The medical black technology system of the top student

Chapter 197 A salary of 6k should be pretty good for you, right?

As the engine ignited, the vehicle slowly drove towards the school.

In the car, Yang Qing chatted with Lu Liang while driving.

During the chat, Lu Liang learned that Yang Qing's current company was preparing to develop a new drug.

But they are currently encountering some technical problems, so they came here specifically to ask someone for advice.

"What kind of medicine?" Lu Liang asked curiously.

Yang Qing thought for a moment and felt that if this was talking about a disease treated with drugs and it didn't talk about their company's current research progress, it wouldn't be considered confidential.

So Yang Qing replied: "What our company is currently developing is an antihypertensive drug."

"Medicine to treat high blood pressure?" Lu Liang asked.

Yang Qing nodded: "Yes."

"If this drug can be developed, we will definitely be able to make a lot of money, right?" Lu Liang moved his eyes to the window and said.

Yang Qing thought for a while and gave a very vague answer: "Maybe."

This kind of thing already involves company secrets to a certain extent, so it is naturally impossible for Yang Qing to give an accurate answer.

However, even if Yang Qing didn't say anything, Lu Liang could probably guess it.

After all, in modern society, hypertension has become a very common chronic disease. There are 200 million hypertensive patients in China alone.

To briefly explain, high blood pressure means that the elasticity of blood vessel walls weakens, and the pressure on the blood vessel walls increases when blood passes through the blood vessels.

The factors that cause high blood pressure are complex.

Anxiety, staying up late, heavy oil, heavy salt, aging

Various miscellaneous factors can be summed up as bad lifestyle and eating habits.

But then again, it seems like I accounted for all these factors?

Oh my god, Lu Liang couldn't help but become anxious.

Of course, if it's just an increase in blood pressure, it's nothing.

But the problem is that there is a significant positive correlation between high blood pressure and many cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. That is to say, the more serious the high blood pressure, the higher the possibility of suffering from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

The most common one is damage to cerebral blood vessels.

There are currently 6 main types of antihypertensive drugs.


Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors).

Angiotensin II receptor antagonists (sartans).

Calcium channel blockers (dipine).

Alpha blockers.

Beta blockers (lorols).

Among the many drugs, the best-selling one at present is Novartis' Novartis, a sartan-type antihypertensive drug.

In just one year, just one drug like Nosinto brought revenue of US$4.6 billion to Novartis.

It can be said that even if we look around the world, patients' demand for antihypertensive drugs is huge, which is why many pharmaceutical companies have developed antihypertensive drugs.

Lu Liang asked: "Which antihypertensive drug is your company developing? Sartan or Dipine?"

"Dipine-type antihypertensive drugs are calcium channel blockers." Yang Qing replied.

Lu Liang nodded.

Calcium channel blockers were first proposed by Frank Stein, a professor at the University of Freiburg.

In fact, the principle of calcium channel blockers is very simple.

The contraction of blood vessels needs to be driven by the contraction of vascular smooth muscles, and it is well known that muscle contraction is related to the concentration of calcium ions, sodium potassium ions and other ions.

Calcium ions serve as a coupling factor between nerve excitation and muscle contraction. When a large amount of calcium ions enter the muscle cells through the channel, it will cause the contraction of the muscle cells.

Calcium ion channel blockers "get stuck" on the channel through which calcium ions enter muscle cells, preventing calcium ions from entering the cells through the channel.

It's like, in front of a narrow passage that can only accommodate one person to climb through, a big fat boy is stuck in the passage, and other people will naturally be unable to pass through this passage.

Calcium ions cannot enter the cells, and the muscle cells cannot contract. .

Without the driving force of vascular smooth muscle, blood vessels cannot contract and are always in a state of relaxation, and blood pressure will naturally drop.

In the car, Lu Liang and Yang Qing were chatting about calcium channel blockers.

This made Yang Qing slightly surprised: "You, an undergraduate, still know this?"

Look at this question.

"Isn't this all the content in the textbook?" Lu Liang replied matter-of-factly.

Yang Qing said: "But at the undergraduate level, don't you only read books when the exam is approaching? And don't you forget the knowledge you memorize after the exam?"

"Well, maybe I have a better memory." Lu Liang gave a nonsense reason.

Yang Qing glanced at Lu Liang: "By the way, classmate, how old are you?"

"Junior year." Lu Liang replied.

"In your junior year, you have to think about your internship and finding a job."

Yang Qing pondered and asked: "At that time, are you interested in working in our company?"

After hearing Yang Qing's words, Lu Liang looked at Yang Qing with some surprise. This sentence completely exposed Yang Qing's unusual identity.

