In the laboratory under the cold white light,the young man leaning on the metal table said indifferently: "You have put on a dead face since you came here in the afternoon, All my assistants were scared away by you, and you affected my work a lot."

In front of him,Ji Cheying sat on the high stool,but even on the stool,his legs were still slightly bent Forward, showing slender lines.

Ji Cheying leaned one hand on the table behind him, casually playing with a round instrument in one hand, he said casually: "Then your assistant's psychological quality is not good, How can such a psychological quality make a good experiment?"

"..." Yan Siyu said with a blank expression: "We never asked the experimenters to carry out experiments under the pressure of S-class Alpha."


Destroy everything in the room.

If Yan Siyu was also an A-level Alpha,otherwise it would be difficult for him to stay in this laboratory.


Ji Cheying threw up the expensive circular instrument like a ball and caught it, he said lightly: "If you go to the battlefield,The coercion of the interstellar beasts and the coercion of the warriors It's all over the place,have to get used to it sooner."

Yan Siyu said: "We are not ready to go to the front to do experiments."

Yan Siyu put his hands around his chest, he asked sharply, "You were dumped?"

Yan Siyu glanced at the residue on the ground, frowned, "This thing is very expensive, I just bought it recently."

Ji Cheying said without the slightest apology: "I will pay you one when the time comes."

Yan Siyu nodded with satisfaction, "Okay." Then he changed the subject and continued sharply: "So you really got dumped." After reacting, he knew that he should not continue talking, but Yan Siyu never understood what it meant to speak in the air. His thirst for knowledge was above everything else, and there was nothing that could make him back down before that.

Seeing Ji Cheying's acquiescence and that gloomy face that almost dripped ink, Yan Siyu raised his eyebrows, "You were really dumped, it's so strange, who is that holy man? "

The pressure in the room increased silently again, and even the air became a little thinner.

So Rao Shiyan Siyu couldn't help but turn pale, but he still asked fearlessly: "Why did he dump you?"

Ji Cheying took a deep breath, he pulled the corners of his mouth coldly, and said a little self-sacrificingly: "Why don't you ask him?"

Yan Siyu looked at Ji Cheying's restrained but still surging eyes, his conscience as a friend was finally awakened a little, and he sighed indifferently He breathed, and then said, "It's just right, you can pass your susceptible period with peace of mind, and I have prepared the place for you."

"Sir, please show your pass." A man wearing a mask and a black suit extended his hand to Xie Quan.

Xie Quan's face was half hidden by the hat of the coat, Xie Quan was also wearing a mask at the moment, took out his pass from the pocket of his coat, after checking, he carried his own The heavy backpack walked into this underground exchange.

Under the Interstellar Hotel in the west of the Imperial City, 500 meters underground in a residential area, is an underground kingdom.

The identity of 'Yanbai' was born from the underground exchange, Xie Quan is naturally not unfamiliar with the underground exchange.

But he doesn't often deal with underground exchanges in person. The transaction of his works and the purchase of items are basically all Anna negotiating for him. He just needs to sit in his studio.

But now he definitely can't let Anna handle these things for himself, so he inevitably needs to go to this underground exchange by himself.

At this moment, the underground exchange is as lively as a street market on the ground. The difference is that all the people here wear masks, and those shops sell not food and clothes, but various All kinds of weapons, materials, forged documents, etc.

Walking through the noisy and crowded pheromones, Xie Quan seemed to be wandering, and the family did not go in, but just seemed to be walking aimlessly.

Xie Quan came this time not to make money, but because he needed to buy some materials to make his new mecha.

About an hour later, Xie Quan's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly from under the mask, and his eyes stopped at a corner shop, Xie Quan finally stopped and walked in towards the shop .

"Sir, what are you looking for?"

As soon as I entered, a big man wearing a mask came up.

Xie Quan glanced at the list of materials displayed on the screen, and asked in a muffled voice because of the mask, "Do you have meteorite steel?"

Even the military itself only produces less than ten tons per year, so how can the rest come out?"

Xie Quan said without any hesitation: "I want a kilogram of meteorite steel."

"..." The big man smiled absurdly, "Little brother, are you kidding me? Let's not say if I have any, do you know how much star coins cost 100 grams of meteorite steel? 100 grams of meteorite steel costs 500,000 star coins, and it may not be available."

As he said before, meteorite steel, as a rare metal, is strictly controlled by the military, coupled with the scarcity of annual output, this thing is an essential material for building armed starships, even The military itself is not enough, and the meteorite steel that can flow outside is even rarer.

Hundreds of grams of meteorite steel is already amazing, and one kilogram of meteorite steel is simply a dream.

However, Xie Quan not only had a dream, but also did not think it was a dream at all.

He said firmly: "I can give you a higher price than the market price, I want all your meteorite steel."

Xie Quan didn't just come in and ask at a material store.

He is not that stupid, and he naturally knows the particularity of meteorite steel.

The reason why he kept walking on the street and went in without seeing the material store was because he knew that meteorite steel was not something that ordinary sellers could sell.

So what he has been looking for is a seller of meteorite steel.

Although there are not many items on the product list of this store, there are many items processed by the military, which shows that the seller has the supply of goods from the military.

That's why Xie Quan dared to ask directly.

In addition to the previous big man's answer, he is more certain that the other party must have meteorite steel.

And in fact, he didn't only want one kilogram, he wanted two kilograms, which is not a quantity that a seller can offer.

"Oh? What price can you give?"

"It depends on how many you have."

The big man thought for a while, he looked at Xie Quan, Xie Quan was really uneasy, he asked: "I don't know why the little brother needs so much meteorite steel?"

Xie Quan said coldly, "Just look at money, don't ask where you came from, this shouldn't be a question you should ask."

The big man's face changed, he almost committed the taboo of underground exchanges, he said, "Don't be angry, little brother, I will ask our boss now."

Xie Quan is not surprised, there must be a force behind such a shop, and he is willing to communicate with the boss, which also shows that they do have meteorite steel in their hands.

These side roads branch out from the various shops, and they all lead to a common space.

Premium member area of ​​the underground exchange.

Among a group of people, the big man found a man wearing a mask, his hair was hidden in a hat, and the white mask on his face had a mourning expression. What the big man said, his tone was long and elegant, "One kilogram of meteorite steel? It's interesting, I'll meet you."


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