er, stop, I'm sure the drain will drift over the bend." "


Just when the live broadcast room was full of anticipation.

Zhao Zhe also spoke slowly: "Listen carefully to the question, most girls can't stand 12cm, some even feel 8cm hurt, some women may not even be able to withstand 5cm, and the pain is shaky when walking, but after getting used to it, you can accept getting longer and longer, and there is no problem with the general 20cm on TV, but as you get older, you will gradually not need it." "

"It's probably more appropriate for girls, and sometimes girls ask boys to give it, and it's everywhere. "

"Excuse me, what are the things that this girl likes!"



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