The current combat readiness status is divided into four levels, namely first-level combat readiness, second-level combat readiness, third-level combat readiness, and fourth-level combat readiness. Among them, the first-level combat readiness level is the highest and the response mechanism is the most comprehensive.

Once it enters this state, the entire country will instantly turn into a war machine. First, all troops will return to work, ready to fight at any time, and then all veterans will be recalled to form the country's second line of defense. Finally, all types of cutting-edge weapons, tanks and aircraft arrived at the scheduled combat locations, all urban emergency radio stations were activated, the wireless command network listened at all times, and command communications remained absolutely smooth.

So far, level one combat readiness has only been activated four times!

Now that Panshan Machinery Factory has launched level one combat readiness, it can be expected that other military factories will do the same.

After the meeting, Wang Tiezhu personally announced through the radio that the entire factory had entered a first-level combat readiness order.

Panshan Machinery Factory seemed to be operating more efficiently like a war machine.

No one will complain, no one will question, some will only obey, and work more seriously to produce more weapons and ammunition. This kind of cohesion shocked Liu Tao.

Military industry serves the country!

The slogan on the wall is more than just a slogan, it is our original intention and our oath!

Liu Tao's heart was burning.

"We must create more weapons with advanced performance and cure the phobia of insufficient firepower!" Liu Tao clasped his hands and swore secretly.

He felt a sense of mission of the times!

His mission is to strengthen the military industry and enrich the country and the army!

At this moment, Liu Tao heard the emergency assembly whistle.

"Emergency gathering!"

Liu Tao raised his eyebrows. What was going on? Why did the company in the factory blow the emergency assembly whistle at this time?

Liu Tao walked quickly. When he arrived, he saw that the entire company was fully armed and assembled.

As a company that protects Panshan Machinery Factory, every soldier in this unit uses a '78' automatic rifle. The squad leader is equipped with a '78' pistol, and there is even a sniper equipped with a sniper rifle.

And these were all given by Panshan Machinery Factory.

"Captain Yang, what are you doing?" Liu Tao walked over.

"Minister Liu, according to the order of the regiment headquarters, our company will arrive at the regiment headquarters tonight!" Yang Yuanchao saluted Liu Tao.

"If you leave, what will happen to the security work in the factory?" Liu Tao frowned.

This company is an elite main company with complete weapons and equipment. During this period, it is engaged in target practice every day. Such a company can defend the factory and can withstand even if it is attacked by a battalion.

"After we leave, a militia company will come to take over our work!" Yang Yuanchao said.

Liu Tao couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Can a militia company compare with such an elite main force company?

But Liu Tao also knew that they all had to be ready to go to the front line at any time. Even the entire Panshan Machinery Factory, once the order was given, everyone would rush to the battlefield with guns in hand.

"Let's go!" Yang Yuanchao gave the order.

Suddenly, one by one, the soldiers took their weapons and moved to the side, where there was already a transport vehicle.

Liu Tao watched them leave, his heart becoming more solemn.

He hoped that these soldiers could return safely.

Sure enough, an hour later, a militia company arrived. This militia company was organized from the nearby Panshan Town. They did not wear military uniforms and each held a '63 Type' automatic rifle in their hands.

Although it is a militia company, it is still formed according to the three-three system. A full militia company has 144 people!

Not only that, a factory meeting was held the next day to form a militia battalion. The militiamen in the factory not only had to work and produce every day, but also had to participate in training.

Everyone signed up enthusiastically, and a militia battalion was quickly formed. The entire militia battalion had 500 people and consisted of three militia companies. Together with the militia company of Panshan Town, there were 644 people. Wang Tiezhu personally served as the commander of the militia battalion. , Liu Tao and two deputy factory directors served as deputy battalion commanders, instructors, and deputy instructors.

If the shooting range is not enough, then find an open space, make a simple target, and conduct target practice.

In addition, there are many military postures, queues, etc.

"The factory director won't be an old man who is a teenager. Let's experience the life of the army again." Liu Tao looked at Wang Tiezhu, who was very lively and did not look like an old man who was almost seventy years old at all. He couldn't help but murmur to himself.

But I have to say that Wang Tiezhu is worthy of being a veteran of hundreds of battles, and his military literacy is very high. Even if Liu Tao doesn't understand military command, he has to give Wang Tiezhu a thumbs up.

It's no wonder that Wang Tiezhu usually boasts that if he returns to the army in a war, he will have no problem commanding a division.

On February 17, the radio in the factory was broadcasting a news report from "Renren Daily" - "It is tolerable, but what is intolerable"!

You know, the first time someone spoke in this tone in Renren Daily was in 1962!

After 17 years, "What is tolerable and what is intolerable" appears again!

Liu Tao's heart could not calm down for a long time.

He knows what this news report means!

This means that the military operation named 'Red Dragon's Roar' has officially begun.

Liu Tao reached the top of the building and looked to the south with a serious look in his eyes. It seemed that he could see the rain of guns, the roar of cannons, and the soldiers fighting bravely in the forest.

During this period, he once again manufactured 18 sniper rifles and 1,200 bullets and delivered them to the troops.

But Liu Tao knew that this was not enough!

Even though Panshan Machinery Factory has delivered thousands of 'Type 78' pistols, more than 20,000 'Type 78' automatic rifles and nearly 20 million rounds of ammunition to the troops in the past few months, this is not enough!

The troops lack not only advanced pistols, automatic rifles, and sniper rifles, but also advanced aircraft, tanks, and artillery!

They are light machine guns, heavy machine guns, and submachine guns, and those were from more than 20 years ago!

Even the 'Type 78' automatic rifle cannot do this, every soldier is equipped with it!

What he did can only be said to be insignificant!

Look at this era, the Army is generally equipped with 56 guns.

The tank is the Type 59 tank, the first-generation main battle tank. You must know that the Soviet T72 main battle tank is the third-generation tank. It was put into production as early as 1971. It was equipped with a large number of troops in 1973. Now the entire Soviet Union is equipped with at least several tanks. Thousands of T72 main battle tanks.

The most advanced fighter aircraft of the Chinese Air Force is the J-6. The main fighter aircraft of the Air Force are thousands of day-type J-6 fighters produced in the 1960s and a small number of J-6 night fighters equipped with crude radars. There are even 50 J-5 fighter jet produced in the 1990s.

China’s navy consists of the ‘Four King Kongs’ and imitations of the ‘Four King Kongs’, which are impossible to use!

Monkey is known as the third most powerful military country in the world, which is actually not unreasonable, because judging from the paper data, its military weapons and equipment are indeed ranked third!

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