The LoL System in Marvel

Chapter 86 Bodyguard work is over


It has never been so exciting!

bloody smell,

gunpowder smell,

Sweat smell,

There was even a faint smell of urine.

Ryan frowned.

The nose seemed a little too sensitive, and there was a magic hovering in the nasal cavity, which seemed to be the basis for him to obtain Warwick's sense of smell.

After extracting the abilities of three heroes in succession, Ryan suddenly discovered that the power system of this system is actually not as complicated as he imagined.

The basis of all abilities seems to be the magic power in one's own body, and those fancy abilities are all derived from one's own magic power.

like now,

After Ryan dispelled the magic in his nasal cavity, he suddenly found that the air was fresh again, and those complicated smells were finally expelled from his nasal cavity.

"I'm feeling better now."

Ryan sighed,

Now he even has some sympathy for those werewolves who can't control their sensitive sense of smell. You said that you smell that stinky smell all day long, how can you live this day?

Therefore, it is not unreasonable to say that werewolves have a bad temper. Anyone who is forced to smell all kinds of smells 24 hours a day may collapse if he is not crazy.

On the wall not far from Ryan, there is a hole blown out by a missile, just enough for a person to pass through.

Inside the hole is the source of the chaos,

That is the location of the Hanmer Industry booth. At this time, there are no other people here, and most of the people who eat melons have fled out as early as the first time the chaos broke out;

After the situation escalated, some people who love to be lively also flocked to the sidelines along with the flow of people because they were worried about their comfort.

When Ryan walked in,

The huge booth seemed a bit desolate,

There were walls and equipment destroyed by the aftermath of the battle everywhere. It took about ten minutes for Ryan to find a still intact mechanical armor on a booth that looked like a battlefield.


Sparks jumped on the armor. The armor was not completely damaged, but lost the ability to move because the lower body had been blown up.

When Ryan approached,

The armor's head suddenly turned a 180-degree bend, its scarlet eyes stared at Ryan, one hand forced himself up, and the other quickly aimed at Ryan.


A magical card pierced directly into the reactor position of the Warframe,

A smile formed on the corner of his mouth,

While listening to the pleasant notification sound from the system, Ryan continued to search for other armors that were not completely damaged.




"Hex technology unlock progress: 10/100."

"Why is it still 10?"

Ryan asked inwardly,

If he remembers correctly, this should be the 11th armor he destroyed. In this half an hour, he almost turned the entire exhibition center upside down before he could even pile up his progress. 10.


"Subsequent unlocking needs to use other methods."

"I knew it wasn't that simple."

Ryan wasn't angry,

Even he has already prepared in his heart, if Hextech can really be unlocked so easily, then why should he cry all day long to upgrade and accumulate happiness points?

Just go home and make equipment and you're done!

Anyway, this time I came here to deal with the mission of SHIELD,

On the way, I also got Warwick's sense of smell very unexpectedly. Although it seems useless for the time being, but I don't overwhelm myself with too many skills, and one more ability is better than nothing.

You have to eat one bite at a time,

The road has to be taken step by step,

Ryan is not a person who doesn't know how to be satisfied. Things like Hex Technology are not what he needs to get in touch with now.

As a decent person from the Celestial Dynasty, he still understands the principle of innocence and guilt. Even if he can use enough materials to make Jess's weapon now, he will probably attract a large number of people to snatch it.

And now, in front of those perverted wolves and tigers in the Marvel world, she looks like a poor, weak and helpless little girl.

Rubbing my waist, which was a little sore due to fatigue,

Ryan lazily walked towards the outside. He had spent a lot of time looking for these things, and this time should be enough for Tony Stark to get rid of all the mess outside.

He's going to show his face now,

By the way, prove how hardworking you really are,


Isn't diligence in finding a reactor also diligence?

At least I avoided the unnecessary casualties of those who cleaned up the battlefield. After all, not everyone can easily deal with the Jedi counterattack of those armors like myself.

When Ryan walked to the gate of the exhibition,

The police cars were already parked outside, and the policemen had blocked off the surrounding streets in an orderly manner, and dismissed all irrelevant people.


When Ryan appeared in a group of policemen with a relaxed expression, Ryan and the policemen were stunned for a while.

"Who are you and how did you get in?"

An older-looking policeman questioned, and then he winked at his colleagues nearby, signaling them to pay attention to this suspicious man.

"I've been inside."

Ryan raised his hands.

He has already noticed that several policemen around him have silently pulled out their pistols. Although these things do not pose any threat to him, he still does not intend to have any conflicts with the official department.

"I have a certificate, I am an employee of the Stark Group."

"Take it out, no, tell me where it is, and I'll get it for you."

The police approached Ryan with a gun, wary as if facing a brutal murderer.

"The inside pocket."

Ryan tapped his right chest with his chin, there was a temporary security certificate given to him by Tony Stark.

"Ryan Gosling?"

The police took out Ryan's security certificate and looked at it. After carefully comparing Ryan with the photo on the ID, he gestured to the subordinates behind him.

"Put down the gun." The policeman looked at Ryan again and asked, "How's the situation inside? Is anyone still trapped inside?"


Ryan put away his temporary ID. Before he came out, he went to the hut where Little Pete was hiding. There was no one, and Little Pete probably slipped away while taking advantage of the confusion.

"Where's my boss?"

Ryan scanned around, but didn't see Tony.

"I don't know, you can ask your colleagues."

The police pointed in a direction, and Ryan looked along, only to see that Happy was being interviewed by reporters there.

"Where's Tony?"

After all the reporters have dispersed,

Ryan didn't give this fat man who looked like a bodyguard, but his actual job scope was a bit like a butler's breathing room, but went straight to meet him.

"I don't know, you performed well today, and I think it's a good thing to be a colleague with you."

Happy had a tired face, but still said with a smile.

"Okay, but unfortunately, today is my last day of work."

Ryan smiled, and then walked towards the street, "Talk to Tony for me, and I won't go to him to submit the resignation report."

He probably knew what that playboy was doing, so he wouldn't just wait here.

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