The Mechanic

Chapter 100

The author has something to say: So Adam’s two hands will become fake, but the purpose of becoming disabled is to become stronger~

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines~~~: Anan, Xia Ran Xia Ran, Nameless Black Dragon, please call me Liu Yi 1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution~~~: 25 bottles of Ainur; 5 bottles of myvanillaworld; 1 bottle of Sinan;

Chapter 44 Machinery and Life (2)

Zhang Xun was sitting on a chair with blood all over his face. He just grabbed the blanket that was draped over his shoulders, but his body was still shaking uncontrollably.

He couldn't hear what others were saying to him. All that remained in his mind was Adam's screams, the horrible scene of blood and flesh splashing, and the rotten stench in the air. He looked down at his blood-stained hand, which was trembling constantly, and the hot temperature of the blood still remained on the skin.

The whole process was very chaotic and out of control. Zhang Xun couldn't suppress Adam with all his strength. In the end, James knocked Adam unconscious, and he managed to cut off Adam's left arm before the terrible mutation spread to his shoulder. Almost at the moment when the bone broke, the severed arm suddenly slammed, and it was scattered on the ground into pieces of meat, with white bones faintly visible. If he was a few seconds later, this unknown mutation eroded Adam's central nervous system, and he might not be able to save him...

How he stopped Adam's bleeding, how he got into a Feathered Serpent flying machine with others, and how he returned to Paradise Lost were all a blur in his mind. He remembered that the gates of Paradise Lost opened in front of them, and there were many people rushing towards them, but he kept saying, "Help him... save him..."

Adam was given first aid and he was brought to this location. Because the round table will listen to his report. But he couldn't report at all, he couldn't even stop the shaking of his body, and he couldn't dispel the scream in his head that made his blood freeze.

Adam was there to save him.

Adam just woke up, and the first reaction was to save him.

And he cut off Adam's arm...

The door of the room opened and he looked up, surprised to see James walk in. He had already put on new clothes, and the wound on his face was covered with medical gauze, leaving only one eye looking at him with concern and sadness.

Zhang Xun hurriedly asked, "Where is Adam?"

"He lost a lot of blood, but he is out of danger now. Don't worry." James sat down on the chair opposite him, "The Life Science Department analyzed the sample of Adam's arm we brought back, and found that people from Feather Snake City developed a A biochemical weapon at the atomic level, as long as it touches a little bit of your cells, it will be quickly decomposed and infected, disintegrating the structure between cells, it is a deadly weapon. But you acted in time, and the other parts of Adam's body did not find that toxin .”

Zhang Xun shook his right foot anxiously and murmured, "I want to see him."

"Axun, they want to ask you some questions, you have to answer them before they let you go." James said to him slowly and patiently, "So, you have to cheer up. Let you go and Adam's plan in detail."

Zhang Xun took a deep breath and took a long breath, forcing himself to repeat this action over and over again, so that his out-of-control brain could find some order. He knew what James said was right. Not only did they go out this time without any casualties, they brought back the missing James, destroyed the secret base of Feathered Snake City, and even seized so many of their weapons and materials, and brought back a name captive. This kind of victorious result, I am afraid, has not been seen in the past ten years except for the Shenshen project. The round table is impossible to treat carelessly.

Hearing that Adam was out of danger, he finally regained some self-control and reason. James raised his head at this time, facing the direction of the one-way mirror, his eyes filled with smoldering anger, "I said, you should also give him a clean suit and let him take a bath! He is not a prisoner!"

Not long after, a clerk came in and motioned Zhang Xun to go out with him.

Zhang Xun was washing his body in the bathroom of the outpost camp in the first district, watching Adam's blood melt in the water, converging into a reddish vortex under his feet. The warm water calmed his tense mind, but it couldn't take away the dull pain in his chest and the thick self-loathing. He put on a clean mechanic uniform to make himself look clean and decent. He still has a battle to fight.

Three officers and two mechanics were sent to question him. They asked about their day-to-day schedule, every decision they made, and all of Adam's actions. He described in detail how he ordered Adam to pretend to "betray" them, how he arranged for Adam to invade Feathered Snake City's system when uploading his consciousness, and explained in detail how Muruk captured Adam to complete the download and lose his opponent Feather Snake City. The moment the Snake City system took control, they plotted against them. How did I make the decision to cut off Adam's arm.

He said everything under control, as if everything had always been under his control, and he never had any doubts. He knew that this was the answer the round table wanted right now.

Repeated interrogation, interrogation from all angles, is almost like interrogating a prisoner. After about twelve hours, they finally closed the record in front of Zi Zi with satisfaction, and allowed Zhang Xun to leave.

It was one o'clock in the middle of the night when Zhang Xun came out of the barracks. Without pausing, he rushed directly to No. 1 Hospital in the middle of District 1.

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