The Regent's Tender Darling

Chapter 345 Not going to court

"Your Majesty!" Ye Feng's calm face showed a bit of surprise. He was obviously puzzled, even confused, by the regent's move.

The Internal Security Department is composed of Internal Guards and Shadow Guards. The difference between the two can be said to be not big, or it can be said to be worlds apart.

In the first year of Kaiyuan, which is the first year after the current emperor ascended the throne, the Department of Internal Security only had internal guards. The shadow guards were originally from the Ling Family Courtyard. It was the regent who added the shadow guards to the Department of Internal Security, thus achieving a change. The brutal purpose of the Internal Security Department.

Nowadays, the shadow guards and internal guards of the Internal Security Department are directly proportional. If the shadow guards are withdrawn, I am afraid that the Internal Security Department will also be extremely short of manpower.

Yan Sihan replied in his usual emotionless voice: "Do as I say."

He didn't raise his eyes to look at Ye Feng as he spoke. It was obvious that this decision was not just a matter of words.

Ye Feng didn't have much to ask. Since the prince had given the order, he would just follow it.

He bowed his hands and said, "Yes, I will resign."

The news of the Shadow Guards' withdrawal from the Internal Security Department spread throughout the court on the second day, and the Regent did not come to court today.

Emperor Yan Anzhi was both proud and angry. As soon as he took back the Ministry of Internal Security, the regent withdrew more than half of his people. Where could he find manpower to fill the vacancies in a short period of time? It really gave him a difficult problem.

However, he could not keep this shadow guard, not only because these shadow guards did not listen to him, but also because these shadow guards were all members of the regent.

Even if these people don't evacuate on their own, he will slowly kick them out.

Yesterday afternoon, the two ministers and ministers of the Ministry of Punishment had been decided. The new minister of the Ministry of Punishment was Liu Wenxing, a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy.

Liu Wenxing was Taiwei Zhao's protégé and was recommended by Taiwei Zhao. The emperor was also assured of this person.

The other two ministers are Lei Mingzhang and Yang Gong, who were newly promoted to Jinshi last year.

They all came from the Hanlin Academy, and were respectively the ninth-rank Hanlin Academy Shizhao and the eighth-rank Hanlin Academy Dianbook.

Among the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, the two of them had the cleanest backgrounds and had no ties to other officials. They were the ones that Emperor Yan Anzhi wanted to cultivate.

In addition, the Ministry of Rites also lacked a doctor in the Ministry of Rites due to the last case of Shen Yeting's imperial examination fraud.

The official rank of doctor in each ministry is the fifth rank, and he is in the middle rank among the officials in Beijing.

Wu Congshu, a Jinshi who was innocently wronged, entered the Hanlin Academy as an attendant of the fifth-rank Hanlin Academy. He was recommended by Lin Zhengyang, the Minister of Rites, to serve as the vacant fifth-rank doctor of the Ministry of Rites.

The emperor did not mention the change of Minister of War yesterday, as if he had forgotten about it.

Even so, the atmosphere in the court was still a bit strange. They had also heard about what happened in the palace. The emperor changed the guards in the palace and the maids and eunuchs around him.

Now His Majesty is going to take charge personally.

The fact that the Regent is not going to court today is enough to show that the Regent is going to let His Majesty go.

After the morning court, the emperor did not return to Qinzheng Hall, nor did he visit the Queen Mother, nor did he intend to sit in the harem.

He was leaving the palace today so that these ministers could be at ease after retiring from the court. It was really unfair that he, as the emperor, had to review memorials.

Of course, he also knew the importance of reviewing the memorials. If he didn't review the memorials, there would always be some rebellious officials and traitors coming.

So he also decided that from now on, he would leave the palace every three days and spend the rest of the time correcting memorials. His request was always not excessive.

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