The medical black technology system of the top student

Chapter 111 The advice has been given, it’s up to you whether you listen or not.

"Jingle Bell."

As the alarm clock rang, Lu Liang climbed up from the bed in the dormitory.

After a brief wash, Lu Liang put on the backpack he packed yesterday and went out.

He needs to take the high-speed train to the Magic City today.

Because today is the opening date of the academic exchange meeting.

This academic exchange meeting is an academic conference jointly sponsored by Lujiao University, Fudan University and various institutions.

The meeting location was set at a five-star hotel in Shanghai.

It is no exaggeration to say that this academic conference is definitely one of the top conferences in the medical field.

To give a vivid example, this meeting is almost equivalent to a Huashan sword discussion in the medical field, bringing together masters from various martial arts schools.

The same goes for this academic conference.

Leaders from major domestic universities and scientific research institutions will come to attend the conference.

At that time, different academic views held by various academic experts will have sharp collisions here.

Thinking about that scene, Lu Liang felt a little bit excited.

After six hours of high-speed train ride, Lu Liang finally arrived in the Magic City.

Looking at the bustling city, Lu Liang couldn't help but click his tongue.

Ji Hong was right, he should go out and run more when he had time.

However, Lu Liang didn't have time to delay here.

After leaving the high-speed rail station, Lu Liang took a Didi and went straight to the venue where the meeting was held.

After reporting on the conference at the hotel, Lu Liang received the conference brochure and participation certificate, and then went straight to the hotel room.

Because the travel expenses were reimbursed, Lu Liang didn't care about the price of the hotel room.

Moreover, even without reimbursement, Lu Liang could still afford to stay in the hotel for two nights.

After entering the room, Lu Liang threw his backpack on the bed, locked the door, and lay down on the bed.

The main task today is to report in, and the meeting will really start tomorrow.

As his whole body relaxed, the fatigue of the day's journey came to Lu Liang's head, his eyelids began to become heavy, and he fell into a drowsy sleep.

Soon the next day has arrived.

After Lu Liang took the conference pass with him, he took the conference brochure and walked towards the third floor of the hotel. The third floor was a reporting hall, where the academic conference was held.

As soon as he came out of the elevator, Lu Liang was drowned out by the roar of people in the academic lecture hall.

Most of the people had already come to take their seats and started chatting and discussing with the people around them.

Lu Liang looked around at the seats. Except for the front row, which was designated by a few big guys, the rest of the seats were free to sit at will.

Lu Liang opened the meeting manual and began to browse the meeting arrangements in the manual.

Academic reports, poster exhibitions, exchanges.

Judging from the reporting topics listed in the manual, Lu Liang did not find the research that interested him.

Lu Liang's eyes then moved down and landed on the wall poster exhibition.

The exhibition of posters is also an important part of academic conferences. Scholars will make their achievements in the form of posters and display them to everyone.

Then the scholars will be next to the posters, waiting for participants to come and communicate.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Liang walked towards the poster exhibition area.

Rather than listening to academic reports here, Lu Liang was more interested in the poster exhibition.

Soon, Lu Liang arrived at the poster exhibition area.

There are already many people communicating in the exhibition area. The posters are arranged in order, and everyone is observing the results of the posters that they are interested in.

Lu Liang looked along the poster.

"Use AI with well-trained algorithms to select powerful antibiotics that are effective against bacteria from tens of thousands of compounds!"

Can AI still play like this?

Lu Liang was suddenly surprised. His knowledge of AI was still limited to AI chatting, AI painting, etc., but he did not expect that some people were already using AI for compound screening.

I don’t know which god came up with the new idea.

However, it can also be seen that AI will be more and more widely used in the field of scientific research.

Lu Liang didn't stay in front of the poster for long, he continued to move forward.

"A new molecule that can penetrate the blood-brain barrier, reduce protein misfolding, and potentially reverse neuronal damage in ALS?"

"Cell Therapy for Type 1 Diabetes"

Looking all the way, Lu Liang was a little speechless.

Although the results displayed in these posters are not as high-quality as academic reports, they are more novel and open-minded.

Just as Lu Liang was following the exhibition order of the posters, the content of a poster made Lu Liang stop.

The title of the poster is: "The correlation between gut microbes and cancer."

When he saw this title, Lu Liang suddenly became interested.

He glanced at the affiliation and corresponding author of the article.

The first unit of this article is Lujiao University, and the communications tutor is a professor named Jiao Yonghao.

Lu Liang had seen this name in many area one and area two articles about intestinal microorganisms.

