The Regent's Tender Darling

Chapter 305 Forest Ginseng

Feng Yuan, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, has been assassinated in the Department of Internal Security! Now among the remaining people involved in Jia Grangang, the one who knows the whereabouts of the money is Lin Shen, the left minister of the Ministry of Industry.

During the interrogation of Lin Shen, Lin Shen attempted to commit suicide and was now controlled and under strict supervision.

Thirteen reported the results of this matter to Lin Jiaojiao one by one. Lin Jiaojiao frowned after hearing this. Is it really the Ministry of Works that destroyed the Lin'an government office?

Although there are doubts about this, the evidence is now conclusive and there is nothing more to say. I just didn’t expect the Ministry of Industry to do such evil things.

She raised her eyes to look at Thirteen and said, "So now Lin Shen cannot be killed." Her tone was not inquiring.

"Yes." Thirteen said.

Although she didn't know the specific amount of money allocated by the imperial court, she also knew that if this money could not be recovered, it would have a big impact on Danan.

Jia Granary was originally a place where Danan built grain stores. For such a plan to be built on the ground, the charge of the Ministry of Industry was not as simple as corruption.

"Does the Ministry of Punishment have anything to do with Lin Ginseng now?"

Thirteen shook his head: "Although Lin Shen has confessed, he is determined to die and has not said a word about the whereabouts of the money. No matter how tortured he is, he will not speak."

He is a man of character, but his character is used in the wrong place.

"Does his family know anything about it?" Lin Jiaojiao asked.

"Lin Shen has no parents, no wife or children. He is a loner and doesn't even make friends with anyone."

Such a person is really not afraid of wearing shoes even if he is barefoot. He is not even afraid of death. What else can he be afraid of?

But she knew that people always have weaknesses, no matter how strong they appear on the surface.

Looking at Thirteen, Lin Jiaojiao picked up the teacup, took a sip and said, "You might as well check up on Lin Shen's life story."

His expression and tone were so casual, as if he just mentioned it casually.

Thirteen quickly raised his hands and bowed: "Yes."

After investigating outside, Thirteen soon got the news about Lin Shen, but something went wrong.

Lin Shen was originally from Anyang County and was a Jinshi scholar in the 30th year of Yanzhao. Lin Shen was recommended by the Anyang County magistrate because of his outstanding knowledge and became the magistrate of Anyang County.

Later, Lin Shen became the new Anyang County magistrate because he reported on the magistrate of Anyang County for amassing money and plundering people's wealth and anointing them.

This person has an excellent reputation in Anyang County and is deeply loved by the people of Anyang County. He has been promoted all the way to his current position.

But there is something strange in the file. Lin Shen does not appear in the Jinshi files of the 30th year of Yanzhao.

After checking Lin Shen's official records in Anyang County, it was found that Lin Shen was indeed a Jinshi, but his name was changed for some unknown reason. His original name was Lin Sen.

Through the name Lin Sen, a secret case report from the Department of Internal Security was found. In the 30th year of Yan Zhao's reign, Lin Sen entered Dali Temple due to an imperial examination fraud case. It was later found out that he was innocent and was acquitted.

After that, Lin Sen disappeared without a trace and disappeared for two years.

According to the files, Lin Sen took his wife Lin Wangshi and their two-year-old child Lin Guan to Beijing for scientific research in the 28th year of Yan Zhao. However, after Lin Sen disappeared for two years, he returned to Anyang County and changed his name to Lin Shen. He has always claimed to be a loner, his wife and children are missing, and there is no news about him.

After hearing this, Lin Jiaojiao thought about it, what happened in the two years since Lin Shen was released and disappeared? Why is there no news about his wife and children?

After thinking for a long time, he seemed to have thought of something and asked: "Where did Lin Shen live before coming to the capital for scientific research?"

Students from outside the country always have to have a place to stay, let alone Jingzhong, which has been in the imperial examination for two years.

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