Since Li Yinchuan wanted to die, this half-step purple-clothed ghost would not stop him in the slightest.

Moreover, this half-step purple-clothed ghost was not sure whether Li Yinchuan would keep the promise he made at the beginning, so he let it go after he cooperated.

But now, Li Yinchuan said that he would lead the way to the area where it came from.

On the contrary, this half-step purple-clothed ghost had more ideas to survive.

As long as he really led Li Yinchuan to the area where he came from.

Even if he didn't need to do anything, the outsider in front of him would probably die at the hands of countless powerful beings.

Li Yinchuan didn't intend to know, nor did he want to know, what the half-step purple-clothed ghost was thinking.

After all, all this means nothing to him.

Li Yinchuan only needed to find the specific location of the more peripheral areas under the guidance of this half-step purple-clothed ghost.

They both have different ideas in mind.

Immediately afterwards, the half-step purple-clothed ghost had no intention of playing tricks and led the way in front of Li Yinchuan.

And under the clear guidance of this half-step purple-robed ghost.

Not long after, the outer area appeared that Li Yinchuan had been searching for for a long time but could not find.

"Sir, after passing here, we are where I came from. There used to be a barrier here blocking our way, but that barrier disappeared some time ago."

The half-step purple-clothed ghost leading Li Yinchuan in front of him said to Li Yinchuan.

Li Yinchuan looked at the area where the half-step purple-clothed ghost said there used to be a barrier.

It was exactly the same as what this half-step purple-clothed ghost said.

Maybe it's because the barrier has just been broken.

Li Yinchuan could feel that in the outer areas, a stronger and weird aura was constantly drifting over, trying to assimilate the intensity of the weird aura in the first circle.

It's like after the barrier between the first circle and the novice area disappeared.

The stronger weird atmosphere of the first circle is assimilated to the novice area.

But in the final outcome, whether it is the first circle or the novice area, they may eventually be completely assimilated into the weird intensity of the area in front of them where there are purple ghosts and even more ghosts.

"Okay, I understand, you can go."

Looking at the half-step purple-clothed fierce ghost aside, Li Yinchuan said.


Hearing this, the half-step purple-clothed fierce ghost was obviously stunned. It was obvious that he did not expect that Li Yinchuan actually let him go.

It had even made final preparations before. If Li Yinchuan planned to tear up his promise, it would take Li Yinchuan to some place where there were many powerful ghosts.

"Why, aren't you going to leave and continue to lead the way for me?"

Li Yinchuan glanced at the half-step purple-clothed ghost.

Hearing this, the heart of the half-step purple-clothed ghost suddenly jumped, and he quickly shook his head and waved his hands.

"Sir, I'm leaving now."

As the words fell, the purple-red ghosts around the half-step purple-clothed ghost flashed away, and its figure quickly disappeared on the spot under its own ghosts.

Watching the half-step purple-clothed fierce ghost leave.

Li Yinchuan withdrew his gaze.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yinchuan slowly lowered his eyes and looked at the logging ax in his hand.

It seemed that he was aware that he was about to enter an extremely dangerous area.

The logging ax itself began to tremble slightly at this moment.

His fingers lightly touched the logging axe.

The trembling on the logging ax disappeared, and around Li Yinchuan, the ghostly purple light of the logging ax disappeared in a flash.

The moment the purple light disappears.

Li Yinchuan has also disappeared into the purple light.

When Li Yinchuan appeared again.

He has completely penetrated into the outer area beyond the first circle.

And increasingly into the depths of the more peripheral areas.

Li Yinchuan's eyes wrinkled deeper.

Although so far, Li Yinchuan's time to enter the outer areas has only been about half an hour.

But in about half an hour, the range that Li Yinchuan could explore at his speed was already unimaginably huge.

But within such a huge scope.

However, Li Yinchuan did not discover the existence of any copy of the fierce ghost in purple clothes.