This can be considered a big deal.

Lu Liang began to stare at the poster and read it word by word carefully.

The research in this poster suggests that certain bacteria in the intestinal microbiota may induce cancer in the host body.

Therefore, the researchers of this poster conducted targeted research on various cancer patients. They collected the feces of different cancer patients and conducted 16sRNA sequencing to detect the bacterial composition of the intestinal microorganisms of cancer patients.

Then the intestinal flora of these cancer patients were compared with the intestinal flora of ordinary people, and some significant bacterial species were screened out.

Although the data of this study is very comprehensive and the evidence is sufficient.

But Lu Liang always feels that this result is a bit far-fetched!

Just when Lu Liang was wondering where this far-fetched feeling came from, a voice sounded beside Lu Liang.

"Hello, do you have any questions that need to be answered?"

Lu Liang looked up and found that the speaker was a young man wearing glasses.

The young man looked at Lu Liang with a smile and said, "My name is Zhou Jiping, and I am a Ph.D. from Lujiao University. This is a research I did. Are you interested in this research?"

Lu Liang nodded suddenly. It was the job of those who posted posters to answer their questions.

Lu Liang simply said: "Dr. Zhou, this is your idea."

I don’t know if it was because Zhou Jiping was too enthusiastic, but before Lu Liang could finish his words, Zhou Jiping couldn’t wait to introduce it to Lu Liang.

"It's like this. Our idea originated from a study in Nature, and we extended that study in some branches."

"We believe that it is entirely possible to curb the growth of cancer cells by inhibiting the relative abundance of certain key bacteria in the gut microbiome."

After Zhou Jiping briefly introduced his ideas, he couldn't wait to look at Lu Liang.

You know, his research has been praised by many experts and professors before.

Therefore, in his opinion, Lu Liang should have a look of admiration after listening to his research.

Then the two had a friendly academic exchange.

But unexpectedly, after Zhou Jiping explained the idea of ​​​​his research, he found that Lu Liang did not show any expressions of admiration or admiration.

On the contrary, Lu Liang was frowning in deep thought at this moment.

Could it be that I didn't explain it clearly enough so that the other party didn't understand?

Zhou Jiping couldn't help but think. He looked at Lu Liang. Judging from Lu Liang's appearance, he was at most a master.

It seems that his research is too profound and has gone beyond the other party's understanding and touched the other party's knowledge blind spot.

Zhou Jiping smiled: "If you don't understand something, I can explain it again."

But Lu Liang waved his hand: "No, I understand."

Zhou Jiping was a little surprised. He raised his eyebrows and asked expectantly: "Really? What do you think of my research?"

Now that the other party has understood it, he should be able to feel the power of his research now.

Just when Zhou Jiping was thinking this, Lu Liang slowly spoke.

"Dr. Zhou, with all due respect, I think there is something wrong with your thinking."

Lu Liang's words were like a blow to Zhou Jiping's head.

The smile on Zhou Jiping's face suddenly froze.

He thought that Lu Liang would praise him and express his admiration for his research. He also thought that the other party might leave without commenting at all.

But he never expected that Lu Liang would directly find fault with him.

After coming back to his senses, Zhou Jiping slowly put away the smile on his face.

Is this guy here to cause trouble?

Zhou Jiping thought to himself, his eyes looked over Lu Liang's body, and he curled his lips without any trace.

"Really? If there is any problem with my thinking, please point it out."

Lu Liang did not notice the change in Zhou Jiping's attitude. He was still staring at Zhou Jiping's poster.

After pondering for a moment, Lu Liang replied: "I think your idea is too obsessed with connecting the gene expression of a certain bacteria and cancer cells, so the results are extremely far-fetched."

“You can add an inflammatory indicator in the middle, and do a correlation analysis on the expression of bacteria and inflammation, such as interleukin-1β, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-α, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, etc. , and finally linked to the expression of cancer genes."

"Of course, this level is not enough, I think."

Lu Liang gave his own suggestions while thinking.

However, before Lu Liang finished speaking, he was interrupted impatiently by Zhou Jiping: "I know, thank you for your suggestion. I will consider it as appropriate and see if I can modify it."

Lu Liang looked at Zhou Jiping's impatient look, and then looked at the poster in front of him.

He was interested in this research, so he wanted to give some advice, but look at the other person's attitude

Forget it, I’ve already given my advice anyway.

Whether you listen or not is the other party’s problem.

Lu Liang didn't waste any time talking to Zhou Jiping, and immediately turned around and left.

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