The medical black technology system of the top student

Chapter 144 A bottle costs more than 10,000 yuan. Do you call this medicine for conscience?

As the man finished speaking, the audience burst into warm applause.

As Dai Yang, the chairman of Moco's domestic branch, he naturally saw the opportunity, took the microphone from the man's hand naturally, and then began to introduce his own products.

"From what the patient said just now, everyone must already know that our sugemalimab is a drug specially used to treat lung cancer."

"It is a PD-1 immune checkpoint inhibitor. Compared with PD-1 inhibitors from other pharmaceutical companies, our company's PD-1 inhibitors have better therapeutic effects."

"Our company's sugalimab can be used as a single drug to cover a variety of mutant lung cancers such as EGFR and ALK, and when combined with chemotherapy drugs such as paclitaxel and kappa, it can treat patients with squamous cell carcinoma."

"This kind of efficacy is difficult to see in other companies' PD-1 inhibitors."

As Dai Yang finished speaking, the audience once again burst into warm applause.

After all, with the personal experience of the lung cancer patient out there, who dares not to believe it now.

Dai Yang felt very satisfied with the enthusiastic response from the audience.

Soon, it was time for reporters to ask questions.

"Mr. Dai, may I ask, since the therapeutic effect of your company's sugemalimab is so good, what is the price of such a drug?" A reporter was the first to ask the question.

Dai Yang smiled and said: "The price of sugalimab is 12,375 yuan per bottle, and one bottle is 20ml."

After hearing the price of sugalimab, there was an uproar below.

At 12,375 yuan per bottle, this drug is definitely expensive.

But Dai Yang seemed to have expected this situation to occur, so he was well prepared and said: "First of all, everyone must understand that sugalimab is a drug specially used to treat cancer."

"This is destined to have high research and development costs. We also want to sell the drug cheaper, but the problem is that we can't do a loss-making business, right?"

Sure enough, as Dai Yang said these words, many reporters were stunned, and the discussion below suddenly became much quieter.

After all, Dai Yang's words still sound reasonable.

Dai Yang continued: "Furthermore, among all cancer treatment drugs, I think this price should be considered cheap."

The two consecutive questions made all the reporters speechless for a while.

After seeing this, Dai Yang couldn't help but reveal a sarcastic smile on his face.

These reporters are really easy to fool, Dai Yang thought to himself.

His speech notes and the way he answers questions are carefully designed, and at first glance there is no logical flaw.

However, in order to prevent reporters from actually pondering the problem, Dai Yang continued: "I know that for many families of lung cancer patients, the price is indeed a bit expensive."

"But please rest assured, our company, Moco, promises that we will launch various drug discounts in the future. We are committed to allowing every lung cancer patient to have access to drugs."

After Dai Yang finished speaking, the audience once again burst into warm applause.

The image of a conscientious company that considers patients is firmly established in everyone's mind.

Soon, after a few innocuous questions, the reporter's interview session was over.

All the reporters started their follow-up work one after another. They wrote the contents of the interviews into reports and published them one after another.

One of the articles is titled "The miracle drug for lung cancer - sugemalimab is on the market. It is a conscience drug. A bottle of the drug only costs 10,000 yuan!" "The report spread extremely quickly on the Internet.

Naturally, this report aroused a lot of public opinion on the Internet.

"Zhoucao, what the hell? Is the current media so limitless? Can a bottle of medicine worth more than 10,000 yuan be considered a conscience medicine?"

"Look clearly, look clearly, this is medicine to treat lung cancer. Cancer medicine, do you think it's a cold medicine that costs more than ten yuan a plate?"

"That is, can cancer treatment drugs be cheap? If others sell them for more than 10,000 yuan, is that not conscience enough?"

"Thanks to foreign pharmaceutical companies, if this is a domestic pharmaceutical company, it doesn't cost 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. Do you want to buy medicine?"

"But the problem is, lung cancer patients can't afford such expensive medicine. Can this be called a conscience medicine?"

"The medicine is expensive. Is that a problem with the medicine? It's a problem with people. Who can blame me for getting lung cancer even if I don't have money?"

"You have to have someone else sell the medicine to you at a loss for it to be called a conscience medicine?"

The comment area below the report has already exploded, with many people arguing over this issue.

But most people agree with this report.

As this report spread, it quickly spread to various platforms.

In the library.

Ruan Shishi flipped through the reports on her mobile phone, and then said to Lu Liang beside her with a surprised look on her face: "Classmate Lu, look, there are really conscientious companies in this world."

At this moment, Lu Liang was staring at the computer screen and writing his summary.

After hearing Ruan Shishi's words, Lu Liang's fingers on the keyboard paused, and he glanced at the report on the screen of Ruan Shishi's phone.

The first thing that caught my eye was the big headline on the news.

"The miracle drug for lung cancer - sugemalimab is on the market, a conscientious drug, and a bottle of the drug only costs 10,000 yuan!" 》

When he saw this line of title, Lu Liang couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly.

He doesn't know why, but he always feels that the sentence "a conscientious drug only costs 10,000 yuan" is particularly dazzling.

Soon, he discovered something was wrong with the report.

This report used a lot of ink and space to describe how much money was spent and how long it took during the development process of sugalimab.

Then he wrote about how conscientious Moco Company is and what kind of drug donation activities it has done after the drug was launched.

It seems that if this drug, sugalimab, is not sold for more than 100,000 yuan a bottle, it would be a disservice to the research and development personnel.

However, this report did not mention a word about the fact that once the drug Sugli is launched, tens of billions can be made from patients a year, and the research and development costs can be covered in minutes.

They also turn a blind eye to the fact that lung cancer patients may have to spend all their money to afford a few bottles of medicine.

The reporter was probably not paid, Lu Liang thought.

Ruan Shishi said from the side: "Did you see, Mr. Lu, that a bottle of cancer medicine only costs 10,000 yuan?"

"It's twelve thousand three hundred and seventy-five, don't throw away the next two thousand three hundred and seventy-five." Lu Liang reminded Ruan Shishi.

Two thousand three hundred and seventy-five, with a ten thousand character in front as a prefix, does not seem like much.

But this may be a month's salary for a newly graduated college student, a month's savings for an ordinary family, and a large amount of money that is extremely difficult for a family of lung cancer patients to come up with.

Lu Liang paused, looked at Ruan Shishi and said.

"Also, why do you think that a bottle of medicine worth more than 10,000 yuan would be a conscience medicine?"

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