Even the number of half-step purple clothes is pitiful.

If it hadn't been for the moment we arrived at the border, we would have clearly noticed that the intensity of the strange aura in this area was much stronger than in the first circle.

Even Li Yinchuan would think that the half-step purple-clothed ghost didn't lead him seriously.

"Where have they all gone?"

Li Yinchuan murmured lowly.

But at this moment, he seemed to notice something.

Li Yinchuan's eyes suddenly looked in a certain direction.

One after another, powerful and strange auras connected to the sky.

And above the sky, there is a space passage that is dozens or even hundreds of times larger than the passage for players to enter and exit the horror world.

When Li Yinchuan saw the space passage above the bloody sky.

His eyes couldn't help but condense slightly!

Such a similar scene! Li Yinchuan has seen it.

There were three superimposed recovery copies in Qiu City.

When the three superimposed recovery copies arrived, there was such a scene.

However, that time, when the three superimposed copies appeared in Qiu City, the giant channel in the sky was outputting a strange aura to descend on the Blue Star.

But now, the giant space passage that Li Yinchuan saw in the horror world has strange power injected into it!

and! Li Yinchuan could clearly feel it.

The weird aura that exists over there is not just one or two.

Countless strange auras gathered together, so densely packed that it was almost impossible to distinguish.

But with just one glance, Li Yinchuan was able to detect that the number of strange auras in that direction must be at least hundreds, or even more!

"There are actually purple-clad existences in that world. Miscalculation!"

"Damn it, that guy actually destroyed my projection! If we hadn't been unable to come to that world in person, I could have destroyed just two purple-clothed people with just a raise of my hand!"

But what Li Yinchuan didn't know was.

A slightly angry voice sounded in the area he was looking at.

In anger, these powerful ghosts filled with angry emotions took back their strange auras connected to the sky channel.

Not that they took it back voluntarily.

Simply because their projection encountered a strong man from another world and was killed in the previous battle.

The projections at the other end have been killed, and even if they continue to pour power into the other end, there is no point.

Immediately afterwards, not long after, some ghosts with strange purple light exuding all over their bodies also took back the strange aura connecting themselves to the passage with anger on their faces.

"Damn it, after our projection was destroyed, we couldn't immediately summon the next projection to come!"

A purple-clothed fierce ghost said with an angry face.

After its projection was destroyed before, it wanted to try to come back to the projection, but found that after its own projection was destroyed, it could no longer perceive the world, at least not in a short period of time. 's existence.

"What, you all met that guy too?"

Hearing the voice of this purple-clothed ghost, the previous fierce ghosts who were also filled with rage also looked over.

This group of ghosts whose projections had been destroyed communicated with each other.

They soon discovered a surprising fact.

Except for a small part of these ghosts whose projections were destroyed.

Most of the remaining ghost projections were destroyed by the same person.

"That world seems to have two purple clothes. One of the purple clothes is mediocre and not worth mentioning. The other guy, the guy who destroyed our projection, is obviously much stronger!"

This group of fierce ghosts immediately analyzed.

"So what if they are much stronger? If it weren't for us not being able to come in real form, otherwise, it would be easy to kill those two purple ones."

A purple-robed fierce ghost said with a cold tone.

Their bodies were trembling with anger, and a rich and strange aura was exuding from their bodies.

Finally discovered another new world.

They originally thought they could get a lot of benefits from the new world, but as soon as they arrived in the new world, the projection of their arrival was directly destroyed!

Looking at other ghosts who are still connected to another new world and whose projections have not been destroyed.

The eyes of this group of ghosts whose projections had been destroyed revealed a hint of jealousy!

It's obvious that they all have the same fate, so why are they so unlucky?

It is precisely because of this that they hold a grudge against the guy who destroyed their projection even more.

"When we can come in person in the future, we will definitely find that guy and cut him into pieces."

A fierce ghost in purple clothes said with murderous intent on his face.

