The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful

Chapter 61 Anina’s Experience

After the previous wave of white skeletons were killed, a wave of black skeletons crowded in front of the defense line.

Compared to the white skull, the black skull's body is harder.

The trident and bone blade made a harsh sound of metal colliding when they attacked them.

With one blow, several ribs were broken in the dark bone body.

However, there was no overall structural damage and it was quite durable.

The black skeleton was attacked, the soul fire in its eye sockets shook violently, and the bone hand suddenly grabbed out.


The sharp claws rubbed violently against the Naga warrior's scales, and a white mark was visible to the naked eye.

Although one hit could not break the defense, they were attacked dozens of times one after another without any fear of pain.

The scales of the Naga warrior were also slightly broken by the sharp claws, and a trace of blood seeped out.

The corpse poison then took advantage of the situation and entered.

"Ding~ The Naga warrior is infected by corpse poison, and his attributes are reduced by 5%. The effect will increase over time."

Corpse virus infection.

The longer the time, the stronger the reduction effect.

The longer it goes on, the worse it will be for them.

Ji Chen narrowed his eyes.

It looks like a quick resolution is in order.

He looked at Anina who was already gearing up and impatient.

Smiling slightly, "Then it's up to you."

The dragon whale girl's eyes suddenly lit up, she said "Leave it to me" and rushed out with the giant sword.

It crashed directly into the group of skeletons like a chariot, and several skeletons were directly hit and flew high into the sky.

Anina's actions told him.

If the Naga warriors cannot defeat them, she will defeat them.

Facing the stronger Black Skull, the strength is more intuitively displayed in front of you.

One blow from the Naga warrior could only break a few ribs of the black skull.

Under Anina's giant sword, it was like being hit by a hammer drill. Most of the bones were instantly shattered, and the remaining body flew out as if it had overcome gravity.

Not to mention the white skulls, they fell piece by piece like harvested wheat.

The killing efficiency is extremely high.

In a daze.

He seemed to see a giant whale twisting its huge body, and every blow carried tremendous power.

But after watching it for a while, Ji Chen suddenly felt something was wrong.

How come so many skeletons were killed but their number did not decrease at all?

It even became a little more.

He immediately opened the map.

The clues were quickly discovered.

On the map, a large number of red dots are continuously appearing in the northeast, pouring in from the ruins of another city gate.

The northeast direction is the direction to the second sub-island.

From this point of view, these three sub-islands have been completely occupied by skeletons.

Then he will follow this direction today and try to clear the level all the way!


With the fierce dragon whale girl joining the battle.

The incoming skeletons fell down in waves.

after an hour.

Finally no more skeletons appeared.

The ground was covered with a thick layer of white bones. If you stepped on it, you would at least step on the bones that originally belonged to the five skeletons.

"Ding~ You won a victory full of honor. You gained 7200 experience points."

Ji Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

The undead army's human sea tactics are still quite powerful.

If Anina hadn't been there, I'm afraid he would have had to spend a lot of effort cleaning up today.

Anina carried the giant sword and came back without even taking a breath, her face full of pride, "These skeletons are still too weak, they can only barely let me warm up."

"As expected of Anina, she solved it so neatly. For you, even thousands of troops are no problem!"

Ji Chen smiled slightly and started to promote business.

"Of course, I am a member of the glorious deep-sea dragon whale clan!" The dragon whale girl hugged her chest and replied with a slightly red face.

Looking at this scene, he chuckled inwardly.

This kid is really simple and easy to deal with.

"I've always heard you say that you are a deep-sea dragon whale, but why haven't I seen your family or similar species?" Ji Chen asked curiously.

Hearing this, Anina's mood suddenly became depressed.

"I haven't seen other deep-sea dragon whales for a long time since my mother died protecting me."

"No matter how I call, no one of my kind in the ocean responds to me."

Ji Chen frowned and suddenly remembered something.

Many cetaceans are social creatures and generally rarely appear alone.

Looking at Anina's appearance, she must have lived as a whale for a long time.

It must be very lonely.

Just when he was thinking about how to comfort him.

Alice walked over, and under Anina's slightly surprised gaze, she gently pulled her into her arms.

He stroked her head with both hands, "Poor child, from now on I will be your kind, and this is your home."

Well done Alice!

Crazy assists!

The dragon whale girl quickly broke away from the embrace and took a few steps back in a panic.

He was at a loss and said: "Who, who is your kind? You are a siren and I am a deep-sea dragon whale. They have nothing to do with each other!"

Alice looked at her with an expressionless face, "A child who doesn't mean what he means will not be liked."

"Whoever means something different, please explain it clearly to me!"

Taking advantage of this gap, Ji Chen quickly made a draw, "It's almost time, it's time to move on."

Anina looked away and said nothing more.

But her slightly trembling arms revealed her inner unrest.

Ji Chen shook his head, walked over the bones everywhere to the resource box, and opened it casually.

"Ding~ You have activated medium-sized resources. Obtained 3,000 units of five basic resources each."

After a short rest.

They move on.

Leave from the ruins of another city gate.

This complex of buildings is probably a large facility like a pass, not just an isolated city.

After leaving the city gate, what came into view was another ruin of city walls and towers, stretching along the direction of the island.

Not long after leaving the school grounds, they ran into a large wave of skeletons again.

The direction of coming is still northeast.

This time.

More powerful skeleton monsters appeared.

Bone dogs with blue flames on their legs rushed toward them with very fast and agile steps.

When Ji Chen saw it, he didn't dare to exaggerate and shouted immediately.

"All in formation, resist the impact!"

【Ghostfire Skeleton Dog】

[Race]: Undead

[Level]: 11

[Level]: Level 3, 3 stars

[Skill]: Body of the Undead (blue skill, immune to most curses, poisons and other negative effects, speed increased by 30%)

Corpse Poison Curse (blue skill, the corpse poison attached to the claws can infect the enemy, reducing attributes by up to 20% over time)

Resurrection (white skill, able to repair itself by piecing together bones)

[Army Characteristics]: Fearless (I don’t know what fear and death are)

[Infected by something, the speed becomes faster]

The undead that appeared were each more difficult to deal with than the last.

The Black Skeleton just now was only at level 3, 1 star, and now the Fire Skeleton Dog is already at level 3, 3 stars.

Then in deeper places, are there higher ones?

These sub-islands are definitely not simple, something must have happened!

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