After the director explained the patient's condition, Ji Hong proposed to take a look at the patient.

Naturally, the director would not stop him in any way, and several doctors stood up one after another.

Under the leadership of the director, the group walked towards the ward.

The patient is currently hospitalized in Ward 702 of the hospital.

Soon, several people arrived at the door of Ward 702.

After pushing open the door of ward 702, Lu Liang noticed that in addition to the man lying on the bed, there was also a woman standing in the ward.

Next to the woman were a boy and a girl. The boy looked to be eleven or twelve years old, and the girl was slightly younger, only seven or eight years old.

The girl's big dark eyes looked curiously at the doctors in white coats in front of her.

After seeing the doctors walk in, the woman quickly stood up, put a smile on her face and said to the boy, "The doctors are here, take your sister outside and wait."

The boy nodded, and then obediently pulled the little girl towards the door.

After the door of the ward was closed, the woman raised her head and looked at the doctors.

At this time, Lu Liang noticed that there was no longer a smile on the woman's face. When she looked at the director, her lips were trembling slightly: "Doctor, please save my husband."

The director comforted the woman and said, "Don't worry, we will do our best. This is Professor Ji we invited. Let's see if we can be of any help."

The woman's eyes subconsciously moved to Ji Hong.

Ji Hong is not like a director. He spends most of his time in the laboratory and rarely has real contact with patients.

Even though Ji Hong was mentally prepared, when he came into contact with the woman's almost pleading eyes, Ji Hong couldn't help but tremble in his heart. He could only subconsciously turn his head and look at the patient on the bed.

At this moment, the patient was lying on the hospital bed without any energy. The torment of cancer had made his expression numb.

Ji Hong asked: "Which targeted drug are you using?"

The director replied: "The first one we used was gefitinib."

"First generation drugs?"

Ji Hong thought for a moment and then asked: "Have you considered using the third-generation drug osimertinib?"

Ji Hong skipped the second-generation drugs and asked about the status of the third-generation drugs.

Ji Hong is very clear about the situation of lung cancer treatment drugs.

Because judging from numerous clinical data, the difference between second-generation targeted drugs and first-generation targeted drugs is not very big. "

Moreover, the side effects of second-generation targeted drugs are greater, so clinically, second-generation targeted drugs are rarely used.

The third-generation targeted drug osimertinib is different. The clinical data of osimertinib is more comprehensive. Moreover, in terms of efficacy, osimertinib is superior to the first- and second-generation targeted drugs.

Although the woman on the side couldn't understand what the director and Ji Hong were talking about, she could vaguely hear that a man's disease could be cured by using a certain medicine.

This made the woman's expression become nervous.

But the director's words once again disappointed the women's expectations: "We have also tried Osimertinib, but it still doesn't help."

Ji Hong on the side also frowned at this moment, looking thoughtful.

Osimertinib can now be said to be the best drug for treating EGFR gene mutations in non-small cell lung cancer. If lung cancer cells are now resistant to osimertinib during the gene mutation process.

In this world, there is no longer any drug that can treat men's lung cancer.

In other words, men now have only one option: waiting to die.

The woman seemed to realize this, and her expression became desperate again.

The director took a deep breath and reassured the woman: "Don't worry, we will continue to think of a solution."

The woman nodded quickly. She could only hope that the doctor had other options.

Then, the director said, "Professor Ji, could you please come out?"

Ji Hong came to his senses at this time, then turned around and followed the director out of the ward door.

Lu Liang glanced at the man on the hospital bed and the sad-looking woman, pursed his lips, and turned to leave the ward.

After coming out of the ward, the director and Ji Hong were talking quietly to the side.

Lu Liang, on the other hand, stood aside and waited silently.

At this moment, Lu Liang felt the corner of his clothes being pulled. Lu Liang looked back and found that it was the boy and girl he had seen in the ward before.

The little girl was holding the boy's hand and looking at Lu Liang timidly.

Lu Liang was a little surprised, but he still smiled and asked: "Kid, what's the matter?"

The girl looked at Lu Liang and asked weakly: "Brother, when will my father get better?"

When asked this question, Lu Liang was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he estimated that when they were in the ward just now, the two children thought they were doctors.

Lu Liang hesitated for a moment, and then asked tentatively: "Kid, do you know what disease your father has?"

"I know."

The girl nodded, her eyes full of innocence.

This answer somewhat surprised Lu Liang, because he didn't see much worry on the girl's face, he only saw simplicity and ignorance of the world.

The girl continued: "Mom said that dad has a cold and he will get better after a while."

After hearing the girl's words, Lu Liang's face suddenly showed a look of astonishment.

He suddenly understood why when the doctor came in, the women asked the boy to take the girl out first.

Lu Liang looked at the boy, who just held the little girl silently.

Apparently the boy knew the truth but did not tell the little girl.

The girl continued: "My mother also said that when my father gets better, she will take us to eat ice cream, so I want to know when my father will get better."

After listening to the girl's words, Lu Liang was silent for a long time.

Finally, he reached out and rubbed the girl's head: "After some time, your father will get better."


"Really." Lu Liang nodded.

The girl seemed to be relieved, with a bright smile on her face: "I thought my mother was lying to me, and I thought my father would never get better."

Lu Liang was stunned. He didn't know how to answer for a moment.

The girl seems to know everything, but also seems to know nothing.

The girl then remembered something and took out a plum candy from her pocket. Although her expression was full of reluctance, she handed it to Lu Liang: "Brother, this is for you, thank you."

Lu Liang hesitated for a moment, then smiled and took the candy from the girl's hand.

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