After all, pharmaceutical companies never lack master's degrees, so when it comes to recruiting, it's never up to a master's degree to have the final say.

Yang Qing seemed to notice Lu Liang's gaze. She smiled and said, "My dad is a shareholder of this pharmaceutical company, so he still has some say in this company."

It turns out he is a rich second generation, no wonder.

Lu Liang suddenly realized at this moment, he just said, how could a graduate student who had just graduated and just joined the company be able to drive a Porsche and recruit people as soon as he said he was hiring.

"How about it?"

Yang Qing looked at Lu Liang and asked: "If you are willing to come, I can provide you with an assistant position. As for the salary, can I give you 6k?"

Yang Qing said this with great confidence. She believed that Lu Liang had no reason to refuse.

You know, the salary of a newly graduated graduate student is only at this level, unless it is another popular major.

If this kind of position were placed at a university job fair, I don’t know how many graduates would fight for it.

Therefore, in Yang Qing's view, the position he provided to Lu Liang was simply a blessing from heaven, and Lu Liang would definitely agree to it without hesitation.

But unexpectedly, after listening to Yang Qing's words, Lu Liang's expression suddenly became weird.

However, in order not to lose face to Yang Qing, Lu Liang pretended to show hesitation: "Thank you, but I still want to go to graduate school."

Yang Qing frowned slightly. Lu Liang's answer really surprised her.

"Then you have to think clearly. It's hard to find such good salary and benefits in today's companies. If you miss me, you won't be able to find another employer." Yang Qing said.

Lu Liang still smiled and shook his head: "Thank you, I really don't need it."

Yang Qing sighed: "Okay, since you insist so much, then forget it."

Yang Qing didn't say anything more. She just felt that the other party was one of the smarter ones among undergraduates, so she had the idea of ​​recruiting him on a whim.

Therefore, even if Lu Liang refuses, she will not have too much resentment. Besides, there are many smart undergraduates, and she is not lacking in this one.

However, when this person took three years to complete graduate school and then applied for a job, he found that the salary level was only 6 or 7k. By then, he would probably feel regretful, Yang Qing shook his head and thought.

Lu Liang didn't know what Yang Qing was thinking, so while there was still a little time, Lu Liang continued to ask: "By the way, what are the technical difficulties encountered in the anti-stress drugs you are currently developing? "

Yang Qing smiled and asked: "Why, can you still help me solve this problem?"

Lu Liang thought for a moment: "Maybe."

He didn't dare to directly pat his chest and guarantee it 100%.

Yang Qing felt that the undergraduate in front of her was interesting. She couldn't even solve this problem. She wanted to come over and ask for help. How dare the undergraduate in front of her speak like this?

You think you are Lu Liang, Yang Qing complained silently in his heart.

However, Yang Qing remained calm on the surface, and she said: "I'm sorry, I can't answer you.

After all, this issue involves the progress of drug development to a certain extent and is a company secret. "

Lu Liang nodded suddenly, understanding. After all, it was a company secret, so naturally it couldn't be told.

"We're almost there. The seventh teaching building is in front of us."

Lu Liang pointed to a building in front and said, Yang Qing drove the Porsche and found a suitable place to stop on the roadside.

Lu Liang also took his things and prepared to get off the car.

It has to be said that the car is expensive for a reason. When he got off the comfortable seat, Lu Liang actually felt a sense of reluctance.

After getting out of the car, Lu Liang looked at the Porsche and wondered if he should buy a car too.

After all, he doesn't lack the money now.

But this idea was quickly dismissed by Lu Liang.

Most of his time, his scope of activities is in school.

The distance from the study room to the dormitory can be reached in two minutes by riding a small electric donkey. Buying a car is simply unnecessary.

Moreover, many parts of the school are inaccessible to vehicles, so it is not as comfortable as a small electric donkey.

After thinking about it carefully, Lu Liang suddenly realized that the eDonkey was still suitable for him.

At this moment, Yang Qing had already locked the car door. Lu Liang, adhering to the principle of a good person doing his best to send Buddha to the West, asked: "Which professor are you looking for?"

Yang Qing said: "I made appointments with several professors. First, I went to see Professor Ji Hong."

Ji Hong?

Lu Liang was a little surprised. He happened to be about to go upstairs: "Let's go then."

Yang Qing did not refuse. Under the leadership of Lu Liang, she followed Lu Liang all the way to the door of the office on the third floor. Ji Hong was also in the office at the moment.

Yang Qing was about to thank Lu Liang, but she saw Lu Liang bypassing her and knocking on the door very skillfully and walked into Ji Hong's office.

Yang Qing, who was standing outside the door, was stunned by this scene.

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