The Regent's Tender Darling

Chapter 376 The Queen Mother respects herself

As long as nothing too outrageous happens in the palace, just let them go and let the Department of Internal Security take care of things from time to time.

Now the emperor is actually allowed to rape a civilian girl in the street! It turns out that the emperor was taught by the boss of the Lin family and was already able to distinguish right from wrong! Now it seems that he underestimated these slaves!

How could it influence the emperor so much and so deeply! How many of them are people with ulterior motives, and how many of them are malicious and deliberately teach the emperor bad things?

Within a moment, dozens of eunuchs and maids around the emperor were all tied up and sent to Weiyang Hall!

One by one, they cried and begged for mercy! Each one cried harder than the other!

The civil and military officials watched this scene in silence. In the past, when the Regent and the Emperor faced each other, everyone would have made fun of them.

But in this current situation, they really don't know what to say. If His Majesty the Emperor waits for the Regent to leave the capital, the Emperor will be happy no matter how happy this happens.

It's just that now the regent is holding the Tai'a sword! The emperor is not yet an emperor, because the emperor still has a sword on his head.

This sword can change the chair on the throne at any time!

But I only dare to think about these things in my heart, and say that it is absolutely impossible. The civil and military officials like them say that the ministers of the court are the ones who are inferior to two people and more than ten thousand people.

But the two people involved now were the ones neither of them could afford to mess with.


For a moment, all the officials were silent. The group of palace maids and eunuchs cried harder when they heard this. The sad cries suddenly became louder and spread throughout the Weiyang Palace!

When the regent first entered the palace, the Queen Mother of Cining Palace was ready to go out to see what was going on.

Early this morning someone came to report that the regent was preparing to leave the capital. Their luggage and everything had been packed. Then they heard that many ministers were going to the city gate to persuade the regent to stay.

When she heard this, the Queen Mother said angrily: "A bunch of dead people! Let those who want to leave leave, and eat the inside and outside one by one, waiting to settle the accounts one by one later!"

But when she was about to go out to see why Yan Sihan came to the palace, people around her also told what the little emperor had done, and she was shocked.

I didn't expect that the emperor could do such a thing. This is such a big deal that the sky will fall!

She has never stopped the emperor in this regard. The late emperor had countless women when he was still alive! But there are not many people who can always follow the emperor.

Not all men are like this, so as long as someone comes to her to ask a girl to enter the palace, she will always respond to their requests. Sometimes she will take the initiative to issue an order to recruit a girl to the palace when she hears that her boudoir's daughter is good-looking!

Therefore, in her impression, there was never a shortage of women around the emperor, but she also knew that there would always be people outside who made the men in the palace unable to control themselves, and the same was true for the previous emperor.

She wouldn't be surprised if the plague god Yan Sihan killed that day killed the little emperor with one knife.

Just as he was about to go to the emperor to ask for a favor, he was stopped by the guards in the palace, saying that the regent had an order and it was not appropriate for the queen mother to appear today. She hoped that the queen mother would respect herself!

She also understood what Yan Sihan meant. Although she was the Queen Mother, many people in the capital knew that the current emperor was not her biological child!

This also led to the fact that she would not be sad even if His Majesty the Emperor was killed. The Emperor had to die in the first place.

It's just that the emperor is the one she must rely on to be the queen mother.

What if the emperor is killed and someone else becomes the emperor? What should she do? Can she still be the queen mother safely in this palace?

As for Yan Sihan becoming the emperor himself, she had never thought about it. The late emperor probably thought so too, so she left him a sword like Tai'a Sword that could kill the emperor!

Listening to the sad cries that suddenly came from the palace in front of her, she felt a panic in her heart. Could it be that Yan Sihan, the plague god, really killed the emperor directly? For a woman outside?

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