The LoL System in Marvel

Chapter 82 Little Pete

Ryan did not use the red card,

Because such a close-range explosion would kill this little man while killing the armor.


The battle armor was directly thrown out by Ryan's punch, and the star-like reactor directly faded under the blow.

After mastering Zac's physique proficiently,

Ryan's melee ability has risen by more than one level, although he was a little weak at the beginning;

But it may be the reason why things must be reversed.

Ryan can now control the softness and hardness of any part of his body at will, and can also lengthen or shorten according to his wishes;


Not only can it allow him to exert more powerful combat power in battle, but it can also get twice the result with half the effort when doing other things.

Don't look at the battle armor that has been defeated,

Just when Ryan was about to lower his head to ask about the little boy's situation.


"Eligible, Hex Technology has been activated, the activation level is 1/100"

"Before I worked as a coolie in the laboratory for dozens of hours, there was no movement, and now it is suddenly activated?"

Ryan felt that he couldn't figure out the system's thoughts, why he hammered the reactor to meet the conditions for activating Hextech.

between the two,

Obviously it doesn't look like there is a connection.

"Are you a superhero?"

Just when Ryan was struggling,

asked the little boy standing by his lap suddenly.

"Super hero?"

Ryan looked down at the little boy,

At this time, the little boy had already taken off the Iron Man mask on his head, revealing a slightly immature face. His slightly persistent gaze combined with his thin lips made him look very firm.

"I'm just a bodyguard."

Ryan touched the little boy's head and asked, "What's your name, why are you here alone, where is your family?"

"My name is Pete Parker."

The little boy seemed a little surprised that Ryan was just a bodyguard, but he replied politely: "My uncle just got separated from me."

"Peter Parker?"

Ryan licked his lips,

Although they can barely be regarded as being on the battlefield now,

But he was still stunned by the name. In his previous life, some people did speculate that Peter Parker was the little boy who appeared in Iron Man 2, but he didn't expect to be given a real hammer here.

"Are you going to follow me?"

Ryan looked at the chaotic scene,

Although Pete Parker will be the famous Spider-Man in the future, but now he is just a somewhat soft and cute young lady, and Ryan should directly abandon him here.

With Pete Parker's current pair of short legs, Ryan is really afraid of an accident, and the future Spider-Man will receive a box lunch in advance.

"I'm going to the convention center to rescue people now, it might be a bit dangerous."

Ryan added.

"It's okay, I'll go with you."

Little Pete put on his Iron Man helmet again, then stretched out his little hand, took Ryan's hand and said.

"Let's go."

Ryan took a drag oil bottle and started his journey again.

As they got closer to the exhibition center, they encountered more and more mechanical armor, perhaps because of the helmet that belonged to Iron Man on Peter Parker's face,

After almost all armors approached them, they would give up their previous goals and rush straight towards them.


It also made it easier for Ryan to experiment with his conjecture.


The suddenly extended arm hit the reactor on the chest of the armor before the armor in the sky approached.

at the same time,

The system prompt sounded again in Ryan's ear: "The activation level of Hex Technology is 2/100."

"It does appear that it can be activated by destroying the reactor."

Ryan's eyes lit up.

When he raised his head again,

Not only did the low-quality battle armor all over the sky no longer bother him, but it also made him feel excited.

"Are you a monster?"

At this time,

Little Pete asked suddenly with a look of astonishment.

Before Ryan was using cards, he barely looked like a superhero with special skills, but when his arms were stretched to that length, it directly shattered Little Pete's ignorant worldview.

"That depends on what your definition of a monster is."

Ryan didn't explain to the would-be superhero,

After he himself was bitten by a spider, he would naturally know that the world was not as simple as he imagined.

Not to mention stretching your arms, even talking raccoons and big trees that can fight will appear.

Little Pete didn't speak,

Instead, he let Ryan lead him away unconsciously while falling into deep thought.

At this time, Ryan focused his attention on the Hextech dots flying all over the sky,

According to the current progress,

It seems that he only needs to destroy 100 armors to unlock the Hex technology. This condition is simply too simple for him now;

Ryan vaguely felt that this matter would not be so simple in terms of the urine nature of the system.


A whistling sound suddenly crossed the sky,

Ryan reacted too quickly,

He had already raised his fist when the voice just sounded, but the familiar red and gold color made his next movements slightly paused.

"What are you doing?"

Tony seemed to have thrown the armor behind him some distance away, and had time to stop and chat as he passed Ryan.

"You actually take the child for a walk in this kind of place?" Tony looked at Pete, who was led by Ryan.

"He's Iron Man."

Ryan patted the Iron Man helmet on Little Pete's head.

"Damn it, let him hide in a safe place."

Tony glanced around.

Technology built into the armor allowed him to spot a safe location in an instant.

"Little devil, run to the south, do you see that little house? Go there quickly, and come out after half an hour."


Ryan let go of Pete's hand,

Tony seemed to want to end the battle quickly, after all, the longer this disturbance lasted, the more harmful it would be.


Little Pete nodded,

Then he took his short legs and ran towards the direction Tony pointed out.

Although I am still young,

But judging from his performance along the way, Ryan also has to sigh that being a superhero is actually the same as any other profession. In addition to hard work, more depends on talent.

Not everyone is suited to be a superhero,

And Pete Parker,

This kid who dared to fight against evil even when he had no ability is simply the best candidate for a superhero.


As some have said,

It's not that these people are lucky enough to get superpowers, but that there is something about them that makes them selected by superpowers.

"Tell me, how do you end this?"

After watching Pete successfully hide in the small house, Ryan shrugged and asked.

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