The Regent's Tender Darling

Chapter 335 His Highness Prince An

"Your Highness Prince An is well-informed. Do you know the Taoist priest of Taiping?"

"The Taoist priest of Taiping?" Prince An frowned slightly, thought for a moment and said, "I have read about him in a book, but it has been a long time, so I don't have a deep impression of him."

Then he looked at her and asked, "Why is the emperor's sister-in-law looking for this person?"

"I heard an old Taoist priest mention it, and I am quite interested in it."

Hearing this, Prince An did not ask any more questions, and replied gently, "Wait for me to go back and look for him. After finding him, I will send someone to send him to the mansion."

"Your Highness Prince An can send someone here. The Regent's Mansion must avoid suspicion."

Prince An smiled and replied, "Your Highness is right."

Before leaving, Lin Jiaojiao said, "The road ahead is difficult. Please wait patiently for the opportunity, Your Highness Prince An."


―――At the same time.

The palace. In Yongxiang, Emperor Yan Anzhi was supported by a group of palace servants. He walked very fast, and said angrily: "The Regent King only knows how to scold me! He is not very capable! He also said that I am greedy for pleasure and not enterprising! I am here to continue my offspring! To benefit the Great South, he is simply unreasonable!"

"Oh, Your Majesty, you can't be so petty with him, what if he gets angry and hurts the dragon's body?" The little eunuch consoled him.

This is the way to the Queen Mother's Palace. At this time, the Queen Mother was worshiping Buddha. When she heard the palace servants' message, she changed her cold face.

"Mother." Yan Anzhi called her mother with a lot of grievances.

The Queen Mother showed her distress and said, "What's wrong with the Emperor?"

"The Regent King scolded me again! Not only did he not give me any face in the court, but he was also very harsh to me in private!" Yan Anzhi vomited all the grievances in his stomach.

Then he said, "I have appointed some concubines to the harem for the sake of the heir of the Great Southern Emperor, but the Regent King also interfered! He said that I am not ambitious!"

"This Regent King! He is getting more and more arrogant!" The Queen Mother was rarely angry.

Then he said, "You are the emperor, so you don't have to listen to him."

"But mother, everyone in the court listens to the Regent King, and I am really angry! But I can't do anything to the Regent King."

If there was a way, he would have ordered the Regent King's entire mansion to be beheaded! That would make him feel better!

"Your Majesty is not young anymore, and it's time for you to take charge of the government." The Queen Mother advised.

Yan Anzhi had a bitter face. It was not that he didn't want to take charge of the government, but that the government was now controlled by the Regent King, and he wanted to take it but he was powerless.

Then he said: "Mother, I will review the memorials myself now, and will no longer send them to the Regent for review. I am the emperor, and I am qualified to review the memorials."

Originally, he did not want to review the memorials, but the Regent sent them to him. If he did not review them, no one would review them.

And he also figured out one thing. In the past, the Regent reviewed the memorials, and he did not know what was going on.

Now that I think about it, it is better to review them myself. I will start from reviewing the memorials when I take control of the government.

In the past, I saw that my father also reviewed the memorials himself, and never asked others to do it.

Hearing what the emperor said, the queen mother did not say anything, but said: "The emperor should not be too tired. This will damage the dragon body. I am worried."

"The son will not let the queen mother worry." Yan Anzhi said with a smile.

After complaining to the queen mother, he felt much better. The queen mother is still good. She will think about him in everything.

"Tomorrow is the coldest day, and the emperor should go to pray for the people." The queen mother said.

This is something that has to be done every year. When the Great Cold comes and frost and snow fall, the cold is extremely severe. As the emperor of Da Nan, he needs to go to Daxiangguo Temple to pray for the people and pray for good weather and good harvests in Da Nan in the coming year.

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