Panshan Machinery Factory seemed to have turned into a large construction site overnight.

People from all departments were mobilized.

Even the workers' families were mobilized. Those who could move bricks moved bricks, and those who could mix cement mixed cement. Even if they couldn't, they would help take care of other children or help with cooking.

Workers in the production workshop work in three shifts of eight hours each. Workers who know how to do it, teach workers who don’t know how to do it.

Others are building factories.

Carloads of soil, sand, cement, and steel bars were transported into Panshan Machinery Factory.

Liu Tao, on the other hand, was so busy that he couldn't even touch the ground and wanted to split himself in half.

His job is not only to test guns and ammunition, but also to build production machines.

Sometimes the machine breaks down and he has to repair it because the technical workers in the technical department still have many problems that cannot be solved.

Liu Tao has a golden finger, but these skilled workers do not.

Late at night, Liu Tao was in a workshop and he stretched.

He let out a soft breath and spent a lot of effort to fix the stamping machine.

Liu Tao never thought about developing CNC machine tools, which would be too far away for the current Panshan Machinery Factory. Even if he built CNC machine tools, he would not be able to find talents to control the CNC machine tools.

At present, Panshan Machinery Factory still uses manual assembly as its production method.

It can be slightly automated, that is, the production of some parts.

This stamping machine is an important machine for the production of automatic rifles. Using this kind of stamping machine, the guns produced can meet the design requirements. If a milling machine is installed, the recoil will be relatively large and strong vibrations will be generated during shooting, resulting in poor shooting accuracy.

Looking at the other machines in the production workshop, these machines are all brand new and were built by Liu Tao during this period.

To be honest, making a gun is not as difficult as imagined. As long as you have the drawings, an ordinary lathe will do, not a CNC lathe. Just like many submachine guns in World War II, they are all stamped with rivets.

It is also because Liu Tao strictly controls the quality of the guns he produces that he needs to be so serious about it.

With these machines, this production workshop can be put into use.

As long as there are sufficient materials, Panshan Machinery Factory can produce 3,600 'Type 78' automatic rifles a month and 43,200 'Type 78' automatic rifles a year, and this is based on eight hours a day. work system.

If three shifts are used, the output can be increased three times.

Don't think that this output is very low. In fact, this output is already very impressive. One month's output can equip three infantry regiments.

According to the "Organization Table of the Army Corps and Infantry Divisions A and B" issued in 1975, the Infantry Regiment under the A Division has approximately 2,477 personnel, a regiment headquarters, and three infantry battalions (each with three infantry companies, one artillery company, and one machine gun company). company), regimental artillery (directly under the regiment headquarters, a mortar company, a recoilless rifle company and an anti-aircraft machine gun company) and other support and support units. The entire regiment has 6 100mm mortars, 18 82mm mortars, 9 60mm mortars, 21 82mm recoilless rifles, 9 14.5mm twin anti-aircraft machine guns, and 18 12.7mm Anti-aircraft machine guns, 36 7.62 mm heavy machine guns and other fire support.

The Type B Infantry Division has an infantry regiment with 1,129 personnel, a regiment headquarters, three infantry battalions (two infantry companies each, and a machine gun artillery company), regimental artillery companies and other support and support units. The entire regiment has It has 3 100mm mortars, 9 82mm mortars, 6 60mm mortars, 12 82mm recoilless rifles, 3 14.5mm double-barreled anti-aircraft machine guns, 9 7.62mm heavy machine guns and other firepower Support equipment.

Based on the next output of Panshan Machinery Factory, the automatic rifles produced in one month can be equipped with a Class A infantry division! If we work overtime to produce, we can field three armor-type infantry divisions in one month.

"The next step is to solve the problem of bullet production." Liu Tao pondered slightly.

He remembered that he once watched a documentary. At that time, the annual output of bullets was about 2 billion rounds, and this was only about 5% of the production line operating rate. If the production lines were fully activated, 40 billion rounds of bullets could be produced in a year.

At this time, even if they had been preparing for war in the past, the production line was there and hundreds of millions of bullets were produced a year.

Panshan Machinery Factory produces about three million rounds of ammunition annually.

There is no doubt that this production capacity cannot meet demand.

"The cost of a bullet now is about 0.06 yuan. If I can build a bullet production line with a relatively high degree of automation and reduce the cost of bullet production, the profit will be huge." Liu Tao thought about this, and his heart skipped a beat.

Although it was very late now, Liu Tao decided to start a bullet production line.

The raw materials of bullets mainly include warheads, corners and casings. The warhead is the part used to hit the target, the nozzle is the part that controls the speed and flight direction of the bullet, and the casing is the part that holds the warhead and the nozzle.

The rifle bullets currently used by China use steel core bullets. Internationally, copper bullets are more commonly used.

The reason why China does not use copper bullets is very simple, that is, copper is relatively expensive, and China does not have many copper reserves.

The uniform specification of rifle bullets is 7 steel core bullets.

On this day, Liu Tao had just woken up and was washing his face with cold water to wake himself up.

He slept for four hours.

After washing his face and getting dressed, Liu Tao left the dormitory.

"Minister Liu, the factory director wants you to go to the conference room." The assistant said to Liu Tao.

Liu Tao was curious as to what was going on and asked him to go to the conference room.

You must know that he was very busy during this period. If Wang Tiezhu could not disturb him, he would not disturb him.

Besides, the four new production workshops are now put into use and are undergoing trial operation. As the factory director, Wang Tiezhu is also very busy. After all, the new production workshop must appoint a new production workshop director, as well as production workers and production workers for trial operation. Production, there are a lot of things involved.

Although he was a little confused, Liu Tao still went to the conference room.

When Liu Tao entered the conference room, dozens of people were already sitting in the conference room.

"What's going on? Let so many people have a meeting together?" Liu Tao was even more puzzled.

Wang Tiezhu saw Liu Tao coming and said, "Since all comrades are here, let me keep the story short."

"Ordered by superiors, Panshan Machinery Factory is fully committed to the production of 'Type 78' pistols and 'Type 78' automatic rifles. Within a month, it will deliver at least 2,000 'Type 78' pistols and 10,000 'Type 78' automatic rifles, equipped with a base number of bullets. Produce as much as you can!" Wang Tiezhu said solemnly.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this!

2,000 'Type 78' pistols and 10,000 'Type 78' automatic rifles, but also need to be equipped with a base number of bullets?

A base bullet for a pistol is 20 rounds, which means 20,000 rounds of ammunition need to be produced.

A base bullet for an automatic rifle is 200 rounds, which means 2 million rounds of bullets need to be produced!

How many rounds of bullets can Panshan Machinery Factory produce in a year?

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