If the words of this purple-clothed ghost were heard by the horror players on Blue Star, everyone would probably fall into panic.

Originally, horror players thought that the ghosts could only come to Blue Star through projection.

But in the end, after certain conditions were met, he was able to come in his true form.

As for these players, it would be troublesome even to deal with the projections of these ghosts. If they really encountered the true forms of these ghosts, they would be wiped out in an instant.

There are not many guys on the entire Blue Star who can fight against the purple-clothed ghost alone.

What's more, the difference in strength between the purple-clothed ghosts, and the difference between the junior purple-clothed and the top-level purple-clothed ghosts is even more vast.

"It's almost time. When these guys occupy a certain territory in that world, they will also alienate that world. By then, we will definitely be able to come to that area."

A purple-clothed ghost looked at the ghosts who were still projecting and said.

Although the projections of these purple-clothed ghosts have not been destroyed yet, they feel jealous, but from another perspective.

If the projections of these evil ghosts could completely occupy a space in that world and alienate that space, they would not need to use the projections in such a troublesome manner.

Fortunately, these ghosts who have reached the purple-clothed level are different from the low-level ghosts.

The location of the low-level ghost's territory is fixed.

But the purple-clothed ghost is able to temporarily place the territory in the core of its own ghost and move it.

It is precisely because of this that countless ghosts in their area have placed their territories in the core of the ghosts and gathered together, which is why the projections are coming together now.

And suddenly, this group of ghosts whose projections were destroyed seemed to notice something.

Not far away, a strange purple light flew past.

"Is there a new guy coming again? This guy is coming so slowly. He has only arrived now. Those guys who have been projecting for a while have probably already occupied a certain area of ​​the world."

Looking at the strange purple light that was gradually approaching, these purple-clothed ghosts who had destroyed the projection discussed with each other.

Although the projection has been destroyed, they don't want to leave in such a hurry. They plan to listen to the news about that world from other ghosts whose projections still exist.

But now that they saw a new purple-clothed ghost approaching, they were also a little curious about who that ghost was.

"Hey, why do I feel that guy's weird aura is familiar? Could it be that he's a guy I've seen before?"

Suddenly, a purple-clothed ghost whose copy was destroyed said.

Hearing this, many purple-clothed ghosts beside it also had doubts on their faces.

Because they feel the same way.

With so many purple-clothed ghosts knowing this guy, his strength is probably not weak.

After all, the weak purple-clothed ghost doesn't know many purple-clothed ghosts of the same level.

Thinking of this, these purple-clothed ghosts were even more curious about who the purple-clothed ghost was coming.

next moment.

The strange purple light was getting closer to them.

Through the strange purple light, a pair of eyes suddenly fell into the purple light.

But when these purple-clothed ghosts saw who the person in the purple light was.

The group of purple-clothed fierce ghosts were silent for a moment.

The next moment, a voice full of anger sounded, and then, the strange aura around the ghosts, whose projections had been destroyed by more than 90%, suddenly rose into the sky.

Such movement even startled those ghosts who were projecting and had occupied an area of ​​another world.

But when they spared some of their attention to check the specific situation.

But it was discovered that these ghosts whose projections had been destroyed were all looking at the approaching monsters!

Looking at Li Yinchuan who was getting closer.

The murderous intent in the eyes of these ghosts whose projections had been destroyed became even more intense.

They will never forget Li Yinchuan's appearance even if countless years pass.

It was the person responsible for destroying the projection of them into another world!

No wonder so many of them feel so familiar with their strange aura.

When I was in another world, I had already used a projection to fight with him. If this didn't feel familiar, then it would be a ghost.

"This guy dares to enter our world! He's seeking death!"

At this moment, Li Yinchuan was getting closer and closer. The strange purple aura surrounding this group of fierce ghosts whose anger was already unspeakable exploded again.

One after another, strange figures came madly towards Li Yinchuan. (End of chapter)

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