The LoL System in Marvel

Chapter 67: Their Revenge

"Hurry up and end this embarrassing situation."

This sentence is from Ryan's heart.

This kind of weird sound effect and this kind of posture that is easy to misunderstand really made him a little bit unbearable.


Venom let go of the shackles on Jin Bin directly,

Maybe it's because it really doesn't have a good way to take this thick-skinned and bloody tank player.

So when Ryan proposed to play by himself,

It took a few steps back without the slightest hesitation, and after keeping a certain safe distance from Jin, it exposed Ryan who had been hiding in its body to watch the battle.

"He's at the end of his strength, I'll leave it to you." When it was about to fade away, Venom forced his mouth hard.

The air at the scene is a bit cloudy,

It seemed that there was a lot of sawdust or dust mixed in, which made Ryan squint his eyes.

"Why, are you finally ready to make your own move?"

After being attacked frantically by the venom, Jin Bing finally got a little respite.

He was using words to buy himself time to recover, and his intention was very clear, but Ryan didn't care about this little detail.

"I promised that stupid agent I wouldn't kill you."

Ryan moved his legs and feet,

After each upgrade, he needs time to adapt to the surge in strength, especially after he has mastered the fighting skills in his body,

He finally understood why the masters in the movies or novels in his previous life had almost strict requirements on the control of his body, because in those exquisite moves and thrilling duels, no mistakes were allowed to happen.

Because once it happens, it may directly change the outcome of a battle.

"But I think I can give you another ending."

Ryan twisted his neck left and right, and made a crisp sound, "Do you think it's better to be a person with cerebral palsy or a disabled person?"

Just like Ryan thought before, no matter what Jin's motives are,

The yearning for dignity is also good,

Dislike of class is also good,

Greed for power is also good,

But no matter what, it can't change the fact that his hands are full of blood. Countless tragedies happened only because of his pursuit of the meaning of his life.

Such people,

In Ryan's view, no matter how sad the experience or birth is, it can be directly attributed to criminals.

And criminals,

You need to be punished!

If he didn't mess with himself, it's okay to say that Ryan, who has just arrived, feels that he has not been purified by the righteous air that is everywhere in the Marvel world.

He wouldn't just rush forward to teach Jin Bing a lesson, otherwise, based on his understanding of the villains in the Marvel world, maybe he is either punishing evil and promoting good every day, or on the road of punishing evil and promoting good.

"Do you really think that you have the strength to end me?"

After a period of respite, Jin Bin seemed to have regained some of his energy. With his upright body, he seemed to be a full head taller than Ryan, and his huge body carried a heavy sense of oppression.

"You have worked under me for several years. I know you, your strength, your character, and even your sad childhood. We are the same kind of people, let's take off your disguise."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Jin Bin's mouth,

"When the world is cruel to you, you should stand up and hit it in the face with your fist, instead of turning a blind eye to its cruelty like those superheroes who live in the sun!"

"It's not us who are wrong, but the world!"

Jin Bin suddenly yelled loudly and walked towards Ryan,

The veins on his face also stood out in an instant, making him look like a mad beast.

"Heh..." Ryan smiled disdainfully,

"You probably don't know me."


Ryan slid to the right, and while avoiding Jin Bin's fist, he raised his hand and hit Jin Bin's armpit.

This position is one of the weak points of the human body. Once hit, it will fall into a state of weakness, but Jin is obviously not a defenseless rookie.

"Your strength has improved a lot compared to before."

Jin Bing held Ryan's fist, the huge force made his arm sink slightly, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"That's why I said you probably don't know me."

at the moment of speaking,

Ryan suddenly raised his knees and slammed into Jin Bin's lower body. The force from Jin Bin's hands made him feel as if his hands were bound by a vise.

"However, it's not enough." Jin Bing said softly.


Jin Bing's foot appeared in front of Ryan's knee at some point, and the violent impact made Ryan's figure shake twice.

Although his strength was already six times that of ordinary people, Ryan was still a bit underappreciated in front of Jin Bing, a freak who could compete in strength with little spiders.

"Don't worry, I still have some new tricks here."

Ryan narrowed his eyes,

A magical card suddenly appeared in Jin Bing's hand, and the faint fluorescence made Jin Bing's hair stand up subconsciously.


Although Jin Bin's movements are already very fast,

But still not faster than Ryan's wrist movement, a bloodstain half a meter long appeared on Jin Bing's arm.

"Are you surprised?"

In Ryan's hand, he held the card that had just cut his arm off, the faint fluorescence was still shining, and there was no trace of blood on it.

Even if the magical card is not thrown out, it can be used as a weapon such as a dagger, and because of the system's production, the card made of unknown material is extremely sharp,

Without blood, it is simply one of the must-have products for murder trips.

"It seems that you have had an adventure during this time."

Jin Bin said with a gloomy face.

He is no stranger to all kinds of supernatural powers in this world, and even his strength is due to some kind of magical power, otherwise, even if an ordinary person is training,

His upper limit is also there, it is impossible to have his power.

"Do you still think you know me?"

A smile floated on the corner of Ryan's mouth, Jin Bing's strength had been consumed by a wave of venom, and he could no longer make much waves.

The magical poker in his hand gradually turned red under the surge of magic power,

red card,

Almost capable of bursting out the power of a small bomb.

Just when he was about to throw it out, Ryan changed his mind.

"You should thank me for being a man of my word."

"What did you say?"

Just when Jin Bin was puzzled by Ryan's words, and just when he was about to find a chance to pick up the scepter that fell far away, a blue card hit Jin Bin like a bolt of lightning.


Endless fatigue made Jin He kneel on the ground subconsciously, covering his head in pain, Jin He looked at Ryan with a pair of bloodshot eyes:

"What did you do to me!"

"I'm going to help you eliminate those unnecessary troubles."


Another blue card waved,

According to Ryan's own calculations, the effect of the blue card should be to directly erode the opponent's mental power. Ryan doesn't know much about the illusory power of mental power, but this does not prevent him from using gold and practicing his skills.

"Come on, let's see how long you can last."

The third blue card appears,

Then Ryan threw it out without hesitation.

" you think you've won?"

Jin felt that his head was being corroded by some kind of force. After knowing his final outcome, he used his strong willpower to support himself to say the last sentence in his life.

" receive...their vengeance